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Book online «Dragons of Asgard 3 Logan Jacobs (book recommendations for teens .TXT) 📖». Author Logan Jacobs

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and fell to the ground in a fiery fit.

“Seriously,” I muttered and thrust my sword through the guy’s neck.

His yellow eyes bulged for a second, but then his body went still as blood started to rush from the wound and seep into the ground around him.

I’d heard most dwarves were blacksmiths, and if that was the case, I was less than impressed with their fighting skills. It seemed someone who made a weapon should at least be able to use it.

Just as I yanked my sword from the first male, I sensed the presence of another behind me, so I spun around and lifted my blade to block his blow.

Unlike his companion, this man seemed to know what he was doing, and he came at me with the ferocity I liked to see in an opponent. His teeth were clenched together, and he wielded his sword correctly as he slashed and jabbed at me.

I blocked each move he made, and though he wasn’t extremely strong, he was quick, so I had to keep moving in order to combat the blows.

A quick glance around showed me the girls were in the same boat. The first male I’d come after must have been a fluke, because the rest of these arseholes seemed like they knew a thing or two about the weapons they no doubt made. Both Eira and Asta were locked in battle, and the dragons were helping, too, but I didn’t have time to focus on them.

Another male came up on my back, but Blar blasted him with a fireball to give me a second to respond. I jumped up and gave a swift kick into the chest of the man I’d been fighting with, and then I spun around and slashed the screaming, burning man behind me in the stomach.

The dark-haired male was right behind me when I spun back around, but I was ready for him, and instead of countering his blow, I allowed him to swing as I ducked below his sword and stabbed upward.

My blade caught him just below the ribs, and his body lifted off the ground and slid down to the hilt of my sword as I stood up and let out a war cry.

I swung my blade to the side, and the man went flying into the grass. Blood splattered from his wound as he soared through the air, and he landed in a bloody heap in the dirt.

Before the dust could even settle around his body, I spun around to the next man. He countered my first attack, but then he swung high, so while his blade was still in the follow-through of his swing, I reared my arms back and took the opening to slice at his stomach.

My blow would have cut him right in half, but just as my blade was about to make contact with him, the man disappeared.

I stopped my swing and held my blade out in front of me as I looked around for my opponent. Was this some sort of dwarven magic I’d never seen before?

The weight of something landing on my sword and forcing the tip down caught my attention, and I looked back to my blade to see a little man standing on the flat side of it. I blinked in shock for a moment, but then I realized Kas must have managed to remove their magical disguises.

“Ahhh!” the dwarf screamed in a strangely high-pitched voice before he jumped down from my sword and took off running.

“What the fuck,” I breathed as I started to chase the little creature.

“They’re getting away!” Eira called out, and I turned to see another dwarf running from her toward the grass.

“Shit,” I grumbled as I hurried through the grass after my little dwarf.

Blar dove off my shoulder, but just as he was about to pounce on the man, the bastard tucked and rolled forward.

The dwarf disappeared into the grass, but I kept going after it.

Suddenly, Svass flew over my head and then swooped down into the tall yellow grass. A little thud sounded, and the dragon made a small squeak to alert us she’d caught the enemy.

“Alright, Svass!” I hollered as I ran toward her.

Asta and Eira were suddenly right next to me as we made our way to where Svass had caught the dwarf.

She was just ahead of us, with the little man pinned to the ground. He had a long white beard, a small flat hat on, and a dark-brown tunic with matching brown boots. A tiny sword was strapped to his hip, but Svass pinned his arm down so he couldn’t reach it.

The little dragon was sitting on top of the dwarf, and she looked up at us and smiled sweetly.

“Good job,” Eira congratulated her.

“Yes, thank you,” I told the little yellow girl, and I bent down to look at the dwarf as he shook his head back and forth and rattled his body in an attempt to free himself. “Alright, I’m going to ask you once--”

My words were cut off as the dwarf disappeared with a little poof sound and a small cloud of gray smoke.

Svass let out an eek as she hit the ground, and then she looked around in a panic before she turned to me with wide pink eyes full of confusion.

“It’s okay.” I picked her up and rubbed her head as I shook my own. “You did your best.”

“What the fuck just happened?” Eira asked.

“His buddies must have cast a spell to get him back home,” Kas said, and I turned to look at her with surprise. I hadn’t even heard her approach, but then again, I’d been a little preoccupied at the moment.

“Or he cast a spell to get himself home,” Asta suggested.

“That could be the case, too,” I agreed. “We can’t say for

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