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also discussed, which Himmler did not record (Dienstkalender, ed.

Witte et al., 415, n. 6).


Notes to pages 360–364

258. Klarsfeld, Vichy, 122. On the raids and deportations of summer 1943 see also Poznanski, Jews, 251 ff.

259. The deportations are individually documented in Czech, Kalendarium, and in Klars-

feld, Vichy.

260. CDJC, XXVb-147, Protokoll, 1 Sept. 1942, published in Klarsfeld, Vichy, 447–8.

261. Ibid. 168.

262. CDJC, XXVc-177, letter from BdS Knochen to RSHA, 23 Sept. 1942, in Klarsfeld, Vichy, 469.

263. Ibid. 474.

264. Bob Moore, Victims and Survivors: The Nazi Persecution of the Jews in the Netherlands 1940–1945 (London, 1997), 54 ff.

265. Ibid. 79 ff.

266. Ibid. 66 ff.

267. PAA, Inland II g 189, 3 July 1942; cf. Browning, Final Solution, 101.

268. On the beginning and course of the deportations, see Jacob Presser, The Destruction of the Dutch Jews (New York, 1969), 146 ff.; Moore, Victims, 91 ff.; Gerhard Hirschfeld,

Fremdherrschaft und Kollaboration. Die Niederlande unter deutsche Besatzung,

1940–1945 (Stuttgart, 1984), 145 ff.

269. For individual details see Moore, Victims, and Ron Zeller and Pim Griffioen, ‘Juden-

verfolgung in den Niederlanden und in Belgien wÀhrend des Zweiten Weltkrieges.

Eine vergleichende Analyse’, 1999. Zeitschrift fĂŒr Sozialgeschichte des 20. und 21.

Jahrhunderts, part 1 (1996), 30–54. On the problem of Dutch collaboration, see

Hirschfeld, Nazi Rule.

270. PAA, Inland II g 182, Dienststelle BrĂŒssel to the AA, 11 Nov. 1942. On the German

persecution of the Jews in Belgium, see Maxime Steinberg, L’Etoile et le Fusil. La

Question Juive 1940–1942 (Brussels, 1983); Hilberg, Destruction, 635 ff., and the essays

in the collection, Dan Michman, ed., Belgium and the Holocaust: Jews, Belgians,

Germans (Jerusalem, 1998).

271. Hilberg, Destruction, 641 ff.

272. Some significant results of the comparison by Zeller and Griffioen in ‘Judenverfol-


273. Telegram from Dienststelle AA BrĂŒssel to AA, 9 July 1942, published in S. Klarsfeld

and M. Steinberg, Die Endlösung der Judenfrage in Belgien. Dokumente (Paris, 1980),

32–3. According to this, there were concerns on the part of the military administration

about the deportation of Jews of Belgian nationality.

274. Juliane Wetzel, ‘Frankreich und Belgien’, in Benz, Dimension 129.

275. Report Dienststelle AA BrĂŒssel, 24 Sept. 1942 as well as MilitĂ€rbefehlshaber to Feldund Oberfeldkommandanturen, 25 Sept. 1942, published in Klarsfeld and Steinberg,

Endlösung, 45 ff.

276. See p. 285.

277. PAA, Inland II g 177, note from Luther, 21 Aug. 1942; Inland II g 183, German Embassy to AA, 6 July 1942; cf. Frederick Barry Chary, ‘Bulgaria and the Jews: “The Final

Solution”, 1940 to 1944’, Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh, 1968, 77. On the events at the

end of 1941 see PAA, Inland II g 183, Note of 27 Nov. 1942 (also published in Akten zur

Deutschen AuswĂ€rtigen Politik (ADAP) E I 132–3) and [presentation note] Luther, 4

Dec. 1941, in the same file.

Notes to pages 364–366


278. Browning, Final Solution, 103.

279. The procedure is shown in PAA, Inland II g 200; cf. Browning, Final Solution,


280. See PAA, Inland II g 208, note from Luther, 11 Aug. 1942 and letter from Luther to

German Embassy, 17 Aug. 1942, ibid. See Randolph L. Braham, The Politics of

Genocide: The Holocaust in Hungary, rev. edn, 2 vols (New York, 1994), 261 ff.

281. PAA, Inland II g 208, [presentation note] from Luther for Ribbentrop, 19 Sept. 1942, cf.

Meir Michaelis, Mussolini and the Jews: German-Italian Relations and the Jewish

Question in Italy, 1922–1945 (Oxford, 1978), 317 ff.

282. PAA, Inland II g 192, cf. Browning, Final Solution, 107.

283. PAA, Inland II g 177.

284. Browning, Final Solution 93.

285. PAA, Inland II g 183, instruction from Luther, 19 June 1942.

286. PAA, Inland II g 194. See Hilberg, Destruction, 756 ff.; Holm Sundhausen, ‘Jugosla-

wien’, in Benz, ed., Dimension, 323. Sundhausen quotes the report by the German

ambassador, Kasche, of 24 July 1942 in Inland II g 78/2, H 300390 ff.

287. Andreas Hillgruber, ed., StaatsmÀnner und Diplomaten bei Hitler. Vertrauliche

Aufzeichnungen ĂŒber Unterredungen mit Vertretern des Auslandes 1939–1941

(Frankfurt a. M., 1961), i. 575 ff., Note of 9 June 1941 concerning the conversation

of 6 June 1941. The expression ‘ethnic cleansing’ (Flurbereinigung) was used by


288. Jozo Tomasevich, War and Revolution in Yugoslavia: Occupation and Collaboration,

(Stanford, 2001), 392 ff.

289. Hilberg, Destruction, 756 ff.; Tomasevich, War, 592 ff.

290. Hilberg, Destruction, 714 f.

291. PAA, Inland II g/86, 300363.

292. Czech, Kalendarium, 18, 22, 26 and 30 Aug. 1942.

293. ND NO 5193, Bericht des Inspektors fĂŒr Statistik (Korherr-Bericht), 19 Apr. 1943.

294. See p. 229.

295. On the Romanian Judenpolitik see Jean Ancel, ‘German-Romanian Relations during

the Second World War’, in Randolph L. Braham, ed., The Tragedy of Romanian Jews

(New York, 1994), 57–76; Braham, ‘Antonescu and the Jews’, YVS 23 (1993), 213–80;

Hilberg, Destruction, 808 ff.; Krista Zach, ‘RumĂ€nien’, in Benz, Dimension, 31 ff. Radu

Ioanid, The Holocaust in Romania: The Destruction of Jews and Gypsies under the

Antonescu Regime 1940–1944 (Chicago, 1999).

296. PAA, Inland II g 203, Killinger to D III, 6 Aug. 1941.

297. PAA, Inland II g 200, Message from Killinger to AA v. 12 Aug. 1942; Browning, Final

Solution, 115 ff.

298. The Romanian Commissar for the Jews, Lecca, announced to members of the German

press on 7 August that the Jews would be ‘resettled’ from Romania ‘within a short

time’; in PAA, Inland II g 200, Report by Richter. The Bukarester Tageblatt reported

the following day under the heading ‘Romania cleansed of Jews’, that 25,000 Jews had

already been deported ‘to the East, via Transnistria’ in September and October.

Further contingents were to follow in the spring of 1943; by the autumn of 1943 all

Jews were to have left Romania.


Notes to pages 366–370

299. PAA, Inland II g 177, note by Luther, 21 Aug. 1942.

300. PAA, Inland II g 177.

301. PAA, Inland II g 177, note by Luther, 21 Aug. 1942.

302. Details of the Hungarian Judenpolitik in Braham, Politics.

303. See p. 224.

304. Braham, Politics, 214 ff.

305. PAA, Inland II g 208, letter from OKW, Wehrwirtschaftsamt to AA, 21 July 1942;

cf. also Braham, Politics, 284 ff.

306. PAA, Inland II g 208, Himmler to Ribbentrop, 30 Nov. 1942.

307. In the same file.

308. Frederik Chary, The Bulgarian Jews and the Final Solution 1940–1944 (Pittsburgh,

1981), 44 ff. and 80 ff.

309. Ibid. 80 ff.

310. PAA, Inland II g 183, Presentation note by Luther of 10 September; Note by Sonn-

leithner, 15 Sept. 1942. On these deportation preparations See Chary, Bulgarian Jews,

113 ff.; Browning, Final Solution, 123; Hans-Joachim Hoppe, ‘Bulgarien’, in Benz,

Dimension, 285–6.

311. PAA,

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