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Book online «David Bishop and the Mystic of Creation T.C. Crawford (icecream ebook reader txt) 📖». Author T.C. Crawford

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stature and relatively thinner than most Dwarves David had seen, he held himself in such a manner that screamed wealth and power. His snow-white hair and beard were immaculately trimmed and manicured, and his piercing eyes were a crystal blue like sapphires.

“So, these are the wonderful newcomers I’ve been hearing all about?” said the Dwarf, taking each of their hands and stopping briefly to kiss Erin’s. “I heard you caused quite a racket in the Great Hall yesterday evening” he said with a twinkle in his eye.

“’ello Manny! Aye, these are the ones” confirmed Darryn. “But it’s being settled, and they are our guests now. I’ve been given the great pleasure o’ taking ‘em around myself. Was just about to take ‘em to my cousin’s shop.” he said.

“So, it would seem” said Manny. “If you wish, I could take you around the bank and show you the…more sophisticated side of the city, once you’re finished touring with Darryn, of course.” he said with a smile.

David noticed Darryn shifting uncomfortably under Manny’s gaze and quickly realized that this Manny character was not the kind of Dwarf he would like to hang around.

“No, thanks.” he said, “I think we’ve only got enough time to see a few places before we have to get back to our quarters. We’re expected at the King’s feast tonight.” said David, emphasizing the last part.

With this Manny’s mouth slightly twitched at the corner and his smile faded just enough for David to notice his displeasure. David assumed he was not invited to this feast, and that must have struck a nerve with the Dwarf who was most likely accustomed to such honorary invitations.

“I see.” said Manny, slightly bowing. “Well, if you happen to find yourselves in the area again, please do stop on by. You’ll come to find there’s another side to Emerald Keep that caters to those who prefer a more…classy atmosphere.”

With that he took his leave and headed up the stone steps and through the large double doors into the bank’s lobby.

David watched with displeasure as the Dwarf disappeared from sight before turning to the others.

“Something about that guy really set me on edge” he said.

“Aye, you oughtta look out for that one. He inherited the business from his father and has gained a lot o’ reputation in these parts as a crook and a cheat, but he’s the one who controls the trade. If anyone wants to sell their goods on the surface, they have to go through him. When he took over, he upped the charges for using his routes – making it cost twice as much as before for him to sell yer goods, claiming it’s because o’ the increased distance his boys have to travel to make a sale, and the increased dangers on the surface. But everyone knows it’s just to line his pockets with more gold.” explained Darryn.

“Why do people still go through him then?” asked Erin, not understanding what would stop them from selling their goods on the surface on their own.

“Most people are afraid o’ the surface. They like the underground, and the stories o’ Dwarves trying their luck themselves and never returning – those are enough to keep anyone from trying again. That’s why he’s so popular – he’s got the routes secured and his boys are seasoned enough to know where to go, when to go, and how to avoid trouble up there.” said Darryn. “But that’s enough o’ that! Let’s go meet me cousin Gerryn!” said Darryn, his expression cheerful again at the thought of showing off his cousin’s skills.

Darryn was right to be proud. His cousin’s skills with the hammer and chisel were unlike anything any of them had seen before. His shop was lined with exquisitely crafted metal pieces and jewelry ready to be capped with precious gems and stones that were perfectly cut in thousands of unique shapes and sizes.

Once the stones were set in the pieces, he would give them to the jewelry store next door to sell, where he would earn a percentage of the sale, giving a sizeable amount to the owner. He explained his cousin was not interested in the sales aspect and would rather spend all of his time on the crafting and forging of the items, leaving the sales and customer interactions to his partner next door.

After they had been introduced to Gerryn and were given a quick tour of the business and some of the other local stores, David and the others had decided to head back to the palace to prepare for the feast.

They made their way back to the cart and took off down the tracks and up the spiral railway before heading off to their separate rooms to prepare for the coming feast, something they were each eagerly awaiting.

Chapter XIV

Manny quickly made his way through the interior of the bank, gesturing for his two most trusted advisors – Glenn and Glynn – to follow him to his office.

Glenn and Glynn were brothers, and they were built big and sturdy like most Dwarves. When Manny had taken over the business from his father, he hired them as his own personal bodyguards. He also used them to run his little errands. Errands like making sure anyone who tried to sell goods on the surface never found their way back to Emerald Keep. It was a nasty business trying to remain on top, Manny had always told them.

When they entered and shut the door, and he was certain no one else was close enough to listen in on their conversation, Manny quietly but urgently began explaining what must be done.

“Word has reached me of the King’s plan to send a small scouting party to the surface. He wants to verify the human’s claims that the Defiant One has returned.” began Manny, looking at the two large Dwarves.

“It is your job to make sure that this news does not reach the King. You have whatever resources you need to make this

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