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Book online «Demon Day Penelope Fletcher (which ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Fletcher

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babe? Of course, he would notsay anything. He could not lie. And why should he comfort or giveconfidence for me to explore the blood tie. What self-respectingmale would?

I stopped my pacing and stood overhim. He shifted up and crossed his legs, resting his arms looselyon his knees.

Instead of conceding that he waswithin his right to fight for me I said, “I wish you couldlie.”

“No,” he replied. “You wishyou could lie to yourself.”

“Can’t you say something tomake me feel better?” I brushed my hands over my arms, as if wipingdirt. “Cleaner?”

“It is my purpose to keeporder. I won’t encourage a delusion, even if it pains me not to doso.”

“I’m not a bad person,” Isaid crossly. “I deserve to have you make me feel better when I’mfeeling insecure. I’ve lost my best friend. Can’t you bend alittle?”

He sighed. “What could I possibly saythat would make you feel better after what happened to yourfriend?”

I looked down at my hands, fisted onmy knees. “You should know what to say. Then again, that is not thereal problem, is it? The truth is you don’t know me well enough toknow what to say to make me feel better.” I frowned. “And I knownothing about you. Not really.”

How could you feel such emotion towarda person you knew nothing of? I had met him two days ago, and Icould not look forward and not see him. If I looked back there wasnothing before him. In my mind’s eye the world was surrounded bydarkness and he was shimmering silver light guiding me home,keeping me safe until I could see again.

“What do you want toknow?”

There was no impatience or mockery inhis tone, simply the need to please and reassure me. It made theidea of asking him about himself seem okay.

“I don’t know. Stuff,” Isaid and waved my hands.

He cocked his head. “No. I don’t know.You have to tell me.”

I resisted the urge to shrug. I wasdrawing a blank. “You could offer some information. Like….”Finally, Breandan and I were alone, and had time to talk yet Icould not think of one single question to ask him. I looked at hisface and thought of his lips. I looked in his eyes and marveled athow they matched the silvery gray of the moon. So I looked down athis stomach, let my gaze drift lower over the pale, smooth skin anddelineated muscle until it hovered around the tie of histrousers.


I jumped and pressed my eyes shut. Hecalled me love. I giggled and flushed in pleasure. Peeking at him,I took in his amused expression. “Have you ever been with a girlbefore?” Once I heard the words and realized how they may beinterpreted, I blushed yet again, worried the blood rushing to myhead was the reason I felt light headed. “I mean, have you ever hada steady?”

His lips twitched, eyes twinkled. “Ido not understand.”

Like hell he did not. “A girl who youfound special. Who you wanted to … you know?”

He made a small noise. “Ah, a lover?”The words were spoken full of wonder and magic. They coiled aroundme and stroked me silly. “No, I never found a female.” Ah, a lover?The way he spoke was self assured and confident. Always so sure ofhimself and what he was doing, what he had done.

My eyes darted to and from his. “Didyou look?”

A dull bronze bloomed across hischeekbones. I watched the colour heighten, captivated byhim.

“For a while, but I was notsuited to anyone.” He met my eyes. “The reason why I never did isclear.”

My fingers danced across his shoulder.I was dying to know all the gory details about any pastrelationships, but reluctant to push too far in case he asked aboutmine. Rather, the lack of mine.

“You didn’t like them?” Iasked.

“They did not like me. Theyfound me ugly.”

My mouth hit the floor. “Ugly?” Ismacked my palm on his forehead, scowling. “I know the rules, butyou have to be telling a lie.”

At first he was stumped, face blankwith shock. The slowly a look of pure mischief stole across hisexpression. “You like the way I look?”

No way was I answering that bloodyquestion. Turning away from him slightly, I played with the skin onmy leg where the slash in my jeans used to be and was happy for thechange of direction it allowed my thoughts to grab onto. The dressI wore was pretty, but I missed my own clothes. Where would I getclothes from now? There was a factory behind the Wall that producedclothes, of course, but I could hardly walk up to the handoutbooth, smile toothily, and collect clothes anymore. Not that Ismiled much before I met Breandan.

Said boy had become stiff beneath me,and it was uncomfortable to sit on someone who was as relaxed as aplank of wood.

His eyes were fixated on my hand. Irealized then that my dress had ridden up to pool at the top of mythighs, and my legs were completely bare. His hand had rested on mythigh innocently, but now it flexed and tightened its hold on me. Isaid nothing. His warm palm moved slowly up my leg, gentlykneading. I moaned, surprising myself with the urgency of my ownvoice and buried my head in the crook of his neck, breathed in thescent of him. I was sure it had imprinted itself on my brain.Sunlight, rain and green things mixed with a spicy masculine smellthat was all his own. Touching was so much more revealing thantalking. Emotion flickered in my gut as I reached to trawl myfingers over his scalp, loving the feel of the thick dark hair thatgrew. It seemed his hair grew as fast as mine, and I could not waitto see it longer. Would it be jet black like his eyebrows or beshot through with streaks so dark they absorbed the light entirelyand glowed silver?

Yes. Yes, I wanted this. I was unsureof everything else, but this. I wanted to lie in his arms and tolove him. I wanted him to hold onto me and to love me.

My fingertips traced the lines of hisnose and mouth. I kissed him. His eyes were open and bored intomine

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