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Book online «Strawberry Kisses Phavy Prieto (bookstand for reading TXT) 📖». Author Phavy Prieto

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the last semester," replied my intern Andrea, trigging my despair.

"And why are they in my office?" I asked with distress.

"The new boss, Mr. Ramirez, wants you to do a thorough review of all the documents and a detailed study of the conclusions."

"What should I do?" I asked in disbelief.

Since we got to this point, tell me to throw myself off a bridge or get hit by a bus.

"I think you have an email in your inbox, where he formally requests it," she whispered, shrugging as if she was sorry for being the one who gave me the bad news. "Can I get you a coffee?" she proposed with some enthusiasm as if she wanted to lift my mood.

"Yes, please, bring me one," I whispered. "There can't be enough coffee for a Monday like this," I sighed as I left my bag on the hanger and tried to focus on the torture I had been assigned to for the rest of the day.

I loved my job, except in those moments when I wanted to send everything to hell and go and live in a place full of heavenly beaches to sell coconuts and piña coladas.

"This man is more useless than two rear view mirrors on an exercise bike!" I blurted out as soon as I read the email. At the same time the door of my office opened.

My God, let it be my intern. I swear I won't eat Kinder Bueno for a month if it's her!

However, since God did not love me and karma did so even less, it was not her. Luckily, it was not Mr. Ramirez either.

"I hope I'm not the useless one you're talking about," Adonis with a mortal soul said with a smile.

My brain was unable to react to the paradisiac sight I had before my eyes at that moment. He was elegantly dressed in a pearl gray suit, certainly tailored to perfectly fit him. That man, leaning against the door, assumed a pose that seemed staged and that caused a sudden need to find a handkerchief to wipe off my drool. My God, how handsome he was!

React, Maria, react!

"What if it were you?" I blurted out and then bit my tongue.

"Then I should try harder to change your mind. How about I free you from this hellish prison?" he casually asked while opening his arms to refer to my small office.

"It wouldn't be such a bad idea if it weren't for..."

"Here is your coffee, Mar..." Andrea's voice faded away. It was perfectly clear what she was thinking while she was observing that Greek statue. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that he didn't pay her the slightest attention, I might have even felt an intense fit of jealousy.

Wait, wait! Jealousy? About what? It is damn clear that there could be nothing between me and that filled chocolate, nothing but a relationship made up of blackmail and... sexual interest.

"Thanks, Andrea," I said to break the silence that was beginning to become uncomfortable in my tiny office. Three people were already too many.

"Mr. Devoir has only come to give me back my planner, right?" I said smiling.

"I actually forgot about it. I'm so sorry, Miss Acosta. I was coming to apologize for my carelessness that has not allowed me to return it to you yet. What do you say if I invite you for lunch to make you forgive me?"

What a nerve!

"I have a lot of work to do, Mr. Devoir. I don't think I can go out until the end of the day."

"Have you forgotten that I am your boss, Miss Acosta?" he asked with that condescending smile that was apparently his manufacturing defect.

To my utmost regret and in front of Andrea who remained speechless, I had to accept.

"I guess you can't say no to the owner of the company," I replied with a hint of a smile.

"I'll come to get you later then. Now, if you would excuse me, I am running the risk to be late for a meeting."

As much as I didn't want to admit it, at least I had a stimulus capable of making that morning, invaded by paperwork, less burdensome.

"Was he one of the Devoirs? I mean, one... one ..." poor Andrea had no words.

"Apparently, yes," I replied, looking at the monitor and opening a spreadsheet to resume my work. "I'd be grateful if what has just happened didn't come out of this office. The last thing I need now is people gossiping around here."

"What? Oh, yes, of course! I understand!" she answered, leaving the coffee on my desk and turning her back. "Do you know if he has an equally handsome brother? Or even a cousin would be fine," she asked when she was about to leave my office. I had to hide a smile.

"I have no idea, but surely you can find it on the Internet."

From the speed with which she left, I knew she was heading straight to her desk to google him.

At that moment I felt curious. What information could I find about Damian Devoir on the Internet? The temptation was too strong. So I opened the browser to type in his name. I immediately saw some of his images taken from conferences, galas, meetings, in some of which he was accompanied by a stunning blonde.

Don't compare yourself. Don’t even think to compare yourself to her. Do not compare yourself!

It would have been impossible not to notice the difference between those models' very long legs and mine or between those perfectly combed blonde mane and my hair that is smoother than a cat's tail.

"I'm certainly smarter," I said in a low voice to convince myself. "And my boobs aren't made of silicone!"

"Aargh! Who do I want to deceive? Damian Devoir probably only sees me as a

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