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seen, their dim glow stood out in the blackness. The road turned into a long causeway, a large lake spread out to either side. The lights were from a settlement on an island, the only approach by land was the county road blocked by a tall, well-built metal barrier that crossed the road and went far out into the water on either side. Jessie spotted a watchman on the wall and brought the car to a stop, letting it idle. He stepped out and shrugged into his leather, letting his guns find their place low on his hips. It was nearing three in the morning, he wouldn’t blame them if they kept their gates barred, told him to come back tomorrow. It took a few minutes but a side door opened and three men stepped out. Two were heavily armed, weapons ready but not aimed. He let himself relax a little and nodded to them.

“What brings you out in the middle of the night?” a gray whiskered old man asked, his two bodyguards flanking him. He was dressed in baggy black pants and wore a light weight black jacket. He had a monocle dangling from a ribbon in one of the pockets. The two guards wore similar clothes but their guns were normal enough.

“We’ve had a little trouble.” Jessie said “I was looking for a place to camp out for the night and saw your lights. Figured it might be a little safer, we’d be able to relax a little easier.”

“Step into the light, son. Let me get a look at you.” The old man said and Jessie moved from the shadows.

“You’re the first visitor we’ve had in a while.” he said and put his monocle in so he could see better.

“It’s him.” One of the guards said.

Jessie tensed. He was sure these weren’t Casey’s men, these guys were clean and organized, but he was ready to pull his Glocks if he had to.

“So it is.” The old man said, taking in the scarred boy and recognizing the car from the stories. “We had a group travel through here a few weeks ago said you’d been killed up near the border. Everybody thought you were dead.”

“Not yet.” Jessie said. “Feel like it sometimes. You got a place we can crash out, maybe get a shower and something to eat?”

“Course we do, Mr. Meadows.” he hesitated before plunging on “But we gotta check you for bites, whoever is riding with you, too. You know how it is.”

“Yessir.” Jessie said “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”

He opened the door to let Bob out and the two young guards slung their rifles and fussed over him. He started to call for Scarlet but she was already climbing over the seat, a blanket still wrapped around her. She’d heard everything.

The old man was flustered and embarrassed by the time he finished checking them over while trying to keep his eyes averted from Scarlets lady parts. The long sleep had done her good, some of the sadness was gone from her eyes but she still had a far away look about her, like she wasn’t completely there. She wasn’t shy and followed orders meekly, held the blanket wide and kept the whiskery old fella rattled. It concerned Jessie that she was so docile, it wasn’t like her at all.

Later when the old man would tell the story, he wouldn’t answer any of the little details curious men wanted to know.

How big were her nipples?

Did she shave down there?

He scolded them for being crude. He only spoke of her with reverence and respect, like she was ancient royalty; ethereal with her exotic accent, almost other worldly in the mist and moonlight. Like a damaged, fallen goddess. He told of the scars and gashes that marked her perfect skin and how it hurt him just to look at them. It was a blasphemy what they did to her. He told of someone else’s dried blood splashed all over. Of her calm and kind eyes despite a roadmap of sorrows slashed into her body. He said he felt unworthy to see her so vulnerable and cast his eyes down. There was something fragile and broken about her that made him want to protect and defend her. Pledge his life for hers. Serve her forever. He told how the Road Angel was just as bloody with a smashed nose and blackening eyes. Even their dog had crusted red around his muzzle. They’d been in a hell of a battle somewhere; a lot of men had died from the looks of things but neither would speak of it, just said they ran into a little trouble.

When the old man was on his deathbed, he remembered her and left this world with a smile on his face, hoping to meet her again.

They followed one of guards through the gate and he lead them to a quaint downtown area that covered a few blocks. Before the zombie uprising, most of the buildings had been antique or art shops with a few eateries and ice cream places mixed in. It had been a tourist town where the annual North Dakota Steam Festival took place every fall. He knocked on a door of an old hotel and after a few tries, a sleepy woman answered, rented them adjoining rooms and told them breakfast was at seven a.m.

They showered and tried to sleep, tried to put yesterday behind them. The senseless and vicious killings that happened too fast to stop. Kill or be killed. Jessie understood much, had figured things out on the long nighttime drive where he had nothing to do but think. He knew she was some sort of deity, some goddess or queen of the Anubis cult. She was as strong and quick as him, probably stronger and faster. From the few things she’d mentioned about her father, he ran the whole show and they’d had a falling out. A disagreement of how to proceed. The Lieutenant had

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