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to 10 kg, and that had been with Hoppy practically on top of me. That meant, even at point-blank range, I could only siphon off mass at an average rate of 3,333 kg per second, give or take.

If Titano here truly was 10x the size — not the mass, the size — of an adult Gorlak, Titano would tip the scales at a whopping 10,000,000 kg.

If you think that’s just too damn big, too ridiculous, I’ll point you to an article I remember reading on the Popular Mechanics website back on Earth. They had estimated the mass of Godzilla using the same formula paleontologists used to estimate real dinosaur weights. According to the Popular Mechanics analysis, good ol’ Godzilla would weigh 164,000 tons. That’s approximately 150,000,000 kg.

150 million kilograms.

I was guessing Titano here was a mere 10 million.

1/15th the mass of Godzilla.

That meant, if I continued to siphon mass from Titano at the same rate I had from Hoppy — even if I were to stand on Titano’s head — it would take 3,000 seconds to get Titano down to 10,000 kg — the same size as an adult Gorlak, and another 3 seconds to get Titano down to puppy size like I had Hoppy.

In other words, based on the mass-extraction rate limits of my rings, I’d need 50 minutes to shrink Titano down to puppy size!

How much damage and destruction could a gigantic Titanosaur do in 50 uninterrupted minutes?

Ask yourself how much damage Godzilla could do to Tokyo in 50 minutes.


In my case, say goodbye to this jungle outpost.

Too bad for me and every guardswoman inside, there wasn’t time to shrink Titano down to harmless size. You might be wondering if I could siphon mass faster because, unlike with Hoppy the Gorlak, I now had two king’s rings: the Bombshells Ring and the True Ring. Probably, but even doubling the speed wasn’t sufficient. When seconds counted, cutting 50 minutes down to 25 minutes was still an eternity.

“He’s entering the clearing!” Kane shouted over comms. “Push him back, ladies! Push! Him! Back!”

Titano had stepped out of the purple jungle and into the 200 meter-wide clearing of the red dirt circle surrounding the perimeter wall.

What did I tell you about MASS extraction not being the answer? We didn’t even have 12 seconds before he started stomping outpost buildings.

I needed a faster solution.

What about my ring’s POSITION function?

That was always a winner. I had used it to immobilize Goldie the Gargantua only yesterday. As I mentioned earlier, Goldie was the red-skinned and golden-haired ape-thing who had kidnapped Cygna and run off with her into the jungle. When I had caught up with them, I had levitated Goldie off the rock wall he’d been climbing, and held him floating motionless with POSITION vectors, effectively neutralizing him.

That could work with Titano, right?

He couldn’t weigh more than what… 10,000x what Goldie weighed?

Maybe 20,000x?

I snorted in despair.

That seemed an impossible lift, but I didn’t have a choice.

I glanced at my HUD until POSITION flickered. Then I applied a gigantic upward vector arrow to Titano. My “fuel” doughnut was hardly charged. Hopefully I’d have enough energy to make the magic happen.

At first, nothing happened except for my HUD fuel gauge ticked steadily down. That was 10 million kilograms for you. And yes, I had slowed the Artemis down from what, Mach 50 or 55, if I recalled, down to 250 kph or so. That seemed like a lot of weight, but consider the largest cargo aircraft in the world — when I’d left the Earth for Zalaxia, anyway — was the Antonov An-225 Mriya. The Mriya had an MTOW (Maximum Take Off Weight) of 640,000 kg. The Artemis was certainly not as big as the massive Mriya. By comparison, Titano’s mass of 10,000,000 kg dwarfed both flying craft combined.

In other words, there was no way I was lifting Titano off the ground.

Or was there?

I had decelerated the Artemis at a rate of 10 G’s.

Assuming the Artemis having plasma drive meant it was heavier than it looked. Let’s say it did weigh as much as a Mriya. 640,000 kg at 10 G’s was equivalent to 6,400,000 kg at 1 G. That was approaching 10,000,000 kg. Could I vector that much? But wait, there’s more! There was always more. If I wanted to vector Titano upward high enough he couldn’t claw the ground with an extended leg, or use his taloned feet to air-swim himself floating around like a dinosaur blimp, I needed to get his toes at least 30 meters off the ground. If I wanted to do that quickly, in say 3 or 4 seconds, I’d need 1 G of force to counteract Zalaxian gravity and another 1 G to lift Titano up 30m within that 3 or 4 second timeframe.

2 G’s.

Meaning the equivalent of 20,000,000 kg at 1G.

Twenty million.

I was screwed.


“Look out!” everyone shouted over comms at the same time. “He’s charging the outpost!”

Titano thundered forward and he bit at a formation of flying guardswomen trying ineffectively to distract him or herd him. His jaws boomed shut, thankfully missing every guardswoman in his way. They had rocketed out of range just in time. With nothing to distract him, his two massive legs carried him pistoning across the red dirt clearing and toward the perimeter wall.

The ground literally quaked and the trees shook, their fronds and leaves and branches whipping angrily in response.

And then—


A series of explosions rattled off from somewhere in the jungle behind Titano. Half the guardswomen turned to look.

Someone shouted over comms, “Who’s shooting at us?!”

“Pirates in the jungle!”

“Crewd’s men!”

“We’re under attack!”

“It’s an ambush!”

No, it was mayhem.

—: Chapter 20 :—

“Theia to Crown! Get inside, my king! Move quickly!”

I suddenly thought, what better way to launch a surprise attack than with a gigantic blood-red T-Rex leading the charge? Baron Crewd von Bludlust’s pirates had the upper hand for sure. It had to be them. They’d chased me this far.

Why stop now?

Unfortunately for me and these guardswomen, having pirates biting at our backs made this

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