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were only using me to get closer to Cal. The second he realized it, he wouldn’t even look in their direction and kicked them out of my life. Like I said, always watching out for me.

When I finally graduated and got to college, my life started to turn around. I decided to be someone completely different. Instead of the shy, timid Summer of the past, I made myself begin to go out to parties, meet people since I didn’t have to worry about leaving at a moment’s notice, and let go of every hang up I had. It didn’t hurt that Cal wasn’t around to police my behavior or stop me from doing anything fun. So, I reinvented myself and got out into the world.

While partying, I slept with guys I shouldn’t have just because I didn’t want to be the only virgin at college. Plus, I wasn’t like the rest of the girls and felt sex was something sacred and to share between two people. To me, true love didn’t exist. Yes, I believed my parents were in love. My father simply chose his military life over a life with his family. I knew love wasn’t in the cards for me. I’m not that girl. The one thing I discovered in college is I’m the girl who’s good enough to have sex with, but not make it more than that. No one wanted to date me or do anything when it didn’t involve piles of clothes on the floor or a semi-private area to fuck in while still half dressed.

Even though it hit me hard no one wanted me for me, I embraced it and learned to hide the pain. I buried it deep and pushed it aside whenever it tried to creep back up on me. Instead of letting it turn me sour against the male race, I simply decided to use my body for what the guys wanted. This put me in control of what happened to me and who I let touch me. At least that’s how I felt about the situation.

Cal decided to follow in our father’s footsteps and joined the military instead of heading off to college. While I still had a year in high school, he was learning how to defend our country. My heart broke every single day we didn’t hear from him or know what was going on in his world. Even though I was used to not knowing or hearing from our father, it hit different with Cal. I’d had him almost to myself for seventeen years and now we were lucky to get a phone call once a week or so. I was having a hard time dealing with it.

At the end of the day, my schoolwork suffered, and I dropped out of school. My mom wasn’t happy about it, but she understood where I was coming from. School had never been my thing. So, I roamed around for a while. Once again, I was alone in the world. That all changed when I took a job at a strip club. I met my best friend, Storm. That’s really her name; not a stage name or some name she made up to entice anyone to her. She was delivered in the middle of a horrendous storm so her mom decided that would be her name.

Storm was a year older than me, close to the same age as Cal. We worked together at the club and ended up living together. She was on the verge of losing her apartment and I needed to find a place to stay. So, we pooled our money and moved in together. It wasn’t anything major; just a small two-bedroom place close to the club. Not exactly in the best part of town but it works for us. The two of us made it our own and I think it’s the cutest place I’ve ever lived.

Storm and I are complete opposites. She’s outgoing and uses her body to her advantage any way she can. I may use my body for sex, but I don’t put it all out there the way Storm does. I’m not one to judge anyone and I love Storm like she’s my sister. We’ve become extremely close to one another over the last several months with working and living together. I couldn’t ask for a better friend.

When things started changing in the strip club, Storm and I decided to leave town. Cliff, the original owner, got sick and had to sell. His only stipulation was the new owners kept all of his staff in place for two months so we would have time to find other jobs. That didn’t exactly work out the way Cliff wanted. Dante, the new owner, figured because he owned the club, he owned all the women working for him as well. We were expected to have sex with him whenever he wanted it from one of us, have sex with the customers instead of only dancing, and push drugs to the customers.

Dante essentially became our pimp and Storm and I weren’t down for it. If we were going to have sex, it was going to be our decision who we had sex with and when. I wasn’t about to be told who to do and how to do it by a man who was hungry with power and the thought we actually wanted to have sex with him. Dante is the least attractive man I’ve ever seen in my entire life.

He’s got greasy hair, slicked back with some sort of oil, a hairy chest filled with multiple fake gold necklaces hanging down, and the body of a seventy-year-old man instead of someone in his early thirties. Dante had partied hard in his life and the drugs he used and pushed were his downfall. See, our new owner got in debt with the drugs he was supposed to be selling. He used the club to host a massive party with drugs and alcohol flowing freely. Storm and

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