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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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Michio’s response.

“You made your point,” Michiosaid. “We need more intelligence about Henotaux and CommanderRochambeau’s current location before launching an attack.”

No longer worried about beingprofessional, Toemeka hugged Michio.

“What am I going to do withyou?” he asked, shaking his head. “You never do as you’retold.” Then he smiled and gave her a light kiss. “This time I’mglad you didn’t.”

Erling put his hand on Koriann’sshoulder. “Are you feeling all right, Kori love? You look pale.”

“It’s been a stressfulmorning. I feel nauseous.”

Erling’s brow wrinkled inconcern. “I’ll take you to my cabin after I tell Captain Flint togive orders for the fleet to return to Jaipar.” He walked away fromthem.

Toemeka glanced at Koriann. “I’mflying back in the fighter. I’ll see you at the palace. Thanks foryour support.”

“I had a lot at stake, too.”

“You shouldn’t fly thatship,” Michio said. “It’s still being tested.”

“It won’t be the first testship I’ve flown.”

“I don’t doubt it. But ifyou’re set on flying, at least let me come along. I want a chanceto fly her myself.”

“You can come along — but I’mthe one flying the ship.”

He reluctantly agreed to herstipulation.

On the spacelift, Toemeka said,“This fighter’s a well-designed ship. She handles like a gem andyou should see how fast she can go.”

“Why do I get the feeling thisisn’t going to be a quiet, relaxing ride home?”

“I plan to test the limits onthe way back. Maybe you don’t want to come along.”

“I think I’d better see thatyou don’t kill yourself.”

She scowled at him. “I’m acompetent pilot.”

“I know you are. I don’t meanto be overly protective.” His eyes fell on the ruby ring that wasstill on her right hand. She turned it so the stone was down,frustrated that she still hadn’t been able to remove it.

The spacelift door slid open andToemeka led Michio into the ship, feeling a rush of excitement atbeing able to share it with him.


Master Bakka

In the middle of the night,Toemeka’s moans awakened Michio. As he drew her into his arms, hefelt her shaking. “Toemeka, wake up.”

She clutched his forearm. “Ihad the same reoccurring nightmare I always have. Cadmus came for me.Then things shifted and we’re in front of Samrat Condor in someceremonial room. Why do I keep having such a terrible dream?”

“I don’t know, but we’resafe at the palace.”

“I was so upset when Idiscovered you’d left for Devil’s Eye. I couldn’t bear it ifyou were killed.”

He held her closer. “I thoughtif I killed Commander Rochambeau, you’d stop having awfulnightmares.”

“Killing Cadmus isn’t theanswer. I’ve heard it said where there’s love, there’s no roomfor fear. I have to learn to focus on love.”

Gradually, he felt her relax andher breathing became deep and regular. He tried to fall back to sleephimself, but found it impossible. He was always a light sleeper andsince she started having nightmares again, he wasn’t sleeping well.

His mind raced. That afternoon,she’d seemed so self-confident when she stopped an entire fleetfrom attacking Henotaux, but now she was vulnerable and frightened.He knew nightmares had plagued her after her family was killed, butthey’d gradually decreased and after he and Toemeka had married,she seemed much more at peace.

Now the nightmares had begunagain — with a vengeance. They’d become so terrifying that shewas afraid to sleep until he was in bed with her. Toemeka was alsoafraid to wake up and find him gone in the morning. When did theystart? Not when she first escaped from Cadmus. No, not then. Theystarted the night he’d taken her dancing with Erling and Koriann.

One reason he hadn’t mentionedgoing to Devil’s Eye was because he was concerned about her. Hethought it was natural to feel protective toward her when she wasemotionally going through such a hard time. Michio pondered what todo about Cadmus. Toemeka wouldn’t be safe until he was in prison ordead.

Toemeka moaned in her sleep andthrashed against him. “No, no.” He debated waking her again. “No,Cadmus, please!”

Michio shook her awake, upset bythe pain Cadmus caused her. “Light on,” he said and the roominstantly glowed in soft light.

She stared at him with wide,frightened eyes. “I dreamed of Cadmus again. It was so real.” Shesat up in bed. “As soon as I fell asleep he was waiting for me.He’s trying to take control of me in my dreams to bring me back tohim.”

Michio put his arm around her.“Are you sure?”

“Yes, while I was in Henotaux Ifelt out of contact with the Eternal Life Stream and the Masterbecause Cadmus was trying to control me. I became so depressed Ididn’t care whether I lived or died. Now I feel him attacking meagain, especially when I’m sleeping. You always wake me up, but I’mafraid someday I won’t awaken or when I awaken, you won’t behere.”

“I’ll take you to see MasterBakka tomorrow. He’ll know what to do.” Disturbed by what Toemekatold him, Michio realized just how powerful a black magician Cadmushad become.

Toemeka slipped out of bed andstood in a pool of moonlight that shone through the window. She worea sheer nightgown and her breasts rose up and down irregularly witheach breath. Her cheeks were flushed and her black hair hung almostto her waist.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m not going to sleepanymore. He’s trying to control me.”

“Honey, you have to sleep.”

“No,” she said in abreathless, unnatural sounding voice.

“I’ll put a shield around youin the Inner Worlds that he won’t be able to break through. ThenI’ll search for him inwardly.”

“No! He’s waiting for you!He’ll kill you. He blames you for freeing me. I have to go to him.”Her eyes became vacant and she started for the door, almost in atrance. Feeling a negative presence in the room, Michio leapt fromthe bed and clasped Toemeka to him.

“I command you to leave thisroom,” Michio said, addressing the entity. “In Bakka’s name,you cannot harm us.” Michio threw up a protective shield aroundToemeka and Baymond. The negative energy increased as he fought tokeep the shield intact.

Finally, the energy withdrew andthe presence faded. Toemeka collapsed in his arms. He carried her tothe bed and brushed a wisp of hair from her sweaty forehead.

“He’s gone,” she said, hereyes filling with awareness once more. “Is the baby all

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