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Book online «ELEMENTS: Acquiesce Kathryn Andrews (guided reading books .TXT) 📖». Author Kathryn Andrews

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had the strangest, intense feeling deep in her soul that she already knew Breck.

“I was about to try these on when you arrived,” joked Breck. He held one of the dresses against his body and twirled. “What d’you think? Would it suit me?”

Cordelia laughed.

“Maybe not then.” Breck picked up the rest of the clothes, tied the boots together and flung them over his shoulder. “After you,” he said and gestured towards the track.

“You’ve no horse today?” asked Cordelia.

“Not today. Sometimes I like to walk down here early just to be alone with my thoughts.”

“Sorry. I’ve disturbed you.”

“No, you’re alright.”

They stopped at the stone wall.

“The view’s magnificent isn’t it?” said Breck.

“Nowhere I’d rather be. It’s good for the soul.”

“Was it you I saw swimming down here the other night?”

Cordelia nodded.

“I thought as much. You’ve unusual hair. Pretty.”

Breck smiled and looked Cordelia in the eye. She’d only just met him but still had an overwhelming feeling that she’d known him forever.

“You’re not like the other girls are you?” observed Breck.

“What d’you mean?” asked Cordelia, surprised.

“You’re different. Brave.”


“You dress differently for starters, you’ve clearly a mind of your own, but it’s more than that. It takes a brave soul to swim in those pools. The cold alone is enough to kill a man. What’s your secret?”

“My secret?”

“I’m kidding,” he said. “Mind you, you’d be the talk of the town if word got out.”

“They should mind their own business. Can I trust you not to tell?”

“My lips are sealed.”

“I should really wash this mud off my feet.”

“Would you mind if I tag along?”

“To see me wash my feet?”

Breck smiled. “I like talking to you.”

“I thought you liked to be alone with your thoughts.”

“A man can change his mind can’t he?”

“As you wish.”

Cordelia and Breck walked side by side across the track to the rock pools.

“Let me take some of those,” said Cordelia.

“It’s fine, honestly.”

Cordelia stopped. “At least let me carry my own things. I insist.”

Breck held his arms out like a clotheshorse while Cordelia pulled her belongings from him. He smiled and rolled his eyes.

“What? I’m not completely useless you know. I can carry my clothes across a few rocks.”

“I’m not so sure about that.”

Cordelia looked at Breck with confusion.

“Look where they ended up yesterday.”

“That was different.”

“It always is.”

Cordelia continued walking across the rocks to the first pool with Breck following a few steps behind. She stood still for a few moments, looking out to sea.

“What are you looking at?” asked Breck.

“The place where the ocean meets the sky,” replied Cordelia. She smiled.

They put the clothes and boots on the rocks and sat on the ledge while Cordelia washed her feet.

“It’s so clear,” said Breck, peering into the water.

“I don’t know what people are so afraid of,” said Cordelia. “It’s beautiful.”

“Everyone’s afraid of something,” said Breck. “Even you, I’m guessing.”

“Perhaps. What about you? What are you afraid of?”

“Being alone.”

Cordelia studied Breck, his brown eyes gazing across the bay to George’s Head, his olive, weather beaten complexion radiant in the morning light.

“Are you alone?” she asked, worried about what the answer might be.

“Sometimes. I lost my parents and siblings to the hunger. Mind you, in the end it wasn’t the hunger that killed them, it was the fever.”

Cordelia felt a lump in her throat. “I’m sorry to hear that. I’m an orphan of sorts too.”

Breck turned to Cordelia, his smile sincere. His eyes displayed an understanding that didn’t need any words for clarification. Just being there in each other’s company was enough.

“D’you have any family?” asked Cordelia eventually.

“I’ve an uncle and aunt who took me in, five cousins. It gets kinda crowded mind. They run the local tavern, it’s only a small place. That’s why I like to get out. Gets me outta their hair and them outta mine. Still, I shouldn’t complain. I should count myself lucky really.”

“They say salt water heals all wounds,” said Cordelia.

Breck paused for a moment before clearing his throat, “Ah, I’m not much of a swimmer. What about you? Do you have family?”

Thoughts of Flynn rushed into Cordelia’s head. “I’ve people to take care of me. I should be going, they’ll be wondering where I am.” Cordelia dried her feet with yesterday’s clothes and slipped her boots on. “Load me up,” she said, holding her arms out.

“Won’t you let me walk you home?”

“I can manage. Thanks all the same.”

“Will I see you again?” asked Breck when they reached the track.

“I hope so.” Cordelia turned and walked towards the cliffs.

“Where are you going?” asked Breck. “There isn’t anything that way for miles. Only the lighthouse.”

“I’ll see you later!” called Cordelia, quickening her pace.

Back at the lighthouse, the smell of breakfast filled the air. Cordelia put the clothes in her chamber and joined her friends who were sitting in their usual spot.

“Where’ve you been?” asked Lana.

“Retrieving our clothes.”

“You went back there on your own?”

“Yes,” said Cordelia abruptly. “Anyway, enough about me, how’s your leg Masika?”

“I think I’ll live to see another day,” she smiled. “I need to get going actually. Amatheia wants to change this dressing.”

“I’ll come with you,” said Nerissa, clearing their plates away.

“Did you see any ravens this morning?” whispered Lana.

“No. Not a single one,” said Cordelia.

“I haven’t had a chance to speak to my father yet.”

“Maybe it’s for the best.”

“What d’you mean? You want to be on the diving team don’t you?”

“Yes, but maybe it’s best if you don’t mention the ravens. Won’t he ask what we were doing there?”

“It’s just a reef,” said Lana. “Nobody else goes there. It’s really only Morwen who’d take issue with it.”

Cordelia noticed Rafe watching her from across the room. His eyes were intense. She stared back, waiting for him acknowledge her. He didn’t. He turned to Max, they cleared their plates and left. Cordelia tapped her feet under the table as she felt the anger simmering away inside. Angered by the arrogance, annoyed that she allowed herself to feel this way about a boy - a boy who she didn’t even like, Cordelia placed her hands on the

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