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we’d seen a few days before who the dragon dealers had captive, said something about the dragon trade resistance. It seemed there was another group of individuals out there who were doing what they could to dismantle the dragon trade.

From the fate of that man, I doubted their efforts were accomplishing much, but I appreciated them trying. If they weren’t warriors, though, they were better off leaving it to someone who could actually stand against these bastards.

Still, I understood the urge to do something for the cause, even if it meant sacrificing one’s own life. After all, how many dragons had lost their lives already?

I shuddered to think of that number, and my mind flashed back to Vinrar in Helheim. He deserved to be there, but Ove, his huge, beautiful dragon, certainly didn’t.

Dismantling the dragon trade was my top priority, but once that was over, I vowed to bring Ove back home. He didn’t belong in the realm of the dead and joyless.

Unfortunately, Odin was the only one who could bring him back from the underworld, so I’d have to wait until the King knew about our efforts to stop the dragon trade. Then maybe he could admit his own faults in the matter.

It took about half an hour for us to arrive at Ramir’s shop, but once we pulled up, I parked the cart out front, tied the horned animals to a post, and headed inside.

The bell chimed as I entered the small shop, and immediately, my nose was assaulted with the familiar smell of herbs and tonics that filled Ramir’s shop.

The store was sort of a one stop shop for anybody who required something magical. The old man had healing salves, potions of all kinds, and amulets and crystals that could be turned into jewelry of the buyer’s choice.

As usual, Ramir was nowhere to be found.

“Father,” Kas called out.

“Kaspyr?” Ramir asked, and his voice seemed to come from everywhere all at once. “Is that you, darling?”

“It’s me,” Kas chuckled before she lowered her voice to address us. “Who else would be calling him father?”

“I can hear you, you know,” Ramir said, and he popped up from behind the cash register to our left. “These old bones may not be what they used to, but my ears work just fine.”

“Father!” Kas startled, and she brought her hand up to her chest. “I thought you were in the back.”

“Well, you were mistaken, weren’t you, dear daughter?” Ramir asked with a half-smile. “Rath, Asta, good to see you again. And Eira, you’ve joined the party now, too, eh?”

“I have.” The redhead smiled, and as much as she’d joked on the way here, I knew Eira held Ramir in great esteem.

“Good, good,” the old man muttered as he came around the counter. “They can use all the help they can get, you know.”

“Yeah, I figured as much,” Eira chuckled and elbowed me playfully in the ribs.

“And my little babies,” Ramir said as Blar flew down from my shoulder to land in front of the old man.

Inger quickly dove down from Asta’s shoulder so she could soak up some pets, too, and Kas picked up Uffe off her shoulder and set him on the ground so he could run up to his adoptive grandfather.

“Oh, I’ve missed you so much.” Ramir smiled and petted each dragon just the way they liked.

Blar got scratches under his chin, Inger received soft pets on her head and neck, and Uffe soaked up some scratches just above his tail.

“As much as I’d love to make this a social visit,” I said softly. “We have some important business.”

“We’ll get to that in just a moment,” Ramir said with a gesture at Svass, who was wrapped around Eira’s neck. “But I couldn’t help but notice there is a new addition to your crew.”

“Ah, yes.” I nodded. “I suppose a quick hello is alright.”

“Oh, good,” Ramir chuckled. “After all, I only help you out so I can see the dragons.”

“Is this true?” Asta asked, and she looked at me with wide yellow eyes.

“No, dear,” Ramir laughed and patted her arm as he walked by to get to Eira.

“Oh, good.” Asta smiled. “Because I like you, and it would be awful if you didn’t actually like us.”

“You know I’m his daughter, right?” Kas chuckled.

“That doesn’t mean he has to like you,” Asta said, and she cocked her head to the side.

“Of course, I like you,” Ramir said with a smile, and he reached up so Svass could sniff his fingers. “But playing with baby dragons… well, that’s a perk I’m not willing to give up.”

“I understand,” I told him, and I watched Svass sniff his fingers.

Then she gave them a little lick before she scurried down the old man’s arm to snuggle up on his shoulder.

“I miss the days when she only liked me,” Eira muttered.

“That was only a few hours ago,” Kas reminded her with a laugh.

“Best few hours of my life.” Eira shook her head jokingly.

“Don’t worry, dear,” Ramir told her as he reached into his pocket and pulled out some smoked meat to give the dragons. “I’m sure she still likes you best.”

“I hope so,” Eira laughed. “Though I don’t bribe her with smoked meat, so probably not.”

“That’s what grandpas are supposed to do.” Ramir winked at the redhead as he held out a piece of meat for Svass to take.

I chuckled and shook my head. The old man was teasing, but he wasn’t exactly wrong. The dragons loved to come to Ramir’s. He gave them all the attention they could ever want, allowed them to climb all over him, and insisted on making them delicious food. Even I liked it here.

Unfortunately, we had a job to do.

“Ramir,” I said to get the old man’s attention.

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