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Book online «Strawberry Kisses Phavy Prieto (bookstand for reading TXT) 📖». Author Phavy Prieto

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decided to dress like a nun! Although I already knew that karma had targeted me, I continued to provoke it like a hardened masochist.

I had to imagine that the day I put on a pair of grandmother's panties a handsome guy like him would take me home.

Suddenly I felt some kind of pressure on my arm, part of my belly and chest and I realized how close Damian Devoir was to me.

Damn, damn... he smells so good!

"Seatbelt!" he repeated as soon as he fastened it for me and I resumed breathing.

"Oh, yes," I replied feeling like a complete imbecile. "By the way, it's a really nice car."

"Thanks," he replied. "Who are you going to the concert with?"

"What concert?" I asked while enjoying the embrace of that extremely comfortable and soft seat.

It’s definitely more comfortable than my bed. I just wonder how it would be... Pure thoughts! Pure thoughts! You must align your thoughts with your clothing immediately, Maria!

"You said that you accepted that date just to get the concert tickets," he clarified.

"Oh, the concert, yes," I answered lost in thought. "I haven't decided yet."

"Then you’re going with me," he said seriously without taking his eyes off the road.

"Have you just, by any chance, invited yourself?" I asked amazed.

"I'd say you're repaying me for the favour you owe me. Admit it, I've earned that ticket as much as you did."

"What a nerve you've got!" I said astonished.

"So what?"

'What do you mean "So what"? There is no "So what!"

"Admit it."

"What should I admit?"

Even if he tells me that I have to admit that I like him, I will definitely send him to hell.

“That you want to go with me."

"What?" my ego rebelled, even though deep down, deep down, the damned Greek statue was right. But I would never admit it.

"Not at all, pretty boy," I declared, crossing my arms. He began to laugh. "What is so funny?" I asked incredulously.

"At least now I know you find me handsome."

Your plan not to look crazy is falling apart.

"I said pretty boy, not handsome. There is a big difference," I stated trying to protect my self-esteem.

"I'd be extremely flattered to know what kind of difference, but I think we've already arrived at your house."

When I saw the entrance to my building, I wanted to scream, I don't know if it was out of relief or out of pain for having to abandon that male temptation. Certainly Damian Devoir was a mystery to be solved. Sometimes he was nice, cheerful and... perfect. But on other occasions he was a certified asshole.

"Well, I think you'll be left without knowing the answer," I told him before taking off my seat belt and opening the door.

"We will see that. Goodnight, Miss Acosta," he said just before I closed the door.

"Yeah, say goodnight to your grandmother," I thought as I headed for the building entrance. As I entered, I turned around. He was still there, looking at me. Soon he accelerated and his car vanished. My heartbeat increased.

Why didn't he leave right away, once I got off the car? I knew the answer: Damian Devoir wanted to make sure nothing would happen to me until I entered the building.

"In the end he’s not that stupid," I thought as I climbed the stairs.

At that moment I remembered that I had never given him my address. How the hell did he know where I lived? I didn’t write my address in my planner. I would never ever have written it. Consequently he must have obtained it somehow.

What I liked most about Saturdays was that I could comfortably spend my time on the sofa and watch crime fiction shows: this is why when the TV screen suddenly went black, I screamed hysterically.

"What’s this story that Damian Devoir is your boyfriend?" Nerea asked irritated.

"I see that the news spread pretty fast," I sighed, resigning myself to enduring a series of uncomfortable questions to which I would give nonsensical answers. "I didn't say it. He did," I justified myself.

"You spilled a glass of wine on Steven!" she cried angrily.

“Look, if he’s blander than a silicone squid, it's not my fault. I assure you that he asked for it and even deserved it. Actually, I would have spilled the whole bottle on him if I could. You should thank me that I restrained myself to just one glass."

"You went too far, Maria," she blamed me.

"I assure you that at first my intentions were good, but Steven made me lose it. By the way, I don't know why that bothers you: you had your romantic night by candlelight with Mathews, didn't you?"

"Yes, but... he said that he will never see you again."

"Hallelujah!" I cried excitedly. "In the end Devoir was right, and I owe him a favour."

"I thought that if only you had given him a chance... that if you knew him better, in the end you would have liked him," Nerea replied sadly.

"I'm more likely to become a lesbian than to be attracted to Steven," I assured her considering that matter closed for ever.

Luckily, Nerea did not insist further on this. I didn't know if she was more concerned about not being able to be alone with Mathews again or about my non-existent love life. It was probably the latter.

I spent Sunday tidying up my room and reading one of those books I used to leave halfway through. It was strange not to consult my planner to know what to do in those moments. I just hoped that the following week wouldn't be as long as the one I spent chasing my planner.

"What’s this?" I asked as soon as I entered my office, seeing the desk full of papers and folders containing other papers.

"These are the reports of

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