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main hallway that we always are brought down but that is the extent of my knowledge of the place. I have no idea where the exit to outside is. This whole entire place is like one big maze. I hear thumping to the right. I turn to go in that direction, it could be a trap but it seems as if the thumping is coming from above, maybe that is the way up. The corridor gets smaller but it’s still enough space for me to get through without bending down.

I hear the thumping again from in front of me and the acolytes behind calling for me. I have no way to get past any of them. Fuck it. I run toward the thumps and spectacularly a door in the ceiling opens up and the most beautiful people I have ever seen in my life are looking down at me.

The boys of Djinn have found me.



“Oh shit!” Brendan rushes down the stairs and pulls Dela out of the way. A rush of guards is on him before we can get down to help him. It only takes us a second though to even up the odds. I pull Dela away from the fight and focus on helping my brothers beat the shit out of anyone who dared come near us. The smallness of the hallway played to our favor, we are able to knock them down before the one behind had a chance to strike out at us. When we are finished there are a dozen unconscious and heavily bleeding cultists on the narrow floor.

“Winnie, tie them up. I don’t want anyone getting up,” I order him, and he makes quick work of cuffing them with the industrial grade zip ties

“I can’t believe it. You came.” Dela stares at me as tears start to pool in her eyes.

“You thought I was lying when I told you that you were mine now? If I have to run through a million cultists to find you, I’ll do it with a smile on my face.” I grab the back of her head and kiss her hard. “Go upstairs, get to safety. We will deal with these bastards.”

“No, I have to stay with you.”

I growl and turn back to her, this isn’t the time to have a fight. “Dela, just do what I say.”

“Wyatt, I know you. I know you’re not going to just sit back and let these women stay down here. They aren’t going to come out to you. They don’t trust new people. They barely trust me. I need to help you. Plus, it’s a maze down here I don’t even know where everything is.”

“She’s right,” Spark says from where he is standing, looking down the hall, making sure that there are no other guards coming down the way. “We need to clear these rooms and get all these people out. Besides, she’ll be safer with us than out there alone.”

I can see the logic in what he is saying but I just feel so fucking uneasy with her in harm’s way. I guess it would be better for me to keep an eye on her than for her to be up there on her own. “Fine. You stay with us but if shit goes bad, I don’t want you worrying about us or any of the other people in the cells. You turn your ass around and get the hell out.” I wait for her to argue with me. I wish she would.

“You got it. We are on the same page.” She nods and grabs the back of my kutte as she moves into line behind me. The feel of her hands on me excites me and forces my protective instincts to the front. I’d do anything for this woman.

“Which way?” Cody asks from behind the two of us.

“Straight and then to the right. There are cells there but they are only the newer recruits, they haven’t been out for a while and a lot of them might be knocked out. They keep us drugged for a large portion of the month until you prove that you are fully committed to the path of Gaia.”

“Fuck that isn’t going to work.” I turn to Winnie. He is good in a hand fight but I don’t want him down here for this. He’s still just a young kid. If we are all about to die down here than at least he can have a chance if he gets the captives out.

“Winnie, you are going to get the women out. Do it quickly and if they run while they are outside don’t worry about it . . .”

He cuts me off, “No way, I got your back. I can fight.”

I put my hand on his shoulder. “I know you can, brother, but we need this done. For the patch, yeah?”

“Yeah.” He nods his head and we make our way to the cells.

The doors are all bolted shut but it’s a simple hinge lock.

“Intruders! They are letting the carriers out!” Another wave of cultists come toward us and we make quick work of them, they may have more numbers than us but we are far better trained, especially, Brendan. He is in his zone. When this wave is dealt with, we make sure to tie them up and keep them away from each other the best we can. This underground bunker is massive. I don’t know how long it took to build but I can tell that it was expertly planned out. There are four cells that we needed to open, three of the women are unconscious, and one seems as if she just got there. She ran to us the second the doors were open begging to be freed.

“I thought you said there were twelve of these carriers?” Cody turns to ask Dela.

“I left the rest of them in the penance room. They were going to cleanse me of my sins when I broke free. They are all still there making

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