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tightening a bolt. “How do you stand it?”

“Burt’s” Griz said, referring to the fragrant balm he dabbed under his nose.

They let the convoy get close enough to spot them before Gunny finished up and started wiping his hands on a rag. The lead truck pulled up beside them and they flashed the men inside a fang-toothed grin, letting them know they were full members of the cannibal crew.

“Trouble?” the passenger with the painted face asked and gave them a nod, making sure they saw his own sharpened teeth.

“Fan belt was squeaking.” Gunny said. “Just needed to be tightened up. Any idea how much farther?”

“I don’t know.” he replied. “We’ve gotta be getting close. We come in from Oklahoma, I thought we was supposed to be going to Lakota.”

“I heard that too.” Gunny said “Guess there was a change of plan?”

He left the question hanging, if this guy knew anything, maybe he’d start talking or at least feel superior, a little more in the loop. He’d think he was higher ranked than them. Basic psychology 101, appeal to their ego, let them think they were smarter and better than you and they would underestimate you every time.

They talked for a few more minutes, Gunny told him they were the only two survivors of the Black Moon Brotherhood.

“Ran into a huge horde that was following a train.” Griz said. “If we hadn’t been away from the main camp, we would have bought it, too.”

“Yeah, I heard about that.” the man said. “They say there are millions of them wandering around in the deserts of West Texas.”

“I’ll scratch that off my places to visit list.” Gunny said and let the guy keep talking, let him establish how important he was. Gunny didn’t offer up much, just nodded in all the right places, let him think they were lowly outriders or supply scavengers.

Griz casually rested his hand on one of his pistols, raised an eyebrow at Gunny.

A slight shake of the head, and Griz relaxed, scratched at his beard. The convoy was too spread out and all the people were staying in their cars. They’d seen a few get out and relieve themselves, taking advantage of the unscheduled stop, but they climbed right back in and awaited instructions. They were a little better trained than the other group they’d ran in to. No way to win a gun battle with them and they wanted the cover of a group anyway. This little caravan was perfect, they would blend right in. The man doing all the talking finally told them to fall in line behind the prisoner truck and follow them to the base camp. They could join up with the Human Hunter tribe if they wanted, he could always use a few more men.

“Sounds good.” Gunny said and they did as they were told.


Captain Ricketts

“We still can’t raise them on the radio, my Lord.” Ricketts said, in answer to the question from Professor Harrison at the other end of the conference table.

NO! he chided himself. Stop thinking of him like that. He is Anubis, Lord of the Underworld reincarnated.

Captain Ricketts had to be careful, the wrath of the new ruler knew no boundaries. Just last week he’d helped truss up a man and drop him into the pit. He had been stripped naked, bent backward until his spine snapped then with his genitals dangling, slowly lowered into a crowd of screaming dead. The poor guy probably forgot all about his broken back when he was low enough and teeth started tearing into him, dangly parts first. His crime had been sleeping with one of the Dark Lords concubines although he swore his innocence even until the last.

“I’m sure she has killed them, too.” Lord Anubis said, unconcerned with his followers’ fate. “She needs to be stopped.”

Half-naked teenagers flanked him, one feeding him grapes, the other fanning him softly with a staff of feathers. They were in gold body paint, their bare skin covered in painted hieroglyphics. They were twins, a boy and a girl, and it was common knowledge that Anubis slept with them both, usually at the same time. Their father was dead, fed to the zombies as an object lesson in obedience. Their mother was called to join in sometimes because the Professor had a mean streak in him, there was no other explanation for it. She drank doctor Stevens various concoctions though and if she cared what she was doing, it was buried deep inside and it stayed there. She obeyed.

“Yes, your highness.” Ricketts agreed “We have hunter-killer teams searching for her.”

Ricketts wasn’t so sure it had been her. The entire team he’d sent to take over the island town were enhanced with the super soldier serum, were heavily armed and had reported that they were completely in control. They had hundreds of undead at the gates and the townspeople were unarmed, quaking in fear. Scarlet was good at a lot of things but she was terrible with guns, she couldn’t hit water if she fell out of a boat. She preferred her little sticks and stealth. If the reports the team leader had given were accurate, it was impossible to sneak into the town and eliminate them one at a time. A more plausible reason for the radio silence was the townspeople rose up, probably had enough guns hidden away to fight back. Those damn rednecks and their infatuation with firearms.

Some of the first teams he’d sent out to search for her didn’t know what she was capable of. They were looking for her but didn’t have explicit orders to eliminate her. All that had changed after the farmhouse incident. The rumors of her and the Road Angel teaming up had been confirmed if the last garbled cry from a dying man was accurate. If those two were together, working against the Movement, he could believe they had taken out his team on the island. Another scavenger team raiding a warehouse had dropped

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