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Book online «Harlequin Love Inspired Suspense March 2021--Box Set 2 of 2 Dana Mentink (e books free to read TXT) 📖». Author Dana Mentink

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rain had returned with a vengeance. A thick layer of ice covered the trees, fields and hydro lines. She sent up a quick prayer for their safety. The Yukon roads in the winter were already tricky enough, and throwing in a layer of ice only added to the danger. To think her life forty-eight hours ago was quiet and boring. She studied Layke’s handsome profile. God definitely had a sense of humor. With the news of her condition of polycystic ovary syndrome, He throws a man in her path she could fall for and see herself with years from now? Who was she kidding? She was already on her way to doing just that. Was God teasing her? She couldn’t fall for a potential husband when she would never be able to give him a child.


The word raced through her mind like God had whispered it in her ear. How could she trust Him when her life was crumbling? She turned her head and stared at the passing icy trees, pressing her lips tightly together. No, God had failed her. She’d poured out her heart to Him, confessing her heart’s desire. However, He hadn’t listened.

Why, God? Haven’t I followed You all these years? Done Your work?

She sighed. A little too loudly.

“What’s wrong?” Layke asked.

He’d be horrified if he could read her thoughts. How could she share her doubts about God’s sovereign plan and her identity in Him when Layke couldn’t trust God for reasons she didn’t know? She needed this case to be over so she could go off by herself and mourn the loss of not being able to have children. “Nothing. Just wishing we could solve this case.”

He shifted his gaze toward her. “Are you sure that’s all?”

Man, he needed to stop getting into her head. “I’m sure.”

At that moment, the car slid to the left and the tires locked in a skid.

“Watch out!” She pointed to an oncoming car. She gripped the armrest as if it were her lifeline.

Layke took his foot off the gas, but she could feel him losing control of the car on the sheet of ice.

She held her breath as the vehicle inched closer to them almost like it was in slow motion. It veered right, then left.

Then lurched into their path at full speed.

“Hold on!” Layke fought for control.

Hannah shut her eyes and waited for impact.

* * *

Layke’s defensive driving training kicked into gear and he turned the wheel to the right to get out of the car’s trajectory. He uttered a prayer that the tires would find traction and stay on the icy highway. This was exactly why he hated winter and could never live in a place where the season held its victims in a polar grip for too many months. Calgary was wintery enough for him.

Miraculously, the Jeep remained on course and Layke regained control. The oncoming car swerved around them and out of harm’s way.

Hannah let out a staggered sigh. “Praise the Lord.”

For once he couldn’t argue with her statement. Had God really heard his desperate plea for safety? “Well, that was fun. Not.” He relaxed his fierce hold on the wheel and stole a peek at the pretty border patrol officer.

She still held the armrest like it was her saving grace. She tightened her lips as a red curl fell in front of her eye. She huffed out a breath to remove it from her face, but it didn’t work.

Did she realize how cute she was, especially when she didn’t know she was being watched?

He returned his gaze to the highway. A sudden wave of emotion washed over him like a waterfall on a warm summer day. Was his heart opening a crack to allow a woman into his life? This woman? At this moment, he wanted nothing more than to take her into his arms and protect her from every danger in her path.

An image of Amber’s face flashed before him as he kept his eyes on the stormy road. She had played him when he thought she was interested and damaged his trust in women. He’d almost lost his job over her shenanigans. Layke clenched his jaw as the vein in his neck pulsed, closing shut the crack in his heart. No, he wouldn’t let a woman into his life. Besides, after this case he would be going back to Calgary and he would not do a long-distance relationship. Even if he wanted one. Which he didn’t. He made a promise to himself that he would spend his life free of romantic relationships.

“What are you thinking?” Hannah asked.

“How much I hate winter.” A half-truth.

“It’s my favorite time of year. Well, ice storms are too dangerous for my liking.”

His cell phone rang, jarring him from their conversation. He hit the speaker button. “Constable Jackson here.”

“Hello…” The timid voice could barely be heard through the car’s Bluetooth.

“Who’s this?”

“Don Crawford. You called about my son?”

Right, the final parent he needed to talk to from the list Murray gave him. “Thank you for returning my call, Mr. Crawford. You’re on speakerphone and I have border patrol officer Hannah Morgan with me. What can you tell us about the day your son was kidnapped?”

The man cleared his voice. “Not much. My wife dropped him off at the church, and a day later we received a call from the police that he was missing along with the other boys.”

His nonchalant tone piqued Layke’s interest. No quiver and his previously timid voice had disappeared. Odd. “Were you ever contacted for a ransom demand?” None of the other parents had been, but he needed to ask anyway.


Layke glanced at Hannah.

She steeled her jaw.

Her inquisitive look revealed she had the same suspicions about this man.

He made a mental note to check the system for any prior arrests. “Mr. Crawford? You still there?”

“Yes. I don’t know anything and I have to go.”

“Call us if you think—”


Hannah pushed the button to end the call. “Okay, that was weird. His silence tells me he’s hiding something. But

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