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could, sending them some ten or twelve feet away from shore. Bob dove right in after them, barking and wagging his tail. She was screaming in protest and delight and aggravation when they splashed in. Jessie let go and swam hard under water, in case she still had some fight in her. He wanted to be far away before he came up. He made it halfway across the pond before he surfaced but barely caught a breath of air before he was dunked back under. He came up spluttering, choking on a mouthful of water, his hair plastered over his eyes. He heard her tinkling laughter from twenty feet away and swam towards it ducking under when he neared to grab her feet. She dove deeper and they wrestled under the water, each trying to shove the other into the muddy bottom.

Jessie had never tried to hold his breath since the injections, never had a reason to. Now, as they grappled with each other and he thought it was time to break the surface, time to grab a lungful of air, he realized he didn’t need to. Not yet. And from the way she kept going deeper, grabbing his belt and tugging him toward the bottom, she didn’t either. He grabbed her waist and they spun, limbs intertwined, each trying to get on top. They finally reached the muck and he happened to hit it first, got his head shoved in it then she slid free, stroking for the surface. He came up laughing, wiping mud out of his face but sobered up fast when he heard Bob’s growl. Scarlet was treading water, her long black hair with the inch-long roots of blonde was billowing out behind her. Jessie looked to the dock and saw men standing on it. Well-armed men, all wearing black uniforms. The shepherd had a low rumbling in his throat and was swimming towards them.

Guns came up.

“Bob! NO!” Jessie yelled. “Heel! Heel!”

He swam towards him, grabbed him and held him back.

“No.” he said and tried to calm him. “Shhhh. It’s alright, boy. Shhhh. That’s a good dog.”

Bob listened, stopped trying to attack, but just barely. He knew an enemy when he smelled one.



“Ah. Lieutenant Wymer.” Scarlet said and swam for the ladder at the end of the dock.

Jessie watched in disbelief as they greeted her with deference and helped her out of the water. The sun was nearly gone and the moon was still on the rise. Darkness was starting to settle across the plains. He struggled with Bob, trying to soothe him, knowing if he went after them, they’d kill him before he was even close to the shore. She snapped her fingers, pointed towards the house and addressed one of the men in a plainer, less adorned uniform.

“You. Go to the house, get me a towel.”

“Yes, your grace.” The man said and turned.

“Run.” she said in a haughty, demanding voice Jessie barely recognized. “Can’t you see I’m wet?”

“Yes, your Grace!” he said again and started running.

“I’m glad you finally found me, Lieutenant Wymer. My father will hear of my rescue. You will be rewarded.” she said, wringing water from her hair.

“Thank you, your Grace.” he said, a little confused at the strange turn of events. He’d been sent to search for her without any real orders as to what they should do if she was found. Be careful, Ricketts had warned the team leaders. There is a chance that she may be a deserter, we’re not sure. Report for further instructions was all he’d been told. He knew she’d been missing for a while, she hadn’t been making her weekly reports on easy to conquer settlements, but he never expected to find her laughing and playing in the water with someone. She saw his confusion and the puzzled looks on the other men’s faces.

“I was shot, stabbed and beaten by Casey’s the Cannibals men.” She said getting the reaction she knew she’d get. Surprised looks turned to murderous glares at someone laying hands on Bastet, some of them directed at Jessie.

“They took me by surprise and this boy saved my life. I’ve been unable to leave, though, I’ve been recovering.”

Jessie couldn’t believe what he was hearing and cursed himself for starting to like another girl.

“Has he held you prisoner? Shall we kill him?” Wymer asked and more guns were aimed towards Jessie, still treading water and calming Bob.

Scarlet appeared to consider it as the man returned with the towels. “No, not at the moment. I found him somewhat entertaining and he did help me. The Movement is generous with rewards, as you men shall all soon find out.”

They grinned at this, maybe they would get promoted, maybe they could get the blessing of Anubis, the super strength, without going through the choosing ceremony.

Lieutenant Wymer wasn’t being won over as easily as his privates, though. He knew about the falling out she’d had with her father, how she’d been relieved of her duties. How rumor had it that her whole mission was an effort to get rid of her. When the reports stopped, many had assumed she’d been killed. He’d been through the choosing, had been given the inoculations by Ricketts. He knew something wasn’t quite right with her story. The surprise of finding her here was wearing off, he’d chanced on them by happenstance. They were only twenty miles from the Canadian border and he was just one of the teams sent to search for her in the settlements. They’d heard the barking dog as they passed the farm. Curious, he’d investigated.

His suspicious mind started working again, the initial shock gone, and he realized who the boy was. He recognized the long scar and the big, black dog from the tales.

He narrowed his eyes at Scarlet and knew he was looking at a traitor. Ricketts was right. Her mission had been to kill the Road Angel, not frolic in a lake with him. She was scantily clad in only a

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