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had no idea the impact they were having on our world by enslaving the dragons. They will be informed.”

Niyx exchanged an understanding gaze, gripped Ruel’s hand in the customary fashion, then released it. Without another word, he turned and stalked out with his entourage following.

Once the heavy doors to the throne room closed behind the Night Creatures, the room erupted again in a cacophony of sound with angry nobles trying to out-shout each other. Ruel sighed and sank back onto the throne, resting his chin on a fist contemplatively, as he let them argue for a bit. Finally, he cleared his throat and called out over the din. “If you would let me speak!”

The nobles grew quiet reluctantly, and all gazes turned to their new king. Ruel shifted under the unfriendly glares, but regained his confidence and frowned. “We have been made aware that the dragons are guardians of our world. They keep our world healthy and alive. Surely you understand the magnitude of this knowledge? We are killing our world by draining the dragons of their magic. Having magic is not going to do anyone any good if the world withers and rots beneath our feet. If we allow that to happen, the world will truly belong to the Night Creatures because they’ll be the only ones left!”

“How do we know King Niyx is telling the truth? Maybe he just wants to strip us defenseless so he can take over our city and enslave us!” One of the noblewomen called out.

“Madam, I believe King Niyx has more than proven he can take this city any time he wants to,” Ruel pointed out with a raised brow as Floof jumped into his lap.

“That’s why we established the special order of Templars, my King. They had the power to stop the Night Creatures. They could stop King Niyx. The Night Creatures are no more than monsters,” one of the other nobles started to argue.

Onyx had heard enough. As a Lord of Ruel’s house, he had every right to interject anyway. “Monsters, are they? What about you nobles? You are corrupt; you cheat and kill each other. Maybe a few of you were young enough not to know about the dragons, but most of your families knew full well how powerful and important the dragons are to everyone. It’s bad enough you’re destroying our society. Will you let your greed destroy our world too?”

“Well, that takes a lot of nerve coming from you, Lord Onyx. We all know what you do with your time!” a nobleman scoffed from nearby.

“Enough fighting!” Ruel said irritably as he stood up. “You will free the dragons, or I will let Niyx free them for you. You have two days. That is the decree of the King of Aderaan. Any houses found disobeying the decree will be disbanded and their members turned over to the Night Creatures as war criminals. I, for one, do not want to die in a city of snow and ice. That is all. Dismissed. Get out. All of you!”

The nobles stared at Ruel, then slowly started to depart, mumbling amongst themselves. Ruel rubbed his forehead then looked at Onyx once they were alone. “How did I do?”

“You made more enemies than friends. I’ll go and thin them out for you. I’d stay in the manor if I were you, not the castle.” Onyx shrugged and started out the door. “Keep Floof and Rebekah with you, too.”

“Be careful, Onyx. I need you.” Ruel sighed. “I’m going to send word to Father. Maybe we can now arrange an alliance with the pirates as well.”

Onyx paused, then gave Ruel a genuine smile. “Rubei would like that. Good idea. I’ll be back for that meeting. For now, I need to get rid of some dissenters. Stay safe.”

“You as well, brother,” Ruel said as the doors closed behind Onyx.


“I want to see my father,” Callistra demanded, her hands on her hips. She showed no fear of Niyx or Kiril, or of any of the Night Creatures.

Niyx tapped his fingers on the bone arm of his throne, resting his cheek on his other fist. “Why?”

Callistra seemed taken aback by the question. She blinked several times before she answered, her response slow. “Because…he is my father and I love him? I want to make sure he’s okay. Don’t you have a father? Don’t you love anyone?” Callistra narrowed her eyes then pointed at Kiril. “Surely, you love your woman?”

Kiril tilted her head when Niyx looked at her. “Niyx does not understand our emotions. He is a Night Creature.”

“Don’t give me that excuse. Onyx is a Night Creature, and he cares about Ruel. Why else would he so adamantly defend him?” Callistra snorted as she crossed her arms.

“Onyx was raised by the living. They were assassins, yes, but they understood the world of the living and the emotions needed to survive it. Niyx does not,” Kiril insisted with a frown. “And you will address my husband with the respect he deserves. He is a king who is tolerating your insolence quite well for someone you consider a monster.”

Niyx sat in silence, watching the banter between the two women. He rather enjoyed it when Kiril got defensive. She did have a temper though, so he felt he had better intervene before Onyx’s new love interest became a block of ice. “Fine. Riven, take her to see the prisoner. Kill her if she tries to release him.”

Riven looked annoyed to be once again reduced to an errand boy, but he bowed in compliance as he beckoned to Callistra and floated out the door.

“Thank you,” Callistra spat through tight lips as she turned on her heel to follow Riven.

Niyx waited until he was alone with Kiril, then raised a brow at her. “You are very defensive. Unsettled.”

Kiril came over to sit in his lap and traced her fingers along his dark armor, leaving frost in decorative patterns behind. “I would see you get the respect you deserve. You are a

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