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Book online «Demon Day Penelope Fletcher (which ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Fletcher

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scent apart from an earthy-mineral fragrance she wouldattribute to a plant in the forest.

She sniffed deeply thenshrugged, and went back to her gathering.

Slinking forward, I made nosound. I clasped a hand over her mouth to cover her scream and spunher round. I held her terrified gaze with my own. She stilled. Ifelt her relax under my grip and I let her go. “You are safe,” Ithought into her head. Her body trembled and her mind shifted,fought to break from my hold. I controlled it and pushed away herfree will. “You are safe,” I thought again and pulled her closer. Idid not waste time in lulling her into a deeper calm. Fairies werestrong and compulsion never held their minds for long.

She went willingly into myarms and sighed as I bit into her.

The blood was wet, thickand tasted rich with earthy undertones. I drank it greedily,already feeling warmth spread through my entire body. I fed fromher and gently moved down with her as her body went limp. Herheartbeat stared to fail. I held on, wanting to savor everydrop.

She was pure-bloodedfairy.


Lost in the peace of themoment, I felt something, someone. A familiar presence I would knowfor the rest of my days. Rae? Was she here, with me? No. I pushedthe feeling away. She had left me, gone with the fairy male. I didnot want her, and I did not care if I would die. Just being withher had nearly cost me my life.

She was supposed to besalvation.

And that was what made myheart bleed. So pure a girl would turn her back on everything tosave me. A murderer, a true demon bound to his bloodlust, a slaveto pain and desire. How could she want a thing like me was notsomething I understood … yet I did understand the incomprehensibleneed to have her near me, as I was sure she felt it too. I neededto see her, feel her beneath me. I wanted to own her, to take her,and reveal the beauty of the darkness we could share.

I would go to her. I wouldtake her away and make her mine. I could still make it work; itneed not be the end of her if she came with me.

The girl went still beneathmy hands.

Her heart stoppedbeating.


My eyes opened, and I stared intoBreandan’s face. From my position, I could see his jaw, clenched,his lips pressed together in concentration. He shifted and lookeddown at me, aware I was now awake.

“You left your body,” hesaid, voice strained. “I tried to wake you, but you would notreturn. Where did you go?”

“I– I’m not sure,” Ilied.

I had to swallow hard, for my tongueseemed to thicken as I said the words. I know exactly where I hadbeen and what I had seen, but surely, a lie to soothe is betterthan hurting with the truth.

“For a time, I couldn’teven feel you. Our bond was smothered by darkness.”

The words tore at my heart and Iclutched him to me. “You’ll n–n….” I struggled with the lie. “Neverlose me, Breandan.”

He stiffened. “Your find it harder tolie now.”

I buried my head in his shoulder. “Idon’t want to hurt you,” I said. “I want you to feel like you cantrust me.”

“It’ll take time for you toget used to being truthful.” He paused. “Of course soon you willhave no choice. It would be better for you if you tried to speakonly the truth. Alright?” I nodded. “Besides,” he continued in alight voice. “You are older than me. You should be setting a goodexample.”

I snorted. “Yeah, two hundred yearssenior. How does that work again?”

His brows mashed together. “Thisupsets you.”

Hell yes. I slid off his lap onto thesoft grass. “You don’t have to declare my mood to the world eachtime you figure me out.”

His head cocked. “Now you’re mad.” Igritted my teeth. Breandan ran a finger down the bridge of my nose,over my pressed lips and tense jaw. “So angry,” hemurmured.

He let his touch wander down the sidemy neck, brush lightly over my collarbone. A brief hesitationbefore his hand stoked the swell of my breast. I gasped. Hechuckled and clamped his big hands over my upper arms to pull mecloser. His eyes – two pools of iridescent light – flicked over myfeatures as if he could not chose which to settle upon. My heartthumped in my chest as his head lowered and his tongue shot out tolick my bottom lip. He made a humming noise at the back of histhroat, like the one I made, but his was almost questioning. BeforeI could dwell on how odd it was he pressed his lips to mine. Mostmight have been gentle or had tried to go in softly so not to scareme, but Breandan was a force of all his own, and he had decided hewanted to kiss me. His mouth latched onto mine tongue entwinedaround my own with enough skill and finesse to have me groaninginto his mouth. Instinct. The more it guided me the more I gave itfree reign – especially if the pay off was going to feel so damngood each time.

I tried to move closer but his handsclamped down on my arms kept me still. He pulled away to kiss theside of my neck. His attention had diverted from passion tosomething else.

He said, “You seem tense.”

I held still and waited and when nofurther explanation was forth coming I replied, “It doesn’t matter,please, don’t stop.”

“Tell the truth. Of whomdid you dream?” His eyes sparked, daring me to lie.

Flushing, I shifted and my headdrooped, but he did not release his hold. Instead of feelingprotected, I felt smothered, but I explained my dream in areluctant mutter as truthfully as I could. As I spoke, he becameincreasingly tense. His grip on my arms hurt, but I did not wanthim to let go of me, so I kept that to myself. When I told him ofthe last thought – that Tomas wanted me and intended to claim me –his entire body quaked and his grip became so painful I could nothide it. When he realized he relaxed, rubbed my arms, and

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