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Inland II g 194, Presentation note by Luther for Ribbentrop, 24 July 1942 and AA to Envoy Kasche, 10 Aug. 1942; cf. Browning, Final Solution, 115.

312. PAA, Inland II g 177, Presentation note by Luther for Ribbentrop, 11 Sept. 1942; see Daniel Carpi, ‘The Rescue of Jews in the Italian Zone of Occupied Croatia’, in Daniel

Cesarani and Sarah Kavanaugh, eds, Nazi Holocaust: Critical Concepts in Historical

Studies (London, 2004), v. 670–730.

313. Ibid.

314. PAA, Inland II g 194, note for Luther, 17 Sept. 1942; cf. Browning, Final Solution, 122–3.

315. Details in Hagen Fleischer, ‘Griechenland’, in Benz, Dimension, 241 ff. and Mark

Mazower, Inside Hitler’s Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 1941–1944 (New

Haven and London, 1993), 235 ff.

316. PAA, Inland II g 190, Suhr to Rademacher, 11 July 1942. On the Italian attitude see also Daniel Carpi, ‘Notes on the History of the Jews in Greece during the Holocaust Period:

The Attitude of the Italians (1941–1943)’, in Cesarani and Kavanaugh, eds, Nazi

Holocaust, v. 731–68, 738 ff.

317. See PAA, Inland II g 190; dealt with in detail in Browning, Final Solution, 136–7, 140–1.

318. Hannu Rautkallio, Finland and the Holocaust: The Rescue of Finland’s Jews (New

York, 1987), 163 ff. See critical comments on this in William B. Cohen and Jörgen

Svensson, ‘Finland and the Holocaust’, HGS 9 (1995), 94–120, esp. 82–3.

319. See Hillgruber, Staatsmänner, ii. 106 ff. about the Hitler–Antonescu discussion and PAA, Inland II g 200, report from Richter, 26 Nov. 1942 about Antonescu’s statements concerning his special discussion with Ribbentrop. See also Browning, Final Solution, 124–5.

320. PAA, Inland II g 208, note from Luther to Weizsäcker of 24 Sept. 1942.

321. See p. 324.

322. See Hillgruber, Staatsmänner, ii. 111 ff. report, 25 Sept. 1942, about the meeting of 24


323. PAA, Inland II g 194, Büro RAM to Luther, 25 Sept. 1942.

324. See pp. 326, 404.

Notes to pages 370–376


325. See various documents by Richter and Luther in PAA, Inland II g 200.

326. PAA, Inland II g 177.

327. See Hilberg, Destruction, 845 f.

328. PAA, Inland II g 183, Deutsche Gesandtschaft an AA, 2.11.

329. PAA, Inland II g 183, report of 16 Nov. 1942, attached Bulgarian verbal note of 12 Nov.

Cf. on this subject Chary, Bulgarian Jews, 118 ff.

330. IfZ, MA 1538/2 (NA, T 175/658), vol. 9, note about discussion on 23 Oct. 1942, in which the Romanian Judenkommissar, Lecca also took part, 24 Oct. 1942.

331. PAA, Inland II g 183, sent by Schellenberg, 21 Nov. 1942.

332. Cf. Braham, Politics, 287 ff. and Browning, Final Solution, 128 ff.

333. PAA, Inland II g 208, report from Luther about this to Ribbentrop, 6 Oct. 1942.

334. Instruction from Luther to Jagow, 14 October; report from Jagow, 17 Oct. 1942, both in PAA, Inland II g 208.

335. See PAA, Inland II g 208, report from Jagow of 27 October and 13 Nov. 1942 about

conversations with Kállay.

336. Ibid., letter from Himmler to Ribbentrop, 30 Nov. 1942.

337. ND NG 4586, report from Wisliceny, 8 Oct. 1942; cf. Braham, Politics, 288 ff.

338. PAA, Inland II g, message from Luther to Rademacher, 14 Dec. 1942.

339. See the extensive correspondence between the missions and Luther in October and

November 1942, in PAA, Inland II g 194. On this process, in greater detail, Browning,

Final Solution, 137 ff.

340. See in particular Carpi, ‘The Rescue of Jews’, 670–720, 465 ff.

341. PAA, Inland II g 192.

342. PAA, Inland II g 194, Report from the legation in Zagreb.

343. Hans Thomsen, Deutsche Besatzungspolitik in Dänemark 1940–1945 (Düsseldorf, 1971);

See Herbert, Best, 330 ff.

344. Samuel Abrahamsen, Norway’s Response to the Holocaust (New York, 1991), 83 ff.

345. Ibid. 104 ff. On the deportation of the Norwegian Jews see also Hilberg, Destruction, 584 ff.

346. Abrahamsen, Norway’s Response, 130 ff.


The Further Development of the Policy of Extermination after the

Turning of the War in 1942–1943: Continuation of the Murders

and Geographical Expansion of the Deportations

1. Decrees of 28 Oct. and 14 Nov. 1942; VOBlGG, 665–6 and 683 ff.

2. See Katzmann Report (018-L, IMT xxxvii. 391 ff.) of 30 June 1943: ‘With the further

instruction of the Higher SS and Police Leader the accelerated total resettlement of the

Jews to be carried out.’ This decision, must, as the context of the report reveals, have

been made after the decree of 10 Nov. 1942 and before the erection of the large camp in

Lemberg for 8,000 Jews.

3. Pohl, Ostgalizien, 248 ff.

4. Arad, Belzec, 393 ff.; Mlynarczyk, Judenmord, 277; Seidel, Besatzungspolitik, 339 ff.

5. Frank Golczewski, ‘Polen’, in Benz, ed., Dimension, 476.

6. Ibid. 392–3.


Notes to pages 376–381

7. ND NO 1882, Himmler to Krüger, 11 Jan. 1943.

8. NS 19/1740; see also Himmler’s order to Krüger, 16 Feb. 1943. On 23 July 1943 Pohl

informs Himmler that the concentration camp in the Warsaw ghetto has been

constructed (ibid.).

9. Arad, Belzec, 392; Gutman, Jews, 307 ff.

10. Jan Erik Schulte, ‘Zwangsarbeit für die SS: Juden in der Ostindustrie Gmbh’, in Norbert Frei et al., Ausbeutung, Vernichtung, Öffentlichkeit: Darstellungen und Quellen zur

Geschichte von Auschwitz (Munich, 2000), 43–74.

11. Literature on the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising: Gutman, Jews; Daniel Blatman, For Our

Freedom and Yours: Jewish Labour Bund in Poland 1939–1949 (Jerusalem, 1998); Reuben

Ainsztein, The Warsaw Ghetto Revolt (New York, 1979).

12. Shmuel Krakowski, War of the Doomed (New York, 1984).

13. BAB, NS 19/2648, 12 May 1943; see also the file note from Himmler, 10 May 1943, in

which he stated that the ‘evacuation of the remaining 300,000 Jews in the General

Government was to be carriedout . . . at the greatest speed’ (original published in

Faschismus, ed. Berenstein et al., no. 278, S.354–5); cf. Sandkühler, Endlösung, 197

14. Diensttagebuch, ed. Präg and Jacobmeyer, 31 May 1943, p. 682; see also Himmler’s

telephone notes, 20 May 1943: ‘Judenevakuierung’ (BAB, NS 19/1440).

15. Pohl, Ostgalizien, 246 ff.; Sandkühler, Endlösung, 194 ff.

16. Report from Katzmann to Krüger, 30 June 1943; published in Faschismus, ed. Beren-

stein et al., no., 284, pp. 358 ff. It is, however, unlikely that Katzmann was actually in a position to name the number of victims with such great precision; the figure he gives

must therefore refer only to the extent of the mass murder for which he was


17. BAB, NS 19/1432, file memorandum Himmler, 19 June 1943, resolution Bandenbe-


18. Pohl, Lublin, 160. Pohl, Krüger, und Globocnik agreed to

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