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Book online «Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition Elizabeth Knox (cheapest way to read ebooks .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Knox

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I took off the day the group of men came in looking for their money. Or the drugs back. We wanted no part of that shitstorm.

Storm and I took off, location unknown. The only things I brought with us were two bags filled with clothes rolled up tight to fit more in, my purse, cell phone and charger, and the sentimental things I moved away from home with. Mainly pictures and other small mementos from my childhood. A lot of things revolving around my brother. Storm didn’t bring much more with her. Unlike me, she didn’t have things holding any sentimental value. Everything she wanted to take with her was lost long ago when her ex-boyfriend sold it all out from under her to support his own drug habit. That was after beating the shit out of her.

We slowly made our way toward a small town called Clifton Falls. Storm literally closed her eyes and pointed to a spot on the map. That’s where we were going to begin our new lives. Away from Dante and the hell he was bringing to the club and anything in our past. I was honestly outrunning getting the dreaded call about my father or brother. The only thing I knew was I’d been on my own long enough for Cal to be through training and on his first deployment. He didn’t come home when he got a two-week break. Instead, he chose to head home with some of his buddies. I wasn’t happy at all because I took a break and was planning on heading home to see him.

We were halfway to Clifton Falls when I got the phone call. The one from my mother to inform me my brother had been injured while overseas on duty. He was in critical condition and she was heading over to be with him. I told her I’d book a flight and fly out from the closest airport to us and my mother refused to let me. She didn’t want me to go over there and not be able to handle seeing Cal the way we were both imagining him.

Storm was there for me as I broke down. We stopped in the rinky-dink town we were in and got a hotel room. She got us takeout, junk food, alcohol, and anything else she thought I’d need. Our night was spent with me crying and losing my shit, Storm holding me, and listening to me rant and rave. Especially about my mom not letting me go there. She wouldn’t even tell me where he was so I could go. That’s how close I was to Cal; I’d put everything aside to be there for him and not think twice about it.

Later that same day, my mom called me back to let me know Cal hadn’t made it. His injuries were too extensive and there was nothing they could do to save him. When I heard the news, my heart stopped in my chest, I couldn’t breathe, and the tears came nonstop for the rest of the night. Instead of heading toward Clifton Falls, Storm drove me back home. We stayed there a week and a half as my family buried my brother.

Storm spent the entire time playing mediator between my mother and me. I was so angry she wouldn’t let me go in the first place. That transformed to blaming her for Cal dying before anyone could be at his side. He was surrounded by doctors and nurses rushing from patient to patient. Never having anyone’s full attention on him once they got him to the hospital and as stable as he could be. Essentially, my big brother, my hero, died all alone without hearing how much I need him in my life and love him. Cal didn’t get to hear how he was my hero for so long and how I’d do anything in my power to repay the favor of everything he gave to me during our childhood.

We got through Cal’s funeral. Barely. I cried the entire time and Storm had to read my eulogy because I couldn’t stop crying or catch my breath long enough to do it. Instead of staying in my seat, I stood by her side as she read my words and kept her arm around me for support. My mother was heard crying and gasping over her words as my father held her in his arms. Honestly, I only thought she was being hysterical and couldn’t find it in my heart to grieve with her.

When the funeral was over and everyone was leaving the cemetery, I remained by my brother’s side. I couldn’t find it in me to leave him alone in this cold, desolate cemetery. Not when he’d been my hero for so long. Storm remained by my side until I got too cold from the rain that had been pelting our bodies for however long. That’s when my best friend stepped in and pulled me from my brother’s grave.

After putting me in the car, she got in and headed away. My eyes stayed where Cal’s final resting place would be. A place I’d never get to visit because I was leaving. The thought caused the dam to break once more and I cried for hours while remaining huddled in the passenger seat with heat blasting me and a thin blanket covering my trembling body.

Storm drove for hours, heading back in our original direction, Clifton Falls. I slept most of the time because I didn’t want to think of Cal lying in the ground. Depression hit me like a freight train. Storm was my keeper though. She made me eat, drink, and shower when we stopped along the way. If not for her, I’m not sure what would have happened to me. I wouldn’t be where I am today.

Finally, we arrived in Clifton Falls. Storm couldn’t find us a hotel room, but we did overhear some girls talking about a party at a motorcycle club that night. It was

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