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Book online «Pet Psychic Mysteries Boxset Books 5-8 (Magic Market Mysteries Book 2) Erin Johnson (good books for 8th graders .txt) 📖». Author Erin Johnson

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“You know, I heard Carolyn tried to get her entire downline to join her in boycotting the summit.”

The women all muttered and shook their heads.

“Such a betrayal. I can’t even imagine.”

“You know, we grew up together, but I’ll never speak to her again.”

Another nodded. “She’s dead to me.”

I raised my brows. Wow. Now I understood what Peyton meant last night about being in or out—if you were out with these ladies, you were really out.

I licked my lips. “What—what was that name again? Carolyn what?”

The blond blinked at me, confused. “Carolyn Lopez?”

I snapped my fingers. “That’s the one. She was the leader of the protests?”

The blond shrugged. “That’s what I hear. You know, it’s one thing if you just can’t cut it, but it’s another to turn around and blame Potent Potions—after everything they’ve done for us.”

The ladies raised their glasses in agreement, and I winked at Will. I’d gotten the information I wanted, and now it was time to make my escape. “Well, thanks, ladies, it’s been swell, but I’ve got to get—”

“Everybody take your seats, it’s presentation time!”

Sue and her friends swept in from the kitchen, snack trays in hand. They herded everyone deeper into the living room, and I found myself being jostled to a spot with Will behind the couches. I frowned toward the front door—I was trapped, shoulder to shoulder, at least six women away from sweet, sweet freedom.


Open Up!

Ladies perched on the arms of couches and sat down on the floor, the couches at their backs. Heidi slid onto the arm of an easy chair, while Will and I stood in the back. My spirits sank as I realized I was trapped. My shoulders slumped as I looked at my empty wineglass—had I wandered into a nightmare?

Sue swished her wand through the air, and the lamps dimmed. A floating, glowing gold chest hovered in front of her, and the lid lifted—purple light spilling out.

“Ladies, and Will, thank you so much for coming to my party tonight. But it’s not just a party—no.” Sue waggled a finger. “It’s so much more.”

I snickered and looked to Will to share an eye roll, but he shushed me. Oh, great. He’d gone traitor—I was alone.

Tiny glowing vials of potions floated out of the velvet-lined interior of the chest. Sue stepped forward and uncorked the first one. “Potent Potions offers a full range of proprietary blends designed to support you and your loved ones. Potent Potions isn’t about what’s inside the vials”—Sue swept an arm across the room—“it’s about what’s inside you.”

She lifted one palm. “What are your dreams? Financial freedom? Becoming an independent seller is the fastest, most proven way to make a boatload of money on your own schedule. All it takes is hard work and believing in yourself. Why, just look at me.” She fluffed her black bob. “I’ve been able to quit my job. Why, I had to, just to keep up with the workload.”

I frowned and muttered to Will, “Is that a good thing?”

“You!” Sue pointed at me, and all thirtysomething sets of eyes swiveled my way. My heart picked up its pace. “What’s your job?”

I gulped. “Pet psychic.”

Sue’s smile faltered for only a moment before she plastered it back on her face. “And wouldn’t you love to quit to be your own boss?”

I pressed my lips into a tight line. “I mean… I already am but—”

The curly-haired lady on the couch cut me off. “My sister recently found out she can talk to animals.”

I froze. Did this lady somehow know my secret?

“She realized the only men she talks to are pigs!” Curly slapped her thigh and erupted into bawdy laughter while all the women tittered.

Sue adjusted her cardigan and went on with her presentation. “Don’t we all want independence? To spend more time with our families? To be able to afford a vacation now and then?”

The women around me all nodded—even Will snorted. “Or a vacation ever.”

Sue uncorked the vials, one by one, as they floated in a line around the room past our faces, each glowing a different color. Some fizzed, others swirled, and they all smelled of various herbs and fruits. “Potent Potions holds powerful healing properties—you can help your family stay healthy and strong while bringing in more income. And a starter chest like this one is only five hundred merkles!”

I choked as Sue began to rattle off the names of the potions. Five hundred merkles! Who had that kind of money lying around to spend on this nonsense?

“Snakes blend is great for under-eye circles, but it also cured my mother’s dementia.”

I snorted but tried to cover it up with a cough. A few women around me shot me looks. I licked my lips and tried to hide my grin. Who could believe such a claim? I mean, sure, the vials smelled pretty good, but I was pretty sure the magical community at large would be clamoring for a cure for dementia if it actually worked. I arched a brow. Or under-eye circles, for that matter.

“And this one”—Sue held up a glowing green vial before releasing it to let it float about the room on display—“almost brought my dog back from the dead.”

I frowned. What the shell did almost mean?

The women nodded appreciatively. Was no one else concerned by that?

“Careful with this one.” Sue winked, then allowed a glowing purple vial to float away from her hands. “Twinkle Cloud helps calm nerves, but take too much, and you’ll sleep like the dead.”

The room quieted, and Sue quickly recovered. “Bad choice of words.” She pointed to the sky. “Let’s all take a moment of silence to honor poor Mama Pearl.”

The woman all clasped their hands and bowed their heads. Intensely uncomfortable, I glanced to my right at Will and found him hanging his head. I elbowed him, and he flashed his eyes at me, then went back to his moment of silence.

Had he not paid attention last night when I told him about the lavish vacations Pearl and Ralph

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