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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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one-piece,blue garment with a dolphin embroidered on the left front. Toemekadrew him close, breathing in the scent of his skin and hair and thesweet smell of milk. His dark hair felt soft against her cheek andwas thicker than when she’d last seen him.

Michio put his arm around hershoulder and she gazed up at him, her heart expanding with love.“Thank you for bringing me back to our son.”

“This is where you belong.”

Toemeka turned toward Koriann andsaw that the queen and Erling were wrapped in each other’s arms,kissing. When they drew apart, Toemeka noticed Koriann’s faceglowed with joy..

“Thank you, Koriann, for takingsuch good care of Baymond.” The two women embraced.

“It was a pleasure. I’vefallen in love with him. He’s a sweet baby,” Koriann’s smilefaded as she looked at Toemeka with deep sincerity. “It’s good tosee you safely home.”

Home,Toemeka thought. Yes,Jaipar felt like home now.She remembered the sacred moment just after she’d given birth toBaymond. Rapture had glowed in Michio’s face as he gazed at theirinfant son. When he placed the baby in her arms, she’d felt acircle of love connecting the three of them and they’d became afamily and Jaipar their home.

“It’s good to be back. I’mlooking forward to sleeping in my own bed and spending my days takingcare of Baymond.”

Michio and Erling exchanged ameaningful glance, then Michio cleared his throat and said,“Actually, Erling and I thought it would be safer for us to stay atthe palace for awhile.”

“I couldn’t agree more,”Koriann said, clasping her husband’s hand. “We should give Michioand Toemeka some time alone with Baymond.” She smiled at the newparents. “Erling said to have a meal waiting. Do you want it servedin the nursery?”

“Yes please,” Toemeka said.“I don’t want to leave Baymond and it’s so peaceful here.”The light flooding into the room felt warm on her skin and the soundof waves came in through the three large windows facing the ocean.The walls were painted a soft shade of peachy pink. Everything aboutthe room seemed fresh and cheerful. “It’s a darling nursery. Itlooks like it’s been recently redone.”

“It was just finished,”Koriann said, smiling. “While Erling and Michio were gone, Baymondstayed with me in the master suite and I had the nursery redecorated.Everything is new, except the crib and dresser. They were mine when Iwas a baby. Erling and I will need a nursery soon anyway.”

Erling looked around the nurserywith a puzzled expression. “Why will we need a nursery soon?”

“Well… it’s important toour country that we produce an heir to the throne. And—”

He held his hands up, palmsfacing outward and interrupted her. “Hold it. Our people don’tneed an heir yet. Having their queen back should satisfy them for afew years.”

“We need an heir to secure thefuture rulership of the country.”

“The whole idea of royalty isoutdated.”

Koriann straightened. “It isnot!”

A young servant woman appeared inthe open doorway. “Queen Koriann, dinner is ready.”

“Have it brought here.”

The woman smiled at Toemeka.“It’s good to have you back. Your baby needs his mother.”

“It’s good to be back,”Toemeka said.

The woman looked at Erling andher smile broadened. “Congratulations, Prince Erling. Imagine aroyal baby already on its way. Why, it’s the talk of the nation.”She curtsied and left the room.

Toemeka looked from Erling’sstunned face to Koriann’s anxious one. The queen’s gaze wasfastened on Erling.

“Does she think you’repregnant because the nursery’s been redone?” Erling askedhesitantly.

“Actually — I was going totell you, but you were worried about Toemeka and had left with Michioto search for her when I found out.”

“We were in regular contact.”

“I wanted to tell you in personand didn’t want you to worry,” she said.” Aren’t youpleased?”

“You’re pregnant?”

“We’re pregnant.”

“I’m not pregnant. Men don’tget pregnant. But it sounds like I’m going to be a father.” Hefrowned, not looking too happy about it.

“Congratulations,” Michiosaid, quickly intervening.

Toemeka could see Erling wasstill in shock and realized Koriann must have decided to get pregnantwithout discussing it with him first. She hugged and kissed both ofthem.

Rallying to the occasion, Erlingput an arm around Koriann and kissed her tenderly.

“This is a wonderful homecominggift. I never really thought about our future child being an heir tothe throne. I imagine your people are excited — having a Marsindion the throne and a royal child on the way after a decade of GeneralBhandar’s tyrannical rule.” He paused. “Though it would havebeen nice if you’d let me be the first one in the country to know,instead of the last.”

“That was my intent, but youweren’t here and I’ve had morning sickness. The palace stafffigured it out pretty quickly and I couldn’t contain the rumors.”

Erling looked at her withconcern. “Are you all right now?”

“Yes, it’s nothing to beconcerned about.”

“My family will be delighted tohear we’re expectant parents. Maybe they’ll be safely off Alandraby the time the baby is born.”

“I’m sure they will be,”Toemeka said. “Congratulations to you both. Imagine! Baymond willhave a playmate. When’s the baby due, Koriann?”

“In about seven months.”

“I’m sure your baby willbring you a lot of joy,” Toemeka said. She knew Erling would be agood father and a supportive husband, despite his initial reluctance.Many changes had happened for both of them in a short time. A littleless than a year ago, they were both unmarried Coalition operativesand the war was the main focus of their lives.


Toemeka looked around thespacious palace bedroom where she and Michio were staying. A large,bay window overlooked the ocean and a sliding glass door led to alarge balcony. The furnishings and floor were made from taywood, amaterial rarely used in current times.

She and Michio had been back inJaipar for a week. During that time she rested and enjoyed beingreunited with her small family. Michio rarely left her side andtreated her with loving devotion. Under his care, she began to feelstrong physically and in balance emotionally. She felt more in tunewith her higher self.

That afternoon, she and Koriannhad gone shopping for new dresses because they were going dancingthat evening. Toemeka looked at the baby in the cradle, reluctant toleave him even for a few hours. Baymond was asleep, contentedlysucking on his fist.

“Are you sure he’ll be allright?” she asked the elderly nursemaid.

“He’ll be fine. I’ve beentaking care of

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