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Book online «Demon Day Penelope Fletcher (which ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Fletcher

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as he kissed me back. Then my mouth parted and his tongueslipped out to slide across the seam of my lips. I tingled all overand my eyes drifted closed. His tongue was slow, explorative andtasted sweet. Running his hands down the length of my body, hesighed, and I gripped his shoulders. I waited for the next kiss …but nothing happened. Opening my eyes – drunk on lust – realityfiltered through my happy haze. Breandan was looking at mestrangely, his mouth pulled into a thin line. Sliding me away fromhim, he jumped up gracefully, turning away so I got a tantalizingview of his bare shoulders and broad back.

The marks on this side of his bodywere bolder, more ominous in design. If I had to sum them up in aword, I would have chosen ‘nefarious’. I shivered slightly, and notfrom the sensations he ignited under my skin with his touch. Whydid Breandan – the one person in the entire world I was sure had nodarkness – have tattoos like that?

Confused as to why we were no longertouching I surged up, stood on my tail, and then sunk to my kneesrubbing it. Tears pricking the corner of my eyes for it hurt, and afaint echo of the pain shot up my spine.

Breandan spared me a glance and shookhis head. He paced the floor in front of me. Eventually afterpondering gods knows what he settled for stalking back over andyanking my head back. The pressure of his mouth crushing minealmost hurt.

“Let’s go see if we canhelp Conall pick up the trail,” he said and left me there, alreadya silvery blur in the distance.

Watching his retreating backirrational rage replaced desire.

Was I supposed to understand what hadjust happened?

I jumped up and stumbled behind him.He sprinted across the Pride green, the waist length grass crushedbeneath his boots. I chased him, as fast as he, and my rage waspowerful. I sped up until he was at arm’s length. Before I had thethought, I was pushing off the ground and soaring, latching myselfonto his back. I dug my fingers into his bare shoulders, draggingmy nails across his skin until I drew blood. He snagged one of mylegs and hauled me off him, throwing me to the mossy ground. Hepinned me, leaning his weight. He loomed over me; skin pulsing andeyes sparking like an avenging angel. I would have felt the need toprostrate myself on the ground before him if I did not feel sopissed off. Too angry to be shocked at my feral actions I bared myteeth.

Face a mask of rage he leaned downfurther. “Behave!”

“If you’re disgusted withthe way I behave why don’t you just say it?” I tried to push himoff. “I’m not proud of how I react when I’m with you but I can’thelp it.”

He let go of my wrists and paced away,his hands clasped behind his head. I sat up – my knees bent – andwiped the leaves and dirt from my hair and clothes in forcefulsweeps. It ground into my dress, and the rubbing made it worse. Iwas a bloody mess.

Breandan spun, fists clenched. “Whycan’t you see how I feel?” His voice drifted over to me soft-as-ashand filled with longing. “I have left my home and turned my back onmy family. Everything I have done I’ve done for you.” Stunned Istared at him. My eyes were wide and my mouth open. He half smiledat the look on my face. “The moment I revealed myself to you I madepeace with what I was to do, of what I would be giving up. I belongto you. I choose you, I always will, but you have to understandthat everything is not what it seems. And when I pull away from youit’s because I want nothing more than to be close to you. You knowhow your family and mine feel about us. Why do you continue todoubt me?”

The feeling that overflowed in mychest was euphoric, but tinged with shame. I did not feel goodenough for him and it was frustrating. It was like I wore bigboots, but my feet were pitifully small, and no matter how hard Itried to run in them without tripping over they were simply too bigfor me. Tears trickled down the side of my nose. Why was I notbrave, honest, and selfless? Maybe there was something brokeninside making me selfish and devious.

Breandan dropped to his knees, takingmy head in his hands. Disgruntled I tried to pull away, but he heldfast and sighed, brushed my tears away. “I do not like to see youcry. Be calm, Rae-love, we will be together. We are together.Alright?”

“I don’t feellike–”

Eyes turning from pained to scaryalert his head snapped to the side and he peered across the plain.Seeing nothing in the solid dark I started again, needing toconfess everything, how I felt about him.

“Breandan, I–”

“Silence.” He placed afinger to my lips and closed his eyes. He nodded, satisfied. “Weare in a shield. We cannot be seen as long as we stay still.” Ipeered into the gloom wondering what he hid us from. “A demon isclose,” he said into my ear as I curled against hischest.

Breathing in deeply I extended myself.Since I had become a fairy, what I could perceive had changedimmensely. My consciousness could feel further than just a fewfeet. My mind could seek life forces miles away and that is what Idid, pushing myself to the limit. I started. Someone two naturedwas nearby, a male. He was coming closer, curious, and wary. He didnot want to hurt us; it was his job to check we werefriendly.

I opened my eyes and glanced around.My sight was keen and I had paid little attention to oursurroundings other than how pretty it was at a glance. Now, Ifocused then saw a line of the grass moving in the oppositedirection of the rest.

“The wind blows east andcarries our scent into the Pride,” Breandan explained and pointedto the grass. “It is not polite to run in another’s territorywithout permission, even if you mean peace. Before we revealourselves I want to be sure he means us no

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