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the One-legged People, 389; of the One-sided People, 389; of the Long-eared People, 389; of the Six-toed People, 389; of the Feathered People, 390; of the People of the Punctured Bodies, 390; of the Women’s Kingdom, 390–391; of the Flying Cart, Page 440391; of the Expectant Wife, 391–392; of the Wild Men, 392–393; of the Jointed Snake, 393; of the great bell of Peking, 394 sq.; of the Cursed Temple, 398 sq.; of the Maniac’s Mite, 401–402; of the City-god of Yen Ch’ĂȘng, 402 sq.; of the origin of a lake, 405–406; of creation, among Miao tribes, 406 sq.; of the South Branch, 410 sq.; of Jung tribe with heads of dogs, 419 sq.

Lei ChĂȘn-tzĆ­. One of Wu Wang’s marshals; attacks Ch’ien-li Yen and Shun-fĂȘng Êrh, 164; kills unicorn of WĂȘn Chung, 199; legend of, 202–203; a Son of Thunder, 202; called WĂȘn YĂŒ, 202; and YĂŒn Chung-tzĆ­, 202–203

Lei Kung. Duke of Thunder, 198, 199–200; and Garuda, 200; and Vajrñpani, 200; caught in the cleft of a tree, 200–201; and the mysterious bottle, 202

Lei Tsu, or WĂȘn Chung. God of Thunder; agent to YĂŒan-shih T’ien-tsun, 128; President of the Ministry of Thunder, 198–199; description of, 198; origin of, 198–199; and Ch’ih Ching-tzĆ­, 199; and YĂŒn Chung-tzĆ­, 199; and Chiang TzĆ­-ya, 199; confused with the Spirit of Thunder, 199

Li. The Immaterial Principle; Chu Hsi and, 86–87; Chou Tzƭ and, 87

“Li Chi.” The classical Book of Ceremonial, 103

Li Chin-cha. Eldest son of Li Ching, 305

Li Ching, or Li T’ien-wang. The Pagoda-bearer; his encounter with Ch’ien-li Yen and Shun-fĂȘng Êrh, 162 sq.; kills Lo HsĂŒan, 237; legend of, 305 sq.; receives golden pagoda, 319; is made Guardian of the Gate of Heaven, 319. See also Li T’ien-wang

Li Kuei-tsu. Known as TsĂȘng-fu Hsiang-kung; a God of Happiness, 170

Li Lao-chĂŒn. And Shui-mu Niang-niang, 221

Li Mu-cha. Second son of Li Ching, 305, 317; duel with LĂŒ YĂŒen, 241

Li No-cha. Third son of Li Ching; defends the Chou, 146; and TĂȘng Chiu-kung, 147; vanquishes FĂȘng Lin, 153; defeats Chang Kuei-fang, 153–154; and Chiang TsĆ­-ya, 154; fights and slays Ts’ai-yĂŒn Hsien-tzĆ­, 159–160; fights with Ch’ien-li Yen and Shun-fĂȘng Êrh, 162; and Peking, 229; legend of, 305 sq.; frequently mentioned in Chinese romance, 305; an avatar of the Intelligent Pearl, 306; and Lung Wang, 307 sq.; and Ao Ping, 308–309; discharges a magic arrow, 312; and Shih-chi Niang-niang, 312–313; commits hara-kiri, 313–314; temple built to, 314; his statue destroyed by his father, 315; consults his master, 316; is transformed, 316–317; battles with his father, 317 sq.; is reconciled to his father, 318–319

Li P’ing. Sixth officer of the Ministry of Epidemics, 242

Li Shao-chĂŒn. And Tsao ChĂŒn, 166–167

Li Shih-min, Emperor; and legend of the five graduates, 243 sq.; and Chang T’ien-shih, 243 sq.; visited by spirits of the graduates, 245–246; canonizes the graduates, 246

Li T’ieh-kuai. One of the Eight Immortals, 214, 303; legends of, 289 sq.

Li T’ien-wang. And Sun Hou-tzƭ, 331. See also Li Ching

“Liao Chai Chih I.” Seventeenth-century work; and fox-legends, 370–371

Libraries. See Accessory Institutions

Lieh TzĆ­, or Lieh YĂŒ-k’ou. A philosopher, by some regarded as fictitious; Chinese mythology and, 72; his Absolute, 90–91; apotheosized, 148

Lieh YĂŒ-k’ou. See Lieh TzĆ­

Lightning. Mother of, 203; and the yin and the yang, 203–204; myths of, 203–204; Spirit of, 203–204

Ling ChĂȘn-tzĆ­. Gives the Bird of Dawn to ShĂȘn I, 187

Ling HsĂŒ. Dragon-king, 218–219 Page 441

Ling-pao T’ien-tsun, or Tao ChĂ»n. Second person of Taoist triad, 124

Lion, The Green, 283, 284, 285–286

List of Promotions to Immortals. Given to Chiang TzĆ­-ya, 154; TzĆ­-ya builds FĂȘng ShĂȘn T’ai for, 154, 157

Literary Degrees. K’uei Hsing distributor of, 110

Literary Examinations. Means of appointment to office, 29

Literature. Gods of, 104 sq., 299; WĂȘn Ch’ang and the Great Bear, 105 sq.; palace of God of, 106; God of War as God of, 113 sq.; Chinese, 408 sq.

Liu Ch’in. Minister of Miao Chuang, 277, 279–280, 282

Liu HsĂŒan Te. See Liu Pei

Liu Hung. Murderer of Ch’en Kuang-jui, 336–337

Liu I. And the Dragon-king’s daughter, 217 sq.

Liu Pei, Liu HsĂŒan TĂȘ, or Hsien Chu. Hawker of straw shoes, and founder of the Shu Han dynasty; and Kuan YĂŒ, 114 sq.

Liu Po-wĂȘn. Taoist priest; and Chu-ti, 228 sq.

Living, Worship of the, 101

Lo Ching Hsin. See YĂŒan-shih T’ien-tsun

Lo HsĂŒan, or Huo-tĂȘ Hsing-chĂŒn. Originally Yen-chung Hsien; President of the Ministry of Fire, 236–237; description of, 236; burns Hsi Ch’i, 236–237

Lo YĂŒ. First name of P’o Chia (Miao Chuang), 253

Long-armed People. Legend of, 388–389

Long-eared People. Legend of, 389

Long-legged People. Legend of, 389

Longevity, God of. See Shou Hsing

Lotus Cave, The, 345 sq.

Lu Ch’i. Legend of, and Princess T’ai Yin, 110–111; appointed Minister of the Empire, 111

LĂŒ Shang. See Chiang TzĂŒ-ya

LĂŒ Tung-pin, or LĂŒ Yen. One of the Eight Immortals, 288, 292,296, 300, 301, 303; legends of, 297 sq.

Lu Tung-shih. Follower of Ch’in Shih Huang-ti; draws portrait of the God of the Sea, 213; results of his offence, 214

LĂŒ YĂŒeh. President of the Ministry of Epidemics, 241; legend of, 241–242; in battle at Hsi Ch’i 241; his duel with Mu-cha, 241; in battle with Huang T’ien-hua 241; Chiang TzĆ­-ya and, 241; and the magic umbrellas, 241–242; Yang Chien and, 242; Yang JĂȘn and, 242

LĂŒ Yen. See LĂŒ Tung-pin

Lung Chi. Princess; saves city of Hsi Ch’i from fire, 237

Lung NĂŒ. Becomes pupil of Miao Shan, 274; canonized, 287

Lung Wang. Dragon-king of the Eastern Sea; his son saved by Miao Shan, 273–274; and No-cha, 307 sq.; and Sun Hou-tzƭ, 328–329; saves Ch’Sn Kuang-jui, 339–340


Ma T’ien-jung. His fox-friend and his marriage, 372 sq.

Ma YĂŒan-shuai. Generalissimo Ma, a three-eyed monster, 207

Ma-t’ou Niang. ‘Lady with the Horse’s Head,’ See Ts’an NĂŒ

Magic. Gourd, 347; rope, 348; circle, 357–358; Fire-quenching Fan, 359 sq.

Magicians. T’u Hsing-sun, 147; ChĂŒ Liu-sun, 147; Kuo P’o, 223; Yang JĂȘn, 242; Yeh Fa-shan, 294–295

Mahayanistic Buddhism, 118

MaitrĂȘya. Mi-lo Fo; the successor of ShĂąkyamuni, 120

Manchu-s. Extent of China at time of conquest by, 18; conquer China, 28; symbol of dragon on flag, 28

Manchuria. As part of China, 27

Maniac’s Mite. Legend of the, 401–402

Mao Êrh-chieh. Chu Pa-chieh and, 335

Maritchi. See Tou Mu Page 442

Marriage, 22 sq.; concubinage, 22–23; age for, 23; matchmaker or go-between, 23; divorce, 23; remarriage,

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