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Book online «Niyx Samantha Kroese (i am malala young readers edition .TXT) 📖». Author Samantha Kroese

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staring at Niyx.

“He’s my twin, of course he does.” Onyx rolled his eyes and started through the tunnels. He’d claimed his old room here, the familiarity of it giving him some comfort in spite of occasional pangs of loss and guilt over Jadeia.

Callistra followed him. She looked lost and out of place. Her wide eyes roamed over their chilly surroundings, and she cringed toward him any time they passed one of the Night Creatures. They glared at her with distrust, sensing her light magic and recognizing her armor. When they got to Onyx’s room, Callistra pushed past him, and sat on his bed.

Onyx blinked in surprise, then crossed his arms as he stepped into the room, stopping by the door. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“They hate me here. They distrust me. I’m not safe out there. You have to protect me,” Callistra insisted with a frown. “Your twin said I’m your responsibility.”

Onyx shut the door behind him with a grumble, then dropped his weapons on the chair nearest the bed. He pulled off the most restricting of his leather armor, then flopped on the bed, too tired to argue with her. “Fine. Stay here if you want. I thought you didn’t like me and what I do. And I did just kill your step-father.”

Callistra looked down at her hands. They were shaking. She stood to peel off her heavy metal armor and sat it carefully in the corner. Then she joined him on the bed, wearing only simple cotton clothes. “I think I misjudged you. I thought you were just some arrogant womanizing killer. If you were, you wouldn’t have risked your life to save a dragon. Or me. I’d like to get to know you. And, honestly, I don’t have much of a choice.” She lay down next to him, looking as exhausted as he felt.

“Get some rest,” Onyx groused as he pulled a heavy blanket over them to keep out his twin’s icy air. For once, he drifted off to deep dreamless sleep.


Snow flurries filled the air around Niyx. Icicles crackling across his armor was the only sound that broke the silence. He stood in the center of the ancient throne room of Aderaan. The king sitting on the throne looked just as ancient. The withered old elf who had looked powerful from a distance at the party now looked defeated and worn.

King Skydris steepled his boney fingers in front of him as his steel-grey gaze met Niyx’s ice blue stare. “King Niyx, it seems that the unsanctioned actions of my former servants have angered you. As you can see, they have been stripped of their positions.” Skydris paused to wave a finger toward the corner of them room where Raijin and the Templars who had attacked the forest knelt bound and stripped down to their small clothes. “It grieves me to know they have broken the treaty of peace between our two peoples.”

Niyx glanced at the former Templars, but not even Raijin would look up at him in defiance. A willing sacrifice, were they? Or defeated because their own King, who had sent them on this mission, was now betraying them? Niyx didn’t believe Skydris for a moment. He knew the King had sent the Templars to his forest, but he didn’t speak. Instead, he just turned his displeased gaze back on their King.

“Restitution of the treaty is in both our people’s best interests. So here is what I propose, king to king.” Skydris rose from his throne with only a bit of a tremble and stalked to the Templars, scowling at them. “You will be given these prisoners first and foremost, so that you may punish them in any manner you see fit for their crimes against your people.”

Niyx arched an eyebrow just slightly. Part of him ached to rip out Raijin’s throat and drink deeply of the Templar’s blood because of their past. It was a small part, though. He was not moved by the King’s attempt at reconciliation so far if, in fact, that is what it was. “Am I supposed to be impressed?” Niyx asked, impatient.

Skydris hesitated at that and turned to look at his guest. Then he waved a hand to a scribe in the corner who unrolled a long scroll. Skydris smiled, an attempt to be charming and warm. “This is my royal decree, deeding the entire forest back to your people. A wall shall be built between our kingdoms and whatever security measures you wish to employ will be allowed.”

Niyx crossed his arms and fought the urge to roll his eyes. The fool actually thought he owned the forest so he had the right to deed it to the Night Creatures? The forest was already theirs by ancient law. How stupid did this elf think he was? Still, Niyx kept his peace, letting the old fool rattle on with his promises. As much as he ached to have his ancient graveyard back, it was not enough.

“We will even acknowledge your kingdom and you as the sovereign of your people. The Night Creatures will be decreed people, not monsters. They will have their freedom, and Aderaan will protect them should any other races come to challenge you.” Skydris walked closer, a pleased smile on his cracked lips. “It will be my great honor to offer you an alliance, oh great King of Winter.”

Niyx closed his eyes, arms still crossed. He stood silently. Let Skydris think he was considering it. When Skydris shifted in the uncomfortable silence, Niyx finally snapped open his eyes. “And what of the dragons you have enslaved?”

Skydris changed immediately from warm and charming to cruel at the mention of the dragons. “With all due respect, King Niyx, the dragons are not your concern.”

“How am I to trust you enough to sign a treaty with you while you have yet another intelligent race you betrayed chained beneath your houses? What will stop you from finding similar uses for my people?” Niyx asked boldly.

“The dragons are

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