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Book online «David Bishop and the Mystic of Creation T.C. Crawford (icecream ebook reader txt) 📖». Author T.C. Crawford

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all were – but he outmaneuvered us. He used my powers against me and harnessed them into the Mystic Crystal, using it to power his spell. I should have seen it coming…I should have connected the dots, but I failed…” said David, hanging his head low.

Erin came up behind him and put her hand on his shoulder, trying to console him.

“You see…what Tyrius says is true.” said Erin, looking at the Dwarves crowded around them. “The Defiant One has returned, and we could use all the help we could get on our mission to try and stop him.” she said.

Seeing the reaction of the Dwarves crowded around, the old Dwarf at the counter realized he was losing control of the situation. Some of the Dwarves were whispering frantically within the ranks, looks of fear on their faces, others looked angry at the claims the newcomers were making – they didn’t want to believe the Defiant One had returned, knowing such a truth would surely pull them away from their families and lives of isolation and back into the world above, just as it had done so long ago.

Quickly assessing the situation, the old Dwarf made up his mind. He had to get things back under control, and fast.

“This is nonsense! I will not have you come barging into our halls and inciting a panic with these unfounded claims!” he said, pounding his hammer forcefully on the counter. Immediately, everyone in the room hushed once again, their focus intent on the Master Dwarf.

“It’s not nonsense!” replied Erin quickly, but the Dwarf was done listening to their story and was instead looking over their heads towards the group of Dwarves standing around them.

“Take them away for the time being. I will speak with the King and see what he wishes to do with them. I suspect he will not be thrilled to hear what has transpired today – we can’t just take their word on something this important and risk inciting a riot! But alas, it is up to King Tybrin to decide, not us, on what needs to be done.” said the Dwarf.

With this, several Dwarves that appeared to be soldiers came from behind the crowd and grabbed David and the others, leading them swiftly out of the chamber.

Knowing that to struggle would only make things worse, the companions all complied and let the Dwarves lead them out of the building, back towards the railway passing in front of the courtyard. They could hear the murmurs of the crowd as they were taken away.

It seemed as if the ploy mostly worked, as the majority of the Dwarves dispersed and went back to their work, but a few stayed behind in small tight groups, discussing what had just transpired quietly among one another, occasionally looking up at the prisoners as they were led to the carts.

When they arrived at the carts and climbed in, it quickly sped off down the rails towards a tunnel leading deeper into the mountain. It wasn’t long before the glorious emerald buildings quickly faded out of view and were replaced once again by darkness, broken only by the occasional torchlight as they flew quickly past.

Eventually they reached a dead end and were instructed to exit the cart before being led to a doorway into another chamber that held a series of isolated cells. Their weapons were confiscated and placed in a small holding area before they were each put into separate rooms. The thick metal doors now closed and locked behind them, they were once again left alone and in the dark, each wondering how in the world they were going to get out of this one.

Chapter XIII

It wasn’t long before the Dwarves returned, this time carrying dishes of wonderful smelling food for them to enjoy while waiting for their meeting with the King.

David’s mouth began watering as soon as he smelled the food, suddenly much more aware of how long it had been since he had eaten a savory meal and eager to fill his empty stomach with warmth once again.

One of the guards named Gavin apologized for the way they had been treated. Having been a friend of one of the Dwarves who had been in close proximity when the news was shared in the great hall, he had heard all about it and he and his friends believed their account to be true.

He explained that the councilmen had only been doing what he felt was best to avoid a panic and had intended to get permission from the King for them to have a private audience so they could tell him their story first-hand without risking the news spreading uncontrolled and uncorroborated.

The Dwarves had always been allies to the humans, even fighting with them in the War of Salvation to fight back the Defiant One’s army, but they were also a private folk – happy to keep to themselves and not too eager to get involved in the affairs of the surface world. When something came along that risked that peace and security, it tended to cause problems within the ranks, and therefore, the kingdom’s security. Trying to quell a bunch of angry, panicking Dwarves was no small feat!

David and the others took the news well and acknowledged that their intrusion could have had unintended consequences they didn’t consider at the time, but also expressed their sense of urgency in getting out of their cells and getting back to their mission – with or without the help of the Dwarves.

After they had all finished their meals and their plates had been taken away, another Dwarf came to their cells and informed them that they would have to stay here for the night, but first thing in the morning they were to speak with the King regarding their claims.

With this, they each settled down on the bedding provided in their respective cells and decided to take the time to rest, knowing that such security was a thing of luxury when it

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