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jaws, spraying him in the face with continuous bolt fire.




Titano spun in place, and his incredibly long tail came whipping around and scattered Kane’s squadron out of formation. His sudden rotation caught a second squad of nearby flying guardswomen by surprise and he chomped several of them out of the air in one crunching bite. Instead of swallowing them, he ground them to bits and flung the pieces from his mouth by shaking his immense head.


Suddenly, things got very real.

As much as I would’ve liked to tend to those recently piecemeal guardswomen, I had to stop Titano from killing more.

Frustration kicked in because I didn’t like seeing anyone die on my watch, not even complete strangers.

Worse, it appeared my MASS extraction wasn’t working fast enough, or wasn’t working at all. I had no idea which. It had worked before with Hoppy the Gorlak back on Earth. It should work now, shouldn’t it? I started to worry I was overlooking some crucial detail.

Shrink, damn it! Shrink!

What was wrong with my rings today? Did I break them? Were they too low on energy to do any significant MASS extraction? Stuck in a gaming-style cool-down period? What?!

“Pull back!” a woman who sounded like Sergeant Kane shouted over comms. “Everyone pull back!”

Only now did I notice I could hear the chaotic and frightened radio chatter of the other guardswomen over my helmet speakers coming at me by the dozens.

The swarm of guardswomen retreated in the air but continued firing on Titano.

Vwoop! Vwoop! Vwoop!



He continued trying to bite them out of the sky and took several steps toward the dirt clearing that surrounded the outpost perimeter walls. The clearing extended about 200 meters out from the walls. If Titano crossed that gap and went over the wall, it would only take one more step for him to start trampling outpost buildings. And for him, 200 meters was a very short walk.

“Kane to Control! Send out the skrucking Air Guard already! Our weapons are useless!”

“Control to Kane, keep that thing back! Do not, I repeat do not let that trax get any closer to base!”

“We’re trying!” Kane shouted. “He’s too skrucking big! Scramble the skrucking Air Guard already!”

“Control to Kane! Air Guard is scrambling now! You need to hold the trax back until help arrives!”

“How long will that be?!”

“No more than two minutes!”

“We don’t have two minutes!”

“Do your best!”

“We are doing our best!” Kane grunted. “It isn’t working!”

Kane was right. She’d lost several guardswomen already.

Shrink! I thought. Freaking shrink!

Sadly, my efforts weren’t working either.

Titano continued his deadly dervish dance, batting away at airborne guardswomen. Fortunately, they were keeping their distance and not getting crunched. But, despite their hailstorm of bolt fire, Titano was undeterred. He continued his advance toward the outpost.

“Shrink!” I grunted audibly inside my helmet.

Still not working.

My rings had to be broken. No. It was the range. That had to be it. Proximity mattered. It had with Hoppy the Gorlak and it did now. I was so stressed from this rolling disaster, I was forgetting the most obvious aspects of my power limits. Hoppy’s mass transfer hadn’t taken affect until he was less than 40 or 50 meters distant from me, and it had taken approximately 3 seconds to shrink him down to dog-size.

Currently, I was at least 200 meters away from Titano where he was enjoying his stomping spree.

Meaning, Titano was well out of range.

I had to get closer or this would never work. Then again, earlier this morning, I had tried to extract mass from Crackfang the Terrorsaur, but that had not worked, and I’d literally been in the clutches of his claws!

My rings had to be broken! Because they damn sure weren’t working now!

Or… had the encounter with Crackfang been too brief, too quick, and too chaotic — as compared to Hoppy the Gorlak — for MASS extraction to work?

Entirely possible.

With any luck, I could shrink Titano if I got closer — but not too close.


Titano suddenly whipped around and his tail cracked a home run that sent several surprised guardswomen flying into the distant jungle like shattered mannequins.

I grimaced.

Time for me to get dangerously close and earn the big bucks.

Before anyone else died needlessly.

—: Chapter 19 :—

Using my power armor’s thrusters, I eased carefully closer toward Titano’s position while the other guardswomen continued their attack.

“Theia to Crown!” Captain Theia called out over comms, her voice difficult to pick out amongst the madhouse of radio chatter. “Don’t get too close, my king!”

I shouted over comms, “If I’m going to stop this thing, I have to!”

“Theia to Control! Tell everyone to keep eyes out for Crown! He’s entering the field of battle! Watch for crossfire!”

“Control to all soldiers! Crown is in play! I repeat, Crown is in play! Keep eyes out for Crown and watch your line of fire!”

I hovered closer, staying above the battle zone, hoping that would keep me safely above any stray bolt blasts. Wishful thinking, I know, but wishing was about the only thing I had left at this point.


Titano didn’t notice me, which was good.

But he wasn’t shrinking that I could see.

My eyes flicked to my ring HUD. Surprising good news — finally — my ring’s dual “fuel” doughnut was creeping up slowly. MASS extraction was working!

At that point, I realized the reason Titano was shrinking so slowly, and almost imperceptibly. It was obvious. It wasn’t just the range. It was also his size. He was much larger than an adult Gorlak like Hoppy had been. I couldn’t begin to guess the mass differential. Ten times larger? Twenty times? Thirty? And therein lay the problem. Let’s be conservative and say Titano was 10x larger than an adult Gorlak.

10 times taller.

10 times longer.

10 times wider.

Did that mean Titano was 10 times more massive?


Titano was 1,000 times more massive.

10 * 10 * 10.

If I had to guess, Hoppy the Gorlak was no larger than the largest African elephant ever weighed, which was 10,400 kg.

It had taken me approximately 3 seconds to shrink Hoppy from 10,000 kg down

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