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Book online «Legion: Alpha Dragon Shifter Romance (Dragon Rules Series Book 1) Tia Didmon (e books free to read .txt) 📖». Author Tia Didmon

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for altering nature, but we can heal from magic blow back and we can transfer that fate. I wish power transfer was not one of our gifts.”


“It allows us to perform unnatural acts and have another pay the price.”

She sucked in a breath. “Could Devlin do that to you? Do something terrible then make you pay the price for it?”

Legion shook his head. “A dragon cannot transfer his magic to another dragon. We can protect ourselves from such an attack, as could a druid or mage.”

She squinted. “So, humans are the dark dragons’ guinea pigs.”

He sighed. “Unfortunately, they are. It’s why we must protect them. Humanity has no defense against a dark dragon’s magic.”

“Figures that we would...”

“Not you, Mara. You were born human, but you are part druid. Once your magic matures, it will protect you from such an attack.”

She huffed. “It doesn’t make me feel better that Devlin can...” Her eyes rolled back. She felt her power surge. Legion’s arms tightened around her, but the sense of security fell away. She floated in a realm of clouds. Airy fingers touched her hair. Her skin. The tingling started in her chest, then spread outward. In seconds she was standing inside the temple. Her arms were transparent. Thin lines as she looked through them. “This is new.” Her voice echoed around her.

The room shifted to another location within the stone castle. A large room with a long table and several chairs surrounded by bookcases filled with old leather-bound books. The sensation of moving surrounded her, before she stood in front of a drawbridge. The lever on the side glowed with a blue flame. She sucked in a breath as her spirit reconnected with her body.

She blinked before meeting Legion’s intense gaze. “Does that ever get less weird?”

“How so?”

“The floating temple thing. I moved between rooms, but I was like a ghost entering someone else’s home. My virtual mind tour ended with a drawbridge with a glowing blue lever. I can’t touch anything there so, I’m not sure what it means.”

“The temple used to have a moat around it. The bridge was the single access to the temple.”

“Couldn’t you just fly to it?”

“No. The temple has a ward around it. Dragons could not use their magic while inside the temple. It was a safety precaution for the druids.”

“Because of the mages?”

“Yes, and the dark dragons. There were fewer of them then, but they would abduct a druid if given the chance.”

Her power hummed through her body, reaching for the magical creature that held her. His body stiffened as her power caressed him. It wasn’t an attack, but it incited him.

“Mara!” he snapped, though his voice held more frustration than anger.

“I’m sorry. I can’t control it. You should have warned me about the porn magic,” she hissed.

He put his head against hers, chuckling. “I’ve never heard of such a thing, but I am more than willing to learn. Perhaps you can give me some instruction.”

Mara pushed away from him. “You can stop right there. Obviously, it’s not safe for me to be in the same room with you, fortunately I have plans with Natalie. So, this...” she waved her hands between them. “Thing will have to wait.”

Legion looked her over. “I agree, it’s better to put some distance between us until after midnight, but we will revisit this conversation.”

Mara crossed her arms. “Do you always think about sex?”

Legion smiled. “I went thousand of years without thinking about it. I admit, since I met you it has been forefront in my mind, but I would remind you, that this time... you started it.”

Mara huffed. He was right, but she would never give him that satisfaction. He had enough going for him already. “How mature of you.”

Mara took off her jacket and handed it to the maître de. He mumbled something in French while putting it on a hanger. The room was hot with so many patrons crammed within its walls. The smell of butter creme, fresh bread and seafood, competed to overthrow one another. “I can’t believe you got us a table here.”

Natalie winked at her, repositioning the thin purse strap on her shoulder. “I didn’t. Jake did.”

“I love the Renaissance era decor. I’m not sure how he got us a reservation, but I’ll take it.” She waved at Jake, who stood up from a white linen clad table in the corner.

They followed the server to the table, smiling at their friend. He hugged Natalie and then Mara.

Mara felt her magic spike inside her. It rippled through her body, as if searching for a target. Jake flinched as she got a flash of his soul. His intentions toward her. She cleared her throat, pulling the power back into her. He posed no threat to her, but she would have to set him straight on the boundaries of their friendship. “This restaurant is amazing.”

Jake pulled out her chair. “I booked it last year. I hope you don’t mind, but I invited a friend along, since the reservation is for four.”

Mara shook her head. “Not at all. Who is your friend?”

Jake glanced at the door. Here he is now. “Roland, meet Natalie and Mara.”

Roland’s eyes roamed over Mara. “It’s a sincere pleasure to meet you Mara and happy birthday. I hope we can make it a momentous one.”

Mara’s smile slipped from her face before she forced herself into some semblance of control. The aura around Roland shimmered before turning gray. She glanced at Natalie to see if her friend was watching the strange dark glow forming around the newcomer.

Natalie indicated the seat beside her. “Please sit down, Roland. We haven’t gotten a menu yet. So, you are just in time.”

Roland took a seat beside Natalie, leaning toward her when he spoke. “You have no idea how right you are, my dear.” He winked at Natalie, causing her to blush.

Mara plastered a smile on her face as she reached out with her mind. Legion.

Yes, Anum Cara.

Will you tell me what that means?

Soul Mate.

Her apprehension

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