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eyes. He hated lying to her.

“Is something wrong?” Stacia peered up at him.

“Just a potential hurricane aimed at Houston.”

“Oh dear. Will your parents be okay?”

“It may fizzle out. If not, they’ll probably have to evacuate.”

“I imagine this won’t be the first time.”

“No. In the thirteen years since their store opened, Ike and Harvey have pummeled them with major damage and flooding.”

“Do you need to go home? I mean to help them out?”

All ready to be rid of him, was she? He would feel better if he could help his folks batten down the hatches and move the most unique, hardest to replace furnishings into the second level of the store. But he couldn’t. Not until he finished the B and B order.

“If the storm continues according to projections, I might.” It helped nothing for him to have feelings for Stacia. He had to tamp them down and focus. “I’ll know sometime next week.”

“Don’t let us keep you.”

“We may need to wrap the order up sooner, so we can get it shipped sooner than planned. If a hurricane hits, we could be in store for hail, tornadoes or flooding in Medina.”

“I’m not sure we can do that, unless we don’t sleep. It’ll be fine as long as we can get everything secured in the delivery truck. Just in case we get any damage to the workshop.” She cocked her head to the side, looking way too cute for his comfort. “If you don’t mind me asking, where do they think you are? I mean, I couldn’t help overhearing. She obviously thought you were with someone she knows.”

“At my grandparents’ ranch. In Hondo.”

“So all this time they thought you were with your grandparents?”

“I visit often to do appraisals for Nanny and help during harvest time.” He shrugged. “So when I found out about the twins, I told my folks I needed to go help Papaw.”

“Don’t they talk to each other?”

“Not as much as they’d like. Papaw’s busy with the harvest this time of year and Mom and Dad are busy with Christmas orders for the store.”

A knock sounded at the door from the store.

Stacia checked her watch. “I know who that is. Come in.”

“Uncle Ross.” Mason blasted into the workshop. “All the boys think I’m so cool because my training wheels are gone.”

“Awesome.” Ross gave him a high five.

“Guess what happened at school today.” Madison followed her brother.


“The meanest boy in our class—”

“Put a tack on the teacher’s chair,” Mason finished.

“They still do that these days?” Ross frowned.

“In kindergarten?” Stacia shook her head. “Well, I hope he gets punished. That hurts.”

“You’ve sat on a tack?” Madison winced.

“The meanest boy in school put it on my chair.”

“Have you ever sat on a tack, Uncle Ross?” Mason asked.

“No.” He gave them a sheepish grimace.

“You put tacks on people’s chairs?” Mason grinned.

“Just once. It was a terrible idea. Not mine. I was actually dared to do it because I was a rule follower.” By his brother, their father. “I got detention for it and that was the last rule I ever broke. After that it didn’t matter how much the other kids teased me.”

“Aunt Stacia’s a rule follower too.” Madison giggled.

“If you follow the rules, you avoid trouble.” Ross winked. “Trust me.”

“That sounds like very good advice.” For once Stacia agreed with him. “No tacks on chairs. Do you hear me, Mason?”

“Yes ma’am.” But the boy couldn’t contain an eye roll.

“If anyone around here ever does that, it would mean no side-by-side. Right?”

“Right.” Both twins agreed.

But they all knew Mason was the weak link.

“How was your wrist today?”

“Fine.” Madison showed it to them. “It feels normal.”

Thankfully, it seemed okay. No signs of irritation or redness.

The door from the store opened and Maverick strolled in. “Okay kiddos, we’re off. Can you cover the store for me, Stace?”

“Of course. Where are y’all going?” Stacia asked, with a note of longing in her tone.

Longing to escape him? Or be with the twins? Maybe both.

“We’re going to the dude ranch over in Bandera. The twins want to fit in some bowling or maybe putt-putt.”

“I’m not sure your knee is up to that.” Her longing echoed louder at the mention of putt-putt.

Maybe it wasn’t him.

“Why don’t you go with them and let Maverick stay here?” Ross suggested it for himself as much as her, eager to escape the tension in the workshop.

“You do love putt-putt.” Madison grabbed Stacia’s hand and tugged.

“But I need to work here since I have to leave early anyway for Lexie’s rehearsal later tonight. And I won’t be here most of the day tomorrow because of the wedding.”

“I can sit down and sand. Tonight and tomorrow.” Maverick took the sander from her. “You go. Have fun.”

“Come on, Aunt Stacia.” Mason grabbed her other hand. “I can’t beat Grandpa, but I can beat you.”

“We’ll see about that,” she challenged as she slipped her goggles and apron off, then pointed a finger at her dad. “Only sanding.”

“Aye, aye Captain.” Maverick saluted her.

“Are you going to the wedding tomorrow night, Uncle Ross?” Madison asked.

“As a matter of fact, Clint invited me when we were in class last Sunday.”

“Good.” Madison clapped her hands. “I want you to see my new dress.”

“We need to get moving, Mad.” Stacia grabbed her purse.

The twins scurried toward him. Ross’s heart swelled as the warm little bodies took turns embracing him. So accepting of him in their lives. If only their aunt could be.

* * *

They’d managed to get ahead of schedule yesterday, allowing Stacia to concentrate on Lexie’s wedding. All of the rehearsing last night along with months of planning for a ceremony that was over in ten minutes.

But the ceremony had been sweet and adorable, beginning with Clint’s niece, Charlee, walking down the aisle, throwing rose petals. Right on cue, but all in one big clump and she was done. Though she kept digging in her basket for more until she’d made it to the front of the church. Her brother, Cooper, had raced down the aisle with a precarious hold on the

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