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Book online «Harlequin Love Inspired Suspense March 2021--Box Set 2 of 2 Dana Mentink (e books free to read TXT) 📖». Author Dana Mentink

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known across Canada and has evaded capture for years. No one can prove the politician is dirty. Why?”

“Rob was his brother and we’re now on the Martell radar.”

Layke sank against the wall. “What?”

“Watch your back. Our informants are telling us they’ve crossed into Yukon Territory and are out for revenge. Plus, they want to take over whatever business this gang is into.”

“Great, that’s all we need. A gang war.”

“Exactly. Stay safe.”

Layke stiffened. “Wait. Can you put more protection detail on Murray and Gabe?”

“Already on it. Scarlet is organizing a unit now, along with Martha’s help.”

“Good. I gotta get back to Hannah.”

“Understood. Chat later.”

Layke disconnected and made his way to Hannah’s room.

And stopped in his tracks.

The young man from the waiting room stood holding her IV line, getting ready to add something from a syringe into the mix.

Layke took a step. “Stop! Police!”

The man pressed the syringe.

* * *

Layke leaped across the chair and tackled the man to the floor. They became entwined in a duel for power. A lamp crashed, the sound resonating throughout the room. Layke gained control and hauled the man to his feet. However, the young guy proved to be stronger than Layke anticipated and shoved him into the wall. He held Layke in a chokehold.

Struggling for breath, Layke threw his palm upward into the man’s chin. Hard. The assailant released his hold and stumbled backward. It was enough to free Layke and he whipped out his gun. “Stand down!”

The doctor and nurse rushed into the room.

“Quick! He added something to Hannah’s IV!” Even though only seconds had passed, Layke knew enough had probably transferred into her system to do harm.

Dr. Hobbs pulled it from her arm, not caring about the blood appearing from her exposed vein. They needed to get whatever it was out, and fast.

Layke held his gun on the man. “Lay on the floor. Hands behind your head.”

The man smiled and tilted his head as if mocking Layke.

“Now!” Layke raised his gun higher. “I. Will. Shoot.” Well, not really, but he needed to dominate the situation at hand.

The man hesitated but finally obeyed.

Layke reholstered his gun and put his knee on the man’s back, pulling his arms behind him. He turned to the nurse. “Call 911.” He pulled out his cuffs and secured the prisoner. He heaved him up and shoved him in a chair. “What did you put in her IV?”

Once again, the man smirked.

Layke pulled out his weapon. “Don’t tempt me.”

“Only a little cocktail I invented, but mostly ethylene glycol.”

Dr. Hobbs gasped. “What? That will kill her.”

“That’s what they wanted.”

Layke held the gun to the man’s temple. “They?”

He shrugged. “Don’t know. Don’t care. There was a hit on the dark web—$500,000 for her death.”

Layke turned to Dr. Hobbs. “Did any get in her bloodstream?”

“Her blood needs to be tested to know for sure. I’m going to start a fresh IV and give her a shot of fomepizole. That should neutralize it in a few days.”


Dr. Hobbs grabbed the drug from a nearby cabinet and inserted it directly into Hannah’s arm. He then hooked up another IV bag to Hannah’s vein.

“We need to get her back to Canada, Doc.”

“Understood. You must get her blood tested to ensure the poison is gone. I’ll be back in a bit to check on her.”

Layke stole a peek at Hannah. His pulse raced at the sight of the woman arresting his heart.

Lord, if You’re listening. I know I don’t talk to You much, but Hannah loves You. She’s one of Yours. Please save her.

Would God hear his desperate plea?

The man beside him coughed, reminding Layke of his presence.

“Tell me, did the Martells or a man named Broderick hire you?”

“Who? I told you. I don’t know. The ad on the web just posted a picture and the reward for her death.”

“How did you find us?”

“Someone added your location on the dark web.”

What? They were being tracked, but how?

Or…a mole slithered somewhere in their departments.

* * *

Hannah opened her groggy eyes and tried to focus. A white ceiling stared back at her. Where was she? And why did her chest feel like a ten-pound barbell held her down?

The shot!

Right. The last thing she remembered was trying to outrun machine gun fire from men on snowmobiles.

Was Layke okay? The sudden thought of him ripped from her life brought more weight to her chest. She moaned and turned her head to the right.

That’s when she saw him.

Her handsome constable was sleeping sitting up in a chair.

Hers? Hardly.

“Layke?” Her groggy voice squeaked out his name.

He stirred and straightened. “You’re awake.” He took her hand in his. “Hey, beautiful.”

Beautiful was not how she felt. “What happened?”

“Let’s just say you were shot by men on snowmobiles and almost poisoned to death.”


He moved a curl off her face. “Yes, it’s been an interesting few hours. Someone put a hit out on your life.”

Gabe’s face popped into her mind and she tried to sit up. “Gabe!”

Layke eased her back against the pillow. “Rest. Gabe is fine. Elias’s wife and Scarlet have organized a unit to protect Murray’s household, including Gabe.”

“Tell me more.” Hannah listened as Layke told her about the attack on her life, Rob’s brother and the mafia ties. “So, what business is this Martell gang in?”

“We’re not entirely sure, but we do know they don’t like whatever this Broderick is mining.”

“Did the young man who attacked me talk?”

Layke shook his head. “Only that a ransom was put out on the dark web. The state troopers took him away an hour ago.”

“Why would anyone want to kill me?”

“You protected Gabe, and they obviously didn’t like that.”

She pursed her lips. “We need to get back to him. I’m worried.”

“We will. Tomorrow morning. Dr. Hobbs said your blood needs to be retested once we arrive at Murray’s. I’ve arranged for a doctor to come there as I don’t trust any other clinics.”

A thought tumbled through her mind. “How do they keep finding us?”

He lifted his chin as his nostrils flared. “I don’t know. That’s been bothering me,

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