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Book online «ELEMENTS: Acquiesce Kathryn Andrews (guided reading books .TXT) 📖». Author Kathryn Andrews

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suit and towel. She desperately hoped that nobody else would pass this way. The few moments that Rafe was gone felt like forever. She willed him to return. She’d never wanted to see him as much as she did now. Soon enough, Rafe returned with Amatheia whose long dress swished as she hurried along the tunnel. She pulled a key from her pocket and unlocked the door. Cordelia caught a glimpse of the medicine chamber while Amatheia grabbed her bag. There were rows and rows of glass bottles, black, purple, green and blue and jars containing some very peculiar looking items. Cordelia stepped aside, allowing room for Amatheia to exit the chamber. The key turning in the brass lock made a loud clunk as she locked the door behind her.

“Don’t just stand there,” said Amatheia, passing Rafe a lantern, “lead the way.”

Rafe and Cordelia led the nurse to the cove where Masika and the others were waiting.

“Is she going to be alright?” asked Nerissa anxiously.

“Let’s have a look shall we?” said Amatheia.

She knelt down on the sand beside Masika and unraveled the blood soaked shirt from her leg. The gaping wound caused the students to step back. Max bit into his knuckles, reeling at the sight of it. Amatheia didn’t even flinch.

She simply took an empty jar out of her bag and said, “Somebody fill this with water.” Her tone was calm but authoritative, just as Rafe’s had been earlier.

Lana took the jar and plunged it into the ocean. She passed it back to Amatheia who poured the salt water over Masika’s wound.

“I’ll be needing plenty of Dillisk and Rockweed,” Amatheia said.

The students tore the weed from the surrounding rocks. Cordelia was suddenly aware that Rafe was standing right behind her. His breath brushed against her cheek.

“Let me help you with that,” he said.

With one hand resting on the small of her back he reached the other arm in front of her. Their hands touched as they pulled at the same piece of seaweed. Confused by her unexpected feelings for Rafe, Cordelia retracted her hand.

“I can manage,” she said.

Amatheia took a small ointment bottle from her bag. “This may sting a little,” she said, her voice calm and gentle.

Masika gasped with pain and squeezed Nerissa’s hand tightly as Amatheia poured the ointment into her wound.

“It’s alright Masika, the pain will subside soon enough,” reassured Amatheia. “Do we have any weed yet?”

“Almost,” replied Lana.

The students returned to Amatheia with handfuls of seaweed. She picked up the Rockweed and squeezed the contents of the pods into a jar before mixing it up and slathering the jellied paste across Masika’s wound. Masika relaxed as the pain faded. Amatheia stitched the wound and then placed strands of Dillisk over Masika’s leg before applying a gauze bandage.

“You’ll be healed in no time,” smiled Amatheia. “Make sure you come and see me everyday to get those dressings changed.”

“Thank you,” said Masika gratefully.

“You’re welcome. Now get to your chambers before Morwen finds you.”

As the six crept along the tunnels, Rafe placed his hand on Cordelia’s elbow and pulled her to the side. In the shadows they stood facing each other, his hands on her arms, staring into each other’s eyes. Not knowing what to say, Cordelia stood frozen, all except her beating heart that pounded beneath her chest. She studied the contours of his face, his strong cheekbones, his chiseled jaw, the shape of his plump lips. His eyes fell on hers and he leaned in closer.

“So that’s where you’re hiding!” called Max loudly as he smacked Rafe on the back.

“Keep your voice down,” said Rafe, trying to avoid unwanted attention.

“So come on then,” said Max looking at Cordelia, “what was all that about?”

“What d’you mean?”

“The birds.” Max spoke with an unwelcome tone and looked at Cordelia as though he thought she was dumb.

“I don’t know.”

“How could she know?” snapped Lana who was now standing behind Max. “You were there. You saw the way it happened. If you hadn’t been so childish and taken our clothes we could have been off the rocks before any of that happened.”

“Where’s Masika and Nerissa?” asked Cordelia.

“They’ve gone on ahead,” replied Lana. “They said to say goodnight.”

“It still doesn’t explain why the birds attacked you like that,” said Rafe. “They were ravens weren’t they?”

The girls nodded.

“We don’t know what they want,” said Lana. “We know as much about it as you do.”

“Maybe you should speak to your father about it,” said Rafe.

Lana looked at Cordelia. “He has a point. It’s not the first time that’s happened is it?”

Rafe and Max looked surprised.

“Cordelia had a similar experience yesterday,” revealed Lana.

“So it’s you they’re after?” said Max.

“Why would they be interested in me?” asked Cordelia.

Max sensed that she was annoyed. “Dunno. Beats me why anyone would be interested in you. Rafe’s holding out for richer pickings. Isn’t that right Rafe?”

Rafe didn’t say anything and Cordelia held Max’s stare until he broke it.

“Come on Rafe,” said Max. “Time we were going.”

“Not so fast Mr Jordan.”

It was Morwen, her face illuminated in the darkness by the orange glow of her lantern.

Cordelia felt as though the air was being sucked out of the tunnel. She shot Lana a sideways glance and prepared herself mentally for the wrath of Morwen Vanora.

“What d’you think you’re doing in the tunnels at this time of night?” she scolded. “Making all this noise.” She glared at Cordelia whose mind was frantically trying to come up with an explanation but before any of them could answer, Morwen continued, “Where is your shirt Mr Hurley? And why on earth are you girls soaking wet?! My office now! The four of you!”

She turned in a flurry, lifting the front of her dress as she marched through the tunnel, the students following behind in the shadows. Morwen flung the office door open and the four of them filed in.

“You’d better have a very good explanation,” she said sternly.

They stood silently looking at each other, each waiting for someone else to speak first.


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