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Book online «Legion: Alpha Dragon Shifter Romance (Dragon Rules Series Book 1) Tia Didmon (e books free to read .txt) 📖». Author Tia Didmon

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Legion stared into the distance. “We retrieve the gatekeeper.”

Mara swallowed hard. “We are going after Devlin.”

“Yes.” Legion’s words echoed on the wind.

Chapter 16

Mara sat at the large oak table in the kitchen. Conner rolled out a blueprint to Devlin’s mansion as Draco entered the room. He nodded to her before taking a seat.

Legion ran a hand over the map of rooms. “The property is extensive with several outbuildings. It seems the darks need to keep up appearances hasn’t changed.”

Conner nodded. “It’s true. The grounds are immaculate. There are more dark dragons than I suspected, too.”

Legion looked up. “Truly?”

Conner pointed to a location on the map, away from the main house. “I flew over several times. They’re armed like humans and patrolling the grounds. They have an evolved unit. I have never seen the darks work together like that. They are maintaining a shield around the property as well. With several of them feeding it their power. It forced me to keep my distance, so they wouldn’t detect me.”

Legion rubbed his face. “So you have no idea how many are inside?”

“No. I monitored them for two hours and counted thirty dragons and fifty humans.”

Legion raised an eyebrow. “They are using human soldiers at their home residence?”

“Yes, and those humans know they possess magic.”

Legion growled. “They shifted in front of the humans?”

Conner shook his head. “They never switched forms where a human could see them, but they did display their gifts.”

Legion growled. “The dark dragons never risked exposure before. They know that the humans outnumber us. With the advancements in human technology, a war would ensure our extinction.”

Mara leaned forward. “Why do you assume humans, discovering dragons exist, would result in a war?”

Legion glanced at Conner before answering her. “It happened before. The humans rallied against the druids, dragons and mages alike. They outlawed anything with magic. Their numbers were smaller then, and we averted a full-scale war. We used magic to erase humanity of magical beings. Every faction possessing magic has adhered to that rule... until now.”

Mara nibbled her lip. “Human thinking has grown. We are more accepting now.”

Legion sighed. “While you have evolved since those dark days, there are still factions of humanity that are unforgiving toward that which is different.”

Mara wanted to refute his claims, but she couldn’t deny that some humans would try to enslave the dragon race. People who would use magical creatures as an asset to exploit. “I understand.”

Legion nodded. “We will infiltrate with a compact unit. I can shroud the four of us from the dragons and humans. It’s essential that we retrieve the gatekeeper.”

Draco scratched his neck. “You can infiltrate their shield without their knowledge?”

Legion’s eyes flickered. “My power is the source of all dragons, including theirs. I also have access to the power of every dragon faithful to the Rule clan.”

Draco whistled. “I didn’t realize you could take our power.”

Legion shook his head. “Not take it. Siphon off a little from each of you to enhance my own. I have never utilized it before.”

Mara glanced between the men. “You said four of us. Do you mean me?”

Legion touched her face lightly. “Mara, you are the only one of us, Tempest knows. I am hoping you will use your past interactions to gain her trust. While Tempest hasn’t come into her power, we know she is a druid. I would prefer not to use magic on her.”

“You used magic on Natalie.”

“I didn’t know she was a druid and Conner had trouble removing her memories.”

Mara glanced at the pink and yellow trees surrounding the property. It was a fairy tale setting with the princess inside, unaware she was the captive. “Are we doing the right thing? I mean, if Tempest believes Devlin loves her then she won’t believe anything I say.”

Legion took Mara’s hand. “I know we’re destroying a young girl’s fantasy, but that is what it is. Devlin is maintaining this facade until she comes into her power, but her make-believe world will crumble with or without our help. We are just ensuring her safety when it does.”

Mara nodded. “I get it. I just feel awful for her.”

Legion kissed her cheek. “That’s why you are the seer of the druid race. Your compassion will lead your sisters into the modern world.”

Mara nodded. “Okay, let’s get Tempest. I have to return to the loft before Alana does. Tempest isn’t the only one living in a fantasy world.”

Mara held Legion’s hand as they stood at the far corner of the mansion grounds. Lush greenery crested the rolling hills with intricately carved white archways and a multitude of colored flowers. All clustered together in perfect symmetry. She had a moment of regret, pulling Tempest from the beauty of the property, until reminding herself the sweet blind girl from her past, couldn’t see it. The beautiful oasis was nothing more than a sculpted mirage. A perfect picture that hid the monstrosity within its walls.

Legion glanced down at her. “I will create a bubble of invisibility. We will see everything around us, but those inside Devlin’s walls will not see us.”

Conner motioned to the men patrolling the grounds. “Can you sense Devlin? I can hear several dragons speaking within the walls, yet I don’t hear him.”

Legion concentrated on the mansion. “I do not sense him. It is possible he is shrouding his presence.”

Draco surveyed the grounds. “I doubt it. He would have expected us coming to expend that much magic.”

Mara frowned. “It takes a lot of magic to shroud yourself?”

Draco glanced at his leader. “Not from humans or lesser dragons, but Legion is the source of our magic. Even if he could do it, the effects would be short term.”

Mara blew out a long breath. “Okay,” she said.

Legion pulled her hand to his lips. “Don’t be nervous. I have every faith in you.”

Mara nodded as he led her onto the property. The magic that rippled around them was powerful and soothing, as if they were being wrapped in a warm blanket. A cocoon that muffled

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