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Book online «The Godsend Backfire: The Beginning Harold Straugh (bearly read books TXT) 📖». Author Harold Straugh

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of my craze when blood sprayed across my face. I dropped the body and looked at the blood that was all over my hands and then looked at the carnage I had caused.  It was my first time killing and I had made quite a mess.

“What have I done father?” I asked myself, and almost as if he was actually listening it started to rain, I watched as the rain washed the blood the away.  The bodies on the other hand, still remained.

A few short minutes later the rain stopped. I watched for hours, waiting for the bodies to move, those kills are still with me to this day, as my most memorable, ha!

I was up against a tree staring at the bodies when I heard footsteps behind me. I thought at first I was going to have to kill again, but suddenly, Wretch popped up beside me.  He looked around, then looked at me, then at the bodies and then back at me.

“I know Wretch, I do believe I got carried away,” I said, and he made that god-awful neighing noise.

Part of me wanted to go check on Mer-Alz-Azkiban, but I felt if I went, I would have run into more wannabe rapists.  I got up and found the clothes to the three men I had savagely murdered.  They were darker than mine, so I switched them out, everything was smaller than what I was wearing, but I was happy they were darker. I wrapped my face and waited until dark to check out Sodom, but the town was empty.  I then I heard music and singing off in the distance, it was way off in distance and coming from the direction of Gomorrah.  I headed that way with Wretch close behind.

I used the night as my cover, keeping just off the path.  I made my way to Gomorrah and the music and singing got louder, then I picked up on moans and groans.  I didn’t see a soul in sight though, all the noise was coming from the Hall.  I proceeded with caution, mostly because I feared Lilith was nearby. I didn’t see a way to look in at first, then spotted light coming from a hole in the siding.  Wretch took off as I made my way over to the hole to look in. It was a sight that once was seen could not be unseen.

Two whole towns were shoved inside, two whole towns were having a massive orgy on the inside and the ones who weren’t screwing were singing, dancing and making music.  I heard a voice that sound like Lilith’s to the right of me and looked, the best I could and there she stood, whispering in people’s ears. A strange look would come over them and they would start molesting each other.  She then, looked in my direction and I shot back, I took a breath and told myself there wasn’t a way for to have seen me, but when I looked back in, she was gone.

“You can’t stay away from me, can you?” I heard beside me and when I turned to look, there stood Lilith.  Before I could act or even think to move, she put her hand on my chest and pushed.

When she pushed, I felt a wave go through me and when that wave left me, it took everything I ever was before this point in the story, away.  When I hit the ground, I was just a mortal as everyone else around me. I landed hard and got to feel what it was like to have the wind knocked out of me.  Lilith rushed up to me in her demon form and grabbed me up my shirt, kissing me, cutting my lips with her fanged mouth.  I tried to jerk back but I couldn’t.

“Since you won’t have me, I think I will let everyone in there have you,” she hissed then delivered a headbutt that changed my life.

When I woke up, I was bent over a log myself, shackled, naked and blood coming from my head. I was in the middle of the Hall, the orgy was still going on, but a few people were looking at me, concerningly, Al Hubarb had an evil look on his face.

“HE’S AWAKE!” he shouted and acted over joyed.

I was dizzy and looked around and there stood Lilith and Derium, smiling at me.

“Derium, why are you doing this?” I said in my head, forgetting Lilith took away everything I was and something told me she wasn’t done.

“As I said, since you won’t have me, they can have you,” Lilith said, her beauty was lost to me.


“I told you brother I would get you back, Lucifer isn’t here to save you this time,” he said.

“MYLICIOUS!” I screamed only to get laughter from Lilith and Derium. Then Lilith kissed Derium, a tear formed on my cheek.

“How about it, boys, entertain me,” she said and that was all Al Hubarb needed.  He ran up behind me and then said, “Don’t worry manwife.” Then I felt it, the first act of betrayal in my life. I felt pressure and pain in my anus, then forceful thrusting.  I screamed out, tears filled my eyes as he thrust forward.  I reached out to Derium who just stood there, smiling as I was being raped.

Then as soon as it started, it was over. That was just the beginning though. Abakanazar came up next and flopped his stomach on my back side, then I felt the same pain as before.  This happened forty-eight more times before I blocked it out, even the women found a way to violate me.  Mer-Alz-Azkiban fashioned a stick, that was rounded on both ends, and slightly bent on one end.  She got behind me and was twice as rough as any of the guys, she even smacked my ass.  I felt

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