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Book online «Titan: A LitRPG Adventure (UnderVerse Book 4) Jez Cajiao (top ten books of all time TXT) 📖». Author Jez Cajiao

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also had three new prompts…

Congratulations! For staying true to your choices and for walking the Path of the Creationist, you have gained a point of Intelligence!


Congratulations, Journeyman! You have taken your first steps to a wider understanding of the art of the Alchemist! No longer content to trudge along, playing with the simple knowledge that most can possess, you have started to truly experiment! Your discoveries mark a turning point in your Profession, stepping aside from the simple, well-trodden path. Instead, you have begun to explore the wilderness of the universe’s potential!

The Path to Fire Pattern Mastery has begun! 7/100


Congratulations! You have taken your first steps along the path of your Secondary Profession of Herbalism and Organic Compounds!

No longer must you wait and hope. No longer must you only purchase or rely upon whimsical luck to guide you in your search for ingredients. As a Novice Herbalist, you will now be guided to Organic Compounds that could enhance or be otherwise used in your Primary Profession of Creationist Alchemist by all of your senses. Perhaps the secrets of life reside in your dinner? Mayhap that unusual smell you scent on the wind is actually a poison so deadly that cities will fall? Only the Gods can stop you now!

Gain +2 to Perception!

I looked them over, grinning to myself despite my exhaustion, before turning to the potion I’d managed to create. The information almost seemed to leap into my tired mind, and I read it quickly, smiling proudly.

Anti-Fire Balm

Further Description Yes/No


This Apprentice grade balm will grant a 7% resistance to all forms of fire for eleven minutes when spread evenly on a surface.









“So, I basically made sunscreen?” I wondered aloud, reading the details, until Oracle shook her head and told me what I was missing in my sleepless, addled state.

“No Jax, you made a balm that would protect you from seven percent of a FIREBALL. If you could improve on this, you could walk naked over magma and not feel anything… it might be an Apprentice-grade potion, but this is hugely significant. You managed to make this from scratch, with no guidance, save your own instincts. Half the ingredients there shouldn’t work together, and yeah, only a few of them made it into this potion in the end, but you learned so much about mixing and making them into a single product, didn’t you?”

“I did…” I admitted, realizing that by the time I’d used up most of the ingredients, I’d learned what didn’t work for some of them, and what did for others. I’d need hundreds of each, I now knew, but once I had them? I could start to really grow into my profession.

I suddenly realized that the healing potions I’d been using and giving out were basically weak as all hell, because they’d been made by utter amateurs. I’d yet to come across a potion made by someone who really knew what they were doing. Even the ‘greater’ potions were simply particularly good versions of the basic recipes, with perhaps one or two additional ingredients added in.

My eyes widened in recognition as I grasped the faintest possibility of what I’d discovered. If I could find the Pattern for Healing… I needed to devote serious time to this, I knew suddenly. I could find information in every goddamn ingredient out there, and if I could assemble it all together, I’d have a potion that could damn well resurrect the dead.

I remembered a series of books from my past, and a greasy man who’d spoken of bottling fame, of putting a stopper in death itself.

This was a way to actually do that.

I could give my people potions that would even the playing field even with Nimon if I worked hard enough. I could create mana potions that would transform someone’s mana channels, making them more powerful in every way, not simply increase the regeneration speed.

I sagged backwards, the world of possibilities flooding my mind. I felt my head hit the wood of the deck as my exhausted mind finally gave out, and I slept.

Some seven hours later, I was awoken from a dream in which I was beating a giant gummy bear to death with a potted fern, only to find Oracle shaking me, fear in her eyes.

“Wha…” I mumbled, confused, until her panic fought its way through the levels of sleep-fogged incomprehension that filled my mind.

“Jax! Wake up!” she snapped, and I rolled to my feet, displacing her, and looking around the room frantically, trying to spot the threat.

“Jax!” Oracle shouted, and I spun on her, my mind filled with a mix of fear, aggression, and a need to fight.

“What!” I shouted back, before I felt it…

There was a feeling or terrible warning, and it was emanating from the north-east. I grabbed my naginata and sprinted for the door, Tang throwing it open and getting out of the way barely a second before I’d have taken it off its hinges.

I ran to the ladder to the upper decks, leaping and triggering my ‘Soaring Majesty’ ability for a long second, sending me flying out of the hatch and into the air.

I spun in the air, dropping onto the lower deck, and staring into the distance. My eyes locked on something that was still beyond the horizon, a structure literally hundreds of miles away, as Oracle focused in on the feeling, receiving a message from Seneschal, even as Jenae spoke it aloud to me, her voice grim as it rang in my mind.

“Beware, Eternal… The Dark Legion of Nimon has begun to march on the Great Tower of Dravith. The War of the Gods has begun.”

“Tenandra!” I bellowed, spinning around. “Get us caught up to the fleet. Fast!” I snapped out the order, turning to the others as they raced up on deck behind me, ready for a fight. “The Dark Legion is heading for the Tower. We need to get there, now!” I snapped at them, hoping we wouldn’t be too late…


“Move up!” bellowed Turk, jogging along and

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