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Book online «Strawberry Kisses Phavy Prieto (bookstand for reading TXT) 📖». Author Phavy Prieto

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girlfriend," I blurted out. I saw his half-hearted smile.

"I have never blamed Michael for what happened or I wouldn't have come here for his wedding," he replied in a serious tone.

At that moment it was our turn at the car rental. I was silent as I listened how he spoke perfect English.

When we got to the sports car area, I realized that he hadn't rented an economy car, which wouldn't have caused any regret if it got muddy or scratched. Of course he had not. A few meters from us there was a red Porsche 911 Carrera, so impressive and immaculate that it would have been a shame to brush it.

"Your goal is not to go unnoticed, right?" I asked standing completely still attached to the handle of my luggage.

"Is that so obvious?" he answered with that typical mischievous smile that came back on his face and that I adored.

Suddenly I found myself extremely motivated to give my best during that weekend so that the farce of the alleged girlfriend would have been so credible that I too would have fallen for it. Somehow I began to feel a certain empathy for that man. Let’s face it: it must be a huge shock to be left for your best friend. And being invited to their wedding can be even worse! I was not surprised that he had decided to invent the existence of a fiancée. If it had happened to me I would certainly have invented a relationship with some international rock star.

I went to the small trunk where Damian was putting his suitcase and handed him mine too.

"If we really have to, then let's do it right," I said as my hands began to sweat.

"What are you referring to?" he asked confused by my statement and looked up to look me directly in the eye.

Oh my, what a gaze this man has. I even forgot what I had to say. Maria! Come back to Earth!

"I mean... this," I said, pointing to the two of us. "It has to be credible."

"What would you suggest?" he asked closing the door of the small trunk and leaning on the car while his seductive expression made me more nervous than a teenager on a first date.

"That we have to act like a couple who..." Hell, I didn't even know how to express what I had in mind without sounding weird.

"... who is in love? Passionate? Affectionate?" he began to ask.

"Yes, exactly everything you have said," I said looking down to avoid contact with his gaze that made me nervous.

"All of them?" he asked smiling. I saw him taking something out of his pocket, a chewing gum, that he brought allusively to his mouth.

Be blessed that chewing gum!

"And how do you expect to do that if I haven't even touched you?" he asked coming dangerously close to me.

"Well, we're both adults and I don't think it's that complicated. We're not going to do anything we haven't already done in our life with… with…" Damn! If he had kept looking at me like that I would have fainted before his eyes.

"If there is one thing clear to me is that you don't look anything like any other woman I've already met and I love that infinitely."

At that moment the strawberry aroma of that chewing gum inebriated my senses. I felt a shiver down my spine. Would it have been inappropriate if I had pounced on his lips? I had the perfect excuse to say it was a test and I remembered his words: "the day I will savor your lips they will surely taste like strawberry."

Perfect! Strawberry gum would have worked great!

"Maybe we should rehearse before we act..." I whispered close to his lips. My eyelids closed helplessly.

"By spoiling the surprise factor?" he said touching the corner of my mouth with his lips and then slowly moving away along with that strawberry aroma. "No, I prefer spontaneity." Just in that instant I received a pat on my butt that made me jump forward towards him. I felt how muscular and fit his body was.

Fuck! I opened my eyes in surprise and saw his absolutely perfect white-toothed smile.

Thinking of you as Adonis is not enough: you’re the bloody Zeus himself!

After driving through a landscape of green meadows and rolling hills, accompanied by pleasant weather and the sight of the sea on our left, in an awesome red convertible car, I wasn't sure if I were really in Scotland or in a movie where the protagonist falls madly in love. Because you had to be extremely stupid not to fall in love with that lifestyle.

"We have arrived," Damian informed me while slowing down, and I realized that the huge villa that could be seen on my right was the place of the ceremony.

No doubt that Michael must be full of money.

"Wow!" I exclaimed as the car moved slowly on the gravel bed of the driveway.

It was an imposing building, probably from the 16th century, very well restored, enriched by small ponds, fountains, and plants everywhere which, together with the beauty of the place, gave the idea of luxury, social status and power of the people who came there to stay.

Oh my God, will I ever find myself in a similar situation?

As soon as I got out of the car, a parking attendant arrived and another member of the hotel staff unloaded the luggage to bring them to the reception. I felt like a princess.

"Are you guests of the ceremony?" asked the bellboy in an English accent that was difficult to understand for me.

"Yes. We have a reservation under my name: Damian Devoir," he confirmed, taking a step forward. I noticed how his hand slip and stop on my waist to exert slight pressure to invite me to walk with him.

A hot

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