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Book online «Strawberry Kisses Phavy Prieto (bookstand for reading TXT) 📖». Author Phavy Prieto

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run away, Miss Acosta," he said with his typical sensual low voice.

"Cowardice is not one of my virtues, Mr. Devoir," I replied ironically, biting my lip.

"I'm pleased," he said and turned to look around as if he was looking for someone.

"What's up? Are we waiting for someone?" I asked a little confused.

"No," he denied, looking at me again with a smile. "But there are other people who were invited to the wedding and we might encounter them on the same flight."

I trusted his words and nodded not knowing what to add.

"How will I be introduced to the rest of the guests?" I asked because we had never talked about that detail. A friend? A work colleague? A distant cousin? I didn't have the faintest idea.

"I got your contract. I'm glad you didn't take long to sign it."

"The conditions were very good and... Are you trying to change the subject so you don't have to answer me?" I insinuated.

"Me? Absolutely not," he smiled. "I think the boarding is about to begin. I assume you don't like flying because you may consider it a waste of time."

"You assume correctly," I said. Wasting two hours just to catch a plane seemed aberrant to me because most of the time I couldn't profit from it in any way.

"That is precisely why I chose a commercial flight," he replied, laughing.

"What?" I said so loudly that more than one person turned to look at me.

Did goddamn Devoir have a private jet?

"Our company has several private jets," he whispered, "but this option seemed more fun to me."

"You are certainly not trying to impress me, but to incite hatred towards you."

"Shit!" I said, putting my hand on my mouth because my words had sounded so spontaneous.

His loud laughter made me turn completely red and, luckily for me, it was already our turn to show the documents at the last check.

"I don't think you're a woman who gets easily impressed," he replied once he walked through the gate. "That's what I like most about you."

"What does he like most about me?" Were there other things he liked about me? Maybe that man needed glasses.

"I guess you are waiting for me to do something really bad or embarrassing to quit praising me," I commented as we took our seats.

"What you say has nothing to do with reality," he said. I cursed my flair which always helped me to understand when there was something weird. I was convinced that this guy wanted something else in return.

"Can you admit that you're aiming for something? What is it about? What am I supposed to do? If your intention is that I striptease for the groom or something similar, I'll take the first flight back!"

He began to laugh at my reaction. At that precise moment I wanted to strangle him.

"No, it's not that. Even though it wouldn't be a bad idea if you did it for me," he said while I was waiting for an answer.

"Just kidding. I'm actually going to ask you something easy," he said calmly. "Or at least I hope so," he added a little anxious.

My mind was thinking the worst and of all the possible options it was unable to imagine which one was desired by that man.

"What is it about?" I insisted, unable to control the desire to satisfy my curiosity.

"This is not a family event," he began to say with apparent calm and in a low voice. "It's not even related to the company," he added to clarify. "It's about my ex-girlfriend's wedding."

For all the saints of Heaven! At that moment being hit by a hammer on the head would have been less painful for me.

Ex-girlfriend? Who goes to an ex's wedding? I certainly wouldn't have gone there even dead drunk.

"Your ex girlfriend?" I asked bewildered.

"Yes," he sighed. "Let's say it was she who left me... to be with my best friend," he added, reclining the seat to lie down for a bit.

Oh my! My heart cringed and I felt a profound sorrow.

"What a bitch," I whispered helplessly. A moment later I put a hand on my mouth as to apologize. He was going to her wedding, wasn't he? Maybe he had forgiven everything and everyone.

"No worries. As far as I'm concerned, you can call her any way you think is appropriate," he added with a mischievous smile.

"And why the hell are you going to this wedding?" I asked without understanding why he wanted to undergo that torture.

"Because he's always been my best friend," he replied calmly. "And I owe him."

"Well, I'm not in a position to express an opinion," I replied not wanting to judge the situation.

"Well, you will because I told him that I was going with my fiancée."

"No," I whispered. "Tell me this is a bad joke," shaking my head, thinking he was making fun of me.

How could I be taken for the fiancée of that Greek statue? I was definitely the opposite of a stunning blonde.

"If it were a joke, Miss Acosta, you wouldn't be at my side, and even less on this flight to Scotland."

"You mean that," I said analyzing the situation, "all this mise-en-scène of the planner was already premeditated? Was that incredible promotion just a trick to make me accept the offer?"

"I recognize that it was an incentive for you so that you interpreted your role better, although I do not dislike having you every day in the office as my account coordinator. I fully trust your ability to do the job well. I have verified that you are a person committed to the company."

"The fact remains that you treated me like a fool, when from the beginning you could have told me the truth to reach an agreement."

"I assumed that if I had told

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