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good king. Better than the mortal ones. You rule by logic and sense, not by reckless emotions like greed or anger.”

Niyx snorted a little at that. “I am angry about the dragons.”

“That is because of Ice and how you bonded to him. It is justified anger. You feel the dragons’ pain and sorrow. They are abusing the dragons for their own gain. They do not understand, but you do. On a level they never could. It’s a heavy burden for you, my love.” Kiril said as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Niyx ran a hand through her golden hair to soothe her. “I will make the world safe for us, Kiril. For you and Nial. No one will hurt you again. And no one will ever touch our son. I swear it.”

“I know.” Kiril smiled at him and relaxed.

“If you know how things will end then why are you so bothered?” Niyx bared his fangs at her in a rare grin.

Kiril sobered and sat up, her eyes going cold as her ice magic. “Because it will be worse before it will be better.” She took a deep breath then rose from his lap and took his hand. “Come, husband. I want to be alone with you. The war comes for you tomorrow.”

Niyx let her pull him to his feet. It wasn’t often she asked him to bed. The timing was odd for her. “What do you know, Kiril? What have you seen?”

Kiril shook her head, her long blond hair bouncing with the movement and framing her beautiful face. “No. You know I will not tell you. To tell you may change the vision. It will be unpleasant, but it will work out in the end. I would not risk changing it.”

“You need not worry. They cannot kill me. I am immortal,” Niyx reassured her, but he frowned as he followed her to their private chambers.

Kiril stopped by Nial’s crib where the toddler was curled up asleep with Nek. The dire wolf lifted its head a little to look at her before letting out a sigh and cuddling back against the boy. She reached to smooth Nial’s downy black hair. “Not all who are here are immortal, Niyx.”

Niyx stopped behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder as he watched their son sleep. Nial was mortal like his mother. As they gazed at their son, Niyx knew that Kiril would not let him fight alone, but ventured to ask, “Will you be in danger if you fight?”

“It is always a danger for a mortal to fight,” Kiril whispered.

Niyx pulled her away from the crib, picked her up in his arms, and carried her to their bedroom. He shut the door behind them and took her to his bed. He had not enjoyed her since Nial was born. Though he was gentle, she quivered under his touch, a reminder of the trauma the elves had put her through before he’d saved her. He would make them pay for that as well.


Onyx bared his fangs in displeasure as he tromped through the halls of the Den, weaving around Night Creatures as they went about their business. The halls were bustling, but his room was empty. Callistra was not there. He had spent all night killing nobles. Not in his usual way, but quick and clean. They would know he had done the killing, but they would also know he did not just seduce and kill women. He was quite capable of killing men as well, without the seduction.

He hadn’t bitten them, and the need for blood pounded through his veins. He’d chugged a few hard liquors at Dahn’s bar as he had dropped in to inform his friend the bartender of the events going on, but they had not quenched his thirst. He wanted blood. And he wanted sex. And he wanted it from the woman he’d left in his bed. Where in the hells had she gone?

Onyx had almost decided to disturb Niyx, even though Riven had warned him not to, when he found her. She was sitting alone in the hallway not too far from where they were keeping Raijin. “What are you doing here?” he asked. “Do you want Niyx to kill both of you?”

Callistra looked up at him, tears in her eyes. She narrowed her eyes, clenched her fists, and got to her feet. “Tell him to let my father go. He’ll listen to you.”

“No, he won’t,” Onyx laughed, then reached out to grab her arm. “Come with me.”

“What? No. Hands off!” Callistra snarled and wrenched her arm free before smacking him with her light magic.

It hit him like a giant hammer, and he slammed into the wall, his breath stolen by the impact. He stared at her, stunned. Then he growled, baring his fangs. “What did you do that for?”

“I know what you’re after. I’m not interested.” Callistra glared at him, then turned and stormed down the hallway. “I have to get back to Aderaan.”

Onyx leaped off the wall and blocked her path before she could even register he had moved. He shoved her up against the wall, pinning her, as he said urgently, “No, you’re not going back to Aderaan.”

“You didn’t learn from the first time? Fine,” Callistra snarled then struck at him with her light magic again, but this time he grabbed her arms and forced them up over her head, so the magic bounced harmlessly off the stone tunnel. She struggled, but he was stronger, so she finally settled for glaring at him.

Onyx stayed close against her so she couldn’t use a knee to get him anywhere sensitive while he tried to make her understand. “Would you just listen to me? You can’t go back to Aderaan. Where will you go? Your father has been labeled a rogue Templar and a traitor. You’re a traitor to your adoptive family, remember? You tried to help me free the dragon, and we killed Isakael.”

“You killed Isakael,”

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