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Book online «Legion: Alpha Dragon Shifter Romance (Dragon Rules Series Book 1) Tia Didmon (e books free to read .txt) 📖». Author Tia Didmon

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It’s the only magic that’s detectable.”

Mara looked at Natalie. “What does that mean?”

Conner and Legion spoke in unison. “She is a druid.”

Mara flashed Legion a dirty look before turning to Conner. “How can you be sure?”

Legion glanced between the irritated women. “How did you two meet?”

Mara’s look was unrepentant. “You’re not off the hook for that stunt. You had no right to wipe her mind without my permission.”

Legion glanced at her. “I’ll do many things that make you uncomfortable. Your safety and hers are my priority. I will never waver on this issue. I suggest you get accustomed to it.”

Mara crossed her arms. “I am not one of your subjects. If you think you can order me around, you are kidding yourself.”

Legion’s eyes flared before Conner stepped forward.

The tall blond put his hand over his heart. “Natalie, I hope you will accept my sincerest apologies. I would not have touched your mind had I known you were druid. I will inform my brethren of the signs of an emerging druid to ensure this does not happen in the future. I should have realized you were druid.”

Natalie threw her hands in the air. “Sure, whatever. Just tell me what is going on.”

Mara turned to her friend, relaying all the events of the past couple days, including the part where Conner removed her memories the first time.

Natalie flopped down on the couch. “Druids. Dragons. Magic. You can’t be serious. It’s bad mushrooms. It has to be.”

Legion’s eyes flared as Natalie’s eyes clouded. Fire licked her pupils as Mara ran to her.

She wrapped her arm around Natalie’s stiff form, glaring at Legion. “Stop it!” Mara yelled.

“Legion is showing her the truth. About us, about you and her,” Conner said.

Natalie sucked in a breath when her eyes returned to their natural blue. “Holy shit.”

Mara rubbed her forehead as her stomach turned. “That about sums it up.”

Conner sat in a chair beside the girls. “Can you tell us how you met now. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that two of the first druids to emerge, grew up together.”

Mara and Natalie stared at each other before Mara spoke. “We met at a summer camp for girls when we were kids.”

Conner smiled. “Sounds nice. Where was the camp?”

“It was just outside the city. There were several cottages, a stream and a meeting hall. All surrounded by forest and wildlife. We loved it.”

“What was it called?’

“Todhchai Camp for Girls. It was by invite only, and free for those chosen. I was lucky, as my parents could never have afforded a camp like that,” Mara said.

Natalie nodded. “My father would never have let me go if it wasn’t free. He commented on the money he would save while I was away.”

Mara put a reassuring hand on her friend’s knee.

Natalie shook her head. “It’s okay, that was a long time ago.”

Conner took out his phone. After A few seconds, he looked up. “That camp does not exist.”

“It was years ago. Maybe they don’t run it anymore,” Mara said.

Conner put his phone away. “There would be a record with the business bureau. There isn’t.”

Natalie frowned. “How can you look that up?”

“One of my brothers was excellent with computers. He set us up with access to government agencies he thought we would need.”

Natalie raised an eyebrow. “Impressive. I won’t comment on the legality of that, but I admit I have skirted the law a few times when hacking.”

Conner’s eyes lit up. “You are proficient with a computer?”

Mara huffed. “She is a genius. Computers, ancient languages and texts. Her intellect is scary.”

Conner’s smile was sly. “Ah Lass, you and I will have some fun together.” He winked.

Natalie looked down, but her lips creased with a smile.

Legion had been silent for a while. His eyes flickered as his power encased the room. It was invisible, but unmistakable as electricity cracked like static on a television. “The temple. She called her future to her.”

“The temple isn’t alive,” Mara said.

Legion glanced at her. “In some ways it is. We need to know who was at that camp.”

Mara got up from the couch, grabbing the kettle. She added water and plugged it in. “Natalie, I am going to make us some tea. You look like you could use it.”

Natalie pulled her feet up. Wrapping her arms around them. “I saw what Legion showed me, and I believe he and Conner are dragons and that you are druid, but I don’t think I am. I’m not like you, Mara. You always had unique abilities. I’m just me.”

Legion rolled his shoulders. A predator surveying his territory. “Mara is the seer. Her power is unlike any other, but we will not know if you come into your power until your twenty-third birthday. When is that?”

Natalie glanced at the calendar on the wall. “In four months.”

Legion nodded. “You may as well learn about your heritage.”

“What if I don’t develop any powers?” Natalie whispered.

Legion shrugged. “You are still druid and will pass your blood to your children. You are part of our family, from now on. Either way, you are still Mara’s sister.”

Natalie frowned. “Mara has a sister.”

“Not one she is close to. Where was this sister when Mara needed a friend?”

Natalie sighed. “Alana is... Alana.”

His voice dipped low, forcing Mara and Natalie to turn to him. “Was Alana at that camp?”

“Yes.” Both women said in unison.

He nodded. “She will need to be brought home and her heritage explained to her. Tell me about the girls at camp. Do you know their names?”

Mara poured the boiling water into the teapot, placing the lid on the top to allow it to steep. “Yes, but not their last names. The camp had a ‘what happens at camp, stays at camp’ motto.” Legion’s eyes narrowed. “You never questioned why they swore you to secrecy?’

Mara shrugged. “We were told that it was to protect one another. That rich, poor, or cultural background was irrelevant. We were equals from that moment on. Natalie and I realized we had seen each other in passing

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