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the stickers stuck to it instead of in me.”

“Cool.” Mason climbed up into the truck.

“Remember not to get it against anything if you can help it.” Stacia took her spot in the middle of the back seat.

“When I was a kid, they had to get them out one at a time with tweezers.” Ross helped Mason into his car seat. “I’m glad they’ve made improvements in the process. Where’s the pharmacy?”

“Just a little farther into town.” Stacia buckled Madison in.

“I’m sorry I pushed you.” Mason sniffled. “I didn’t mean for you to fall into the pricklers.”

“It’s okay,” Madison mumbled.

“Wait. You pushed Madison?” Stacia turned to her nephew.

“We already talked about it,” Ross said from the front seat.

She looked up, caught his gaze in the rearview mirror.

“Mason knows now that if he pushes Madison or anybody else, they could get hurt. And he doesn’t like feeling guilty, so he won’t do it again. Right, bud?”


“That’s good.” Stacia ruffled Mason’s hair. “But I knew that prickly pear was there. I should have taken the time to dig it up.”

“It’s okay, Aunt Stacia. You’ve been busy.” Madison inspected her reddened wrist. “I wonder why God made cactus?”

“Well they make pretty flowers. People in Mexico eat prickly pears and I think they have nutrients and vitamins that are good for you.” Digging up the prickly pear would have taken two minutes, tops. She shouldn’t have been too busy for that. “So if it gets really dry and everybody’s garden dies, cactus can still live and we could eat them.”

“And get pricklers in our bellies?” Mason grimaced.

“No silly.” Stacia gently tapped his nose. “You have to peel the outer part off and just eat the fruit inside. But don’t try it, they’re hard to peel without getting stickers in your hands. The pharmacy is just ahead.”

“I see it.” Ross pulled into the lot, turned to face her. “I’ll stay here with the kids.”

Her nerve endings went taut. The exact scenario Aunt Eleanor had pulled. And as soon as Daddy stepped inside the pharmacy to pick up medicine for his bronchitis, Eleanor had sped away. With Stacia and Calli in the car.

“I’m not going anywhere.” Ross’s gaze locked on hers. “I promise. We’ll be right here when you get back. I want Madison to have her medicine and they both need all of their family members.”

“Hurry, Aunt Stacia, I want to go home. My arm stings.” Madison leaned her head back, closed her eyes.

“Okay, I’ll be back in a jiff.” Stacia patted Madison’s good arm, then gingerly crawled around her car seat to get out.

Please don’t let this be a mistake, Lord. Let them be here when I get back. She hurried across the parking lot, looking back several times. Each time, Ross and the twins were still there.

Inside, she prayed the entire time the pharmacist filled the prescriptions along with frequent checks at the window.

Ten minutes later, she stepped outside. The truck was still there. Thank You, Lord. When she opened the door, both twins were sleeping. Instead of taking the chance of disturbing them, she quietly shut the door and got in the front.

“Just call me the twin whisperer.” Ross shot her a grin and started the engine.

“They’ve had a big day. Thanks for—” She didn’t really know how to say it.

“Not kidnapping them?” He backed out, pulled onto the highway.

“That. And for carrying Madison and helping with Mason at the doctor’s office.”

“I love them too.”

She believed him on that. It was both comforting and terrifying.

* * *

“It’s no fun here without Madison.” Mason stood just outside the open workshop doors, looking up at the sky, his shoulders slumped. “I’m sooooo bored.”

Since Madison had stayed home from school, she was inside taking care of Maverick. It made Ross feel better to have them looking out for each other. But with school out now, Mason was at loose ends. At least the prickly pear was gone. Stacia had dug it up yesterday after they’d returned from the pharmacy.

“Maybe you’ll learn to appreciate her.” Stacia chuckled. “And it’ll be church time before you know it.”

“Do y’all have to work? Can’t we do something fun until church? I heard Uncle Ross say y’all are ahead on the order.”

“He’s right. I did say that.” Ross looked up from the coffee bar he was constructing. “What do you say I take Mason somewhere? That way, you could catch up on painting. We can’t complete the order until everything’s painted.”

Indecision wrestled in her pale aqua eyes.

“Please Aunt Stacia. I’m sooooo bored.”

“Okay.” She pinned Ross with an intensely fierce look. “Just tell me what you plan to do, where you’re going and when you’ll be back.”

“What do you want to do, bud?” Ross waggled his eyebrows.

“Can you teach me to ride a bike?” Mason ducked his head. “I mean without the training wheels. All the boys in my class can do it.”

Ross caught Stacia’s gaze. Failure lurked there.

“I’m not sure if that’s a good idea, bud. Your aunt Stacia or your grandpa might want to teach you that.”

“It’s okay.” Her tone didn’t sound convincing. “Daddy and I have taught Mason lots of things and witnessed most of his and Madison’s firsts. I guess it’s your turn.”

Wow. She was really trying to share the twins. Impressive. Had he finally managed to gain her trust yesterday? Don’t count on it. No falling for Stacia. She was the twins’ aunt and he was their uncle. That’s all. He couldn’t risk letting anything happen between them because deep down, she’d never fully trust anyone and his parents needed him in Houston.

“I tell you what, I’ll work with Mason a bit and when I think he’s ready, I’ll give you a holler. Maverick too. That way we all can be a part of this guy’s big day.”

“That sounds wonderful.” Something in her tone softened. As if he’d given her a rare gift.

“All right. Come on Mason. Let’s get this party started.” Ross shot her a wink and ushered the boy outside. “Where’s your bike?”

“In the garage.”


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