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Book online «Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition Elizabeth Knox (cheapest way to read ebooks .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Knox

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fuck, a deputy director, the same one we sent all the information to when we figured out that my Assistant Deputy Director Lynch was on the take. This could be bad.

“I see, sure. Come this way.” I walk him to the back where we could speak in private. It’s rare that we let anyone who isn’t a patched in member into our church but I think in this instance I can make an exception.

I hold the door open so he can walk in but before I follow him in, I look toward my brothers, all of them looking at me. I give a slight nod to put them at ease but I know they won’t calm down until I’m out of the room.

“You made quite a stir in things here,” Bowmen says as I let the door close behind me.

“As you can see from the information that I sent over to you, I didn’t really have much of a choice.”

“Yes, you sure did compile quite the case.” He sits down in one of the side chairs and not at the table, strange of him to do that. Almost as if he knows that sitting at the table without being a patched in member would be disrespectful.

“Is that why you’ve come today?” I wanted to get down to the crux of it. If he came here to take me in then I wanted to get this fucking show on the road.

“No, well, not exactly really.” He pulls out a few sheets of paper and puts them on the table before going back to sit in his chair. “I have a bit of a proposition for you and your club.”

“Oh?” I sit in my chair at the head of the table and pick up the papers and photos that he left there. Bodies littered the ground. More photos of other people in different locations, none of which seemed to connect to the other.

“Wyatt, you have stumbled upon something much bigger than you know of and something that leaches up into even the higher forms of government. This cult is only one small part. The fact that your boss was impacted and ready to put his oath as a protector of the people to the side in order to protect this extremist further lets myself and those that are truly for the badge know we aren’t as effective as we need to be. Only doing things one way. Sometimes you need to step out of the box to get better results.” He pushed another stack of papers in my direction.

“What are you asking?”

“I know that this motorcycle club is comprised of mostly ex-FBI agents, people that have devoted their lives to upholding the law. I know that your brother was put into jail because he was able to manipulate the bureau for his own gain. I know about the connections you have with other clubs and more sinister parties. We know about all of it, but instead of trying to fight against you, we want you to fight with us. Of course, it would all be non-sanctioned. If you got caught, we would deny it but we aren’t dumb enough to think that our way is the only way to get results.”

I couldn’t believe my ears or what I was reading. This paper basically said that the Boys of Djinn would have free rein to apprehend criminals as we saw fit. “What do you expect us to do, be the fucking hound dogs for the bureau?”

“Something like that except we won’t have such a hold on you. I think I can trust you enough to know that you’re not going to be like your brother Liam, right? You thinking about going psychotic on me?” He tilts his head slightly to the side.

Although what he is saying is all true it doesn’t mean I like him saying it. My little brother is still a sore point for me. I should have seen what was going on and the fact that I didn’t cause us to lose not only our brother to the penitentiary but also our father who he killed in a crazed rage. Not something I like to bring up very often.

“No, we have our fucking heads on straight,” I snap back at him.

“Good, it’s settled then. Go about business as usual, as far as anyone else knows, you retired from the FBI. If you happen to run across any of these criminals, we would be highly appreciative.” He stands and is about to leave.

Of course, I know that him saying if we happen to run across is just another way of saying these are the first people that we need to find and deal with.

“What about contacts? Who do we reach out to if shit goes south?”

The man smirked. “God.”

“Great, I’ll make sure to get right on that.”

We would be on our own, as long as they weren’t breathing down our backs, I guess I could live with that.

“All I can do is assure you that you don’t need to be worried about us coming for you. Make sure all your messes are cleaned up and you’ll be surprised how blind the government can be when their problems are being fixed by an outside source.”

“We shall see.” I stood and watched as he walked to the door before turning around quickly.

“Oh, I almost forgot. There is a bit of bad news that I must leave you with.”

Fuck, I should have known. “What?”

“We have already gone through all the bodies at the compound up there in the woods. We have managed to identify everyone and notify their next of kin but . . .” His voice trailed off and a somber look crossed his face.

Please don’t fucking say what I think you are going to say. Please.

My heart rate speeds up and I wait for him to tell me what he has to say.

“Emerson, the leader, wasn’t found. He escaped. We haven’t been able to locate him in the trees either. There is

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