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mouth dripping blood, had most of his face torn away in a feeding frenzy. Blood splashed from her wound and they assaulted anything it touched.

Rotting fingernails were torn loose with tufts of her hair as she fought and swung and elbowed and kneed her way out of the pile. She flung the blood from her wrists in to starving, hallowed faces and they destroyed each other. Teeth clamped down hard on her arms and legs, leather saving her from rips and tears but not from the pain and bruising. They kept coming, kept piling on, kept attacking anything with a drop of her blood if they couldn’t get a hand or mouth on her. She couldn’t swing the batons, there was no room, so she collapsed them, bludgeoned faces, cracked skulls and broke bones. She fought like Bastet, like a super human Egyptian Goddess, tossing bodies and ignoring the pain. She fought like a warrior queen, killing undead creatures to her front and killing undead creatures to her rear. Once she finally managed to get to her feet, her fists were steel hammers crushing everything they touched. Her mind raced, always one step ahead. They couldn’t win she told herself. They were too slow and she saw every move they were going to make long before they made it. She spun and whirled, a deadly electric ballet dancer with shattered teeth and sprays of poisonous black blood following her, covering her.

She got her back against a wall and fought. Punching and kicking, stacking bodies and trying to edge towards the entrance of the alley. They kept coming, kept following the keens of the dinner call. From both ends, they kept pouring in. She was already stumbling, trying to keep her feet on the ground and not on top of the dozens of fallen bodies. A big woman, easily four hundred pounds when she was alive, dove for Scarlet and she struck at her with lightning speed, driving a baton through her forehead, sending brains and blood shooting out of both ears. Their dried-out screams never stopped and the others never stopped following them.

Jessie noticed that the tail end of the pack behind him was giving up and turning back towards town. He frowned. He’d never seen that before. He hit play on the iPod and flipped on the loud speakers. Ukrainian Black metal from Drudkh split the day with thundering bass, staccato drum beats and a wall of guitars but they kept peeling off and they weren’t aimlessly wandering back, they were running for something.


Jessie reacted instantly, floored it and cut the wheel, bouncing off the road and into the overgrown field. The car got sideways in the dirt and he let off the gas, got it straight and hit the juice again. He got around the main mob, left them in a cloud of dust and shifted up a gear. He dodged around the runners, most of them going so fast, leaning so far forward in their hunger they kept overbalancing. Their withered legs couldn’t keep up and they smashed face first into the asphalt. If they were down, he tried to avoid them. If they were up and running, he sent them pinwheeling into the grass or over the roof.

There was only one reason a zombie would abandon the chase. There was something closer and more appealing.

His heart raced, he kept telling himself it was fine, she was a better fighter than him, nothing would happen to her.

He didn’t believe it.

He hit the edge of town going eighty-five and didn’t slow down for the stop sign. He could see them converging towards the courthouse square, stumble-running from between houses, coming out of side streets and streaming towards the vision center.

Jessie plowed into the backs of a running mob, they didn’t even turn to see what was killing them. They were in a frenzy, they smelled blood. Bob barked his hatred at them and Jessie could hear an edge to his voice, too.

He knew.

He knew she was in trouble. He could smell her blood, the only fresh thing there was to smell in a town of rotting dead.

Hurry. Bob urged him with his barks. Hurry. Hurry.

Jessie followed the dead, killing them as he went.

They were headed for the back of the store, back into the alley, and he showed them no mercy as he ran them down and cut to the head of the line. The motor roared and deep treaded tires spun chunks of muscle and skin from emaciated bodies as he bounced over them, tearing apart tendons and bone. The undead screams were constant and hungry and he saw where they were attacking. She had her back against the wall and her body was a blur, dealing out death but she was being overwhelmed. They were stacked waist high around her, a wall of broken, barely moving dead was piling up. Soon they’d be tumbling down on top of her, their sheer weight and numbers crushing her into submission.

Jessie put the hammer down and started plowing a path towards her. Bodies stacked up over the hood, slammed against the cage over the windshield and he kept pushing. His tires found purchase in the Nebraska dirt and he kept moving forward. When he got close, was afraid of crushing her if he kept going, he lowered the bars on the windows and started carving a path to her one shotgun blast at a time.

Bob bounded out after him and ignored the undead reaching for Jessie. He leaped over the stacked, crushed and struggling bodies, snarling his rage and fighting his way toward Scarlet.

To his master’s mate.

She must be protected. She was the weakest. She fought for her life with only her hands and he could sense her weariness. Master didn’t need help, he had the firesticks that ended all life. The mother of their pack was wounded and tired. Her blood had been spilled and the dead things that wouldn’t stay dead must pay. They must not harm

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