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Book online «The Godsend Backfire: The Beginning Harold Straugh (bearly read books TXT) 📖». Author Harold Straugh

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awful screaming, I watched as this fireball shot out from Mount Sodom and landed right over there,” she pointed to a spot in the middle of the lake, “Ever since then, the fish won’t swim up this way and over there,” she pointed to area that was somewhat nothing but sand with bits and pieces of grass, “That use to be the most beautiful garden. A big tree grew right in the center, there were smaller fruit trees and everything you could ever think of would grow there.  After that night the garden started dying off.”

“Mother you never told me any of this,” Mer said, hurt in her voice.

“You didn’t need to know it, it wasn’t witch related, so I didn’t share it.”

“Do you think what happened in the lake, had anything to do with Lilith?” I asked.

“I bet my witch’s intuition on it,” she said and took her hijab off.

“Mother you’re in public.”

“So, if Abakanazar says anything to me, I’ll shrink his penis smaller than what it already is,” she laughed as so did Mer-Alz-Azkiban.

“I’m going to have to go in to the lake and see,” I said, catching odd stares.

“What if she isn’t there?”

“I don’t know, I keep looking, find older people, maybe even try asking Jehovah,” I said.

“Ha, the make-believe God, as if he would listen to you or any of us. He wants the acknowledgement of a God, but doesn’t want to do the work,” her mother said, and I got angered.

“I beg to differ!” I said with anger in my voice.

“You would dear, if you only knew what I knew.”

“And if you only knew what I knew,” I said.

She just smiled and went into her hut, a warm breeze blew, and the smell of the herbs filled my nose, there was, definitely, lavender hanging up.  We tried to follow her in, but the door was locked.

“Mother come one, let us in,”

“Nope, I gave you what you want and since you’re not here to stay, best be on your way.”

I shook my head and walked away, wondering where Wretch had gone. I walked to the edge of the lake and felt its eeriness.  Then I felt like I was being watched and looked to the left of me and there stood Lucifer.

“Do you think she’s out there?” he asked me.

“I believe so, or something is, I can sense it.”

“See when Jehovah buried her, he took away my ability to sense her, I haven’t felt her presence in a long time,” he said, I could tell he was upset.

“I will go into the lake, but how will I know if I find her?” I asked.

“She would be the most beautiful person you had ever saw.  She had the voice of an angel, she’d be calling out, but I wouldn’t be able to hear her. I think that will be the case until she’s free of her tomb.”

“I will do this for you,” I said.

“Who are you talking to?” I heard Mer-Alz-Azkiban ask. I turned and looked at her and when I turned back to look at Lucifer he was gone.

“I guess myself, if there is ever such a thing,” I said.

“There is, mother does it, I do it, I think just about everybody does it.”

“I’m going to have to go in to the lake, there is something in there I can feel it.” I said, “and as I stand in this spot, I feel it stronger than ever before.”

I could to, something was drawing me in, the mere mention of her name seemed fuel some invisible energy, so I stepped into the water.

“Aren’t you going to take you clothes off?” Mer-Alz-Azkiban asked jokingly, but she was right, so I did.  I disrobed right at the edge of the lake, tossing my clothes to Mer-Alz-Azkiban, who wasn’t shy about staring at me.

“Have you rolled rocks your whole life?” she said suddenly.

“No, why?”

“Because you look like you have, you look as if you’ve been chiseled from white, stone.”

“Perhaps I am,” I said and took a step forward. I could feel the water’s coolness against my leg.  I took a couple more steps and was waist deep, then soon the water was over my head.  I seemed to stick to the bottom of the lake instead of float.  I wasn’t for sure if I was headed in the right direction, but then I heard, “Over here” in a whispered, echoing voice.  It was coming slightly from the right of me.  I shifted direction, the bottom started to become mushy.  I squinted to see, but there was nothing in front of me and my hair was floating all over the place, getting in my way.  I breathed in and I could feel my body adapt to being underwater.

Bottom dwelling creatures starting to become visible, but only when they swam nearly in front of me, large turtles and a fish that almost looked like a catfish, except it was longer and the top part of its tail was whip like. I noticed they never crossed a certain point in the lake.  They would swim up to a certain point and it was like they would hit an invisible wall, then turn around and go back the way they came.

“CLOOOOSSSERRRR!” I heard the echoing whisper say.

The plant life at the bottom of the lake started to wrap around my leg. I would simply just kick them off. I walked what seemed like, miles under the water. The ground was getting softer and softer with each step.  I didn’t think I was going to find anything when I stumbled upon a large rock. I couldn’t see all too well, but it felt like it was more than a rock.

“Taaaake me tooooo land,” I heard the voice say.  I wrapped my arms around the rock, it was so

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