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Book online «Legion: Alpha Dragon Shifter Romance (Dragon Rules Series Book 1) Tia Didmon (e books free to read .txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Tia Didmon

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blood that ran through her sister’s veins. Her veins. Legion was right, Alana would be powerful, even in its dormant state her power made its presence known. “Hello, Alana.”

Alana nodded. “Mara.” She squinted at Legion. “I didn’t realize you had a man in your life.”

Mara gave her an icy stare. “Well, you would have to be interested in my life for that to happen, wouldn’t you?”

Alana flinched. “Yeah.” Her eyes darted around the loft. “I like what you and Natalie have done with the loft. It looks nice. Mom would have loved it. The shop looks good too.”

Mara ‘s heart split open. The unfettered wound of her mother’s death bled to the surface with the animosity she carried for her younger sibling. The power inside her wouldn’t allow for lies. It exposed the bitter truth of her family’s betrayal. “We both know you couldn’t care less about the shop or me. I only called you because you are in danger.”

Alana’s eyes darted around the room. “Why do you think that? What made you think I am in danger?”

Mara told her about her power’s emergence and that the dragons were protecting her. She gave no names and gave the simplest of explanations. She wanted her sister to fill in the blanks. To reveal what she knew of druid history. “You’re aware of the druids and the dragons. Aren’t you, Alana?”

Alana shook her head. “I didn’t know the dragons were still alive. I swear, there’s no record of them in any of the scripts I have sought. Can I ask where they are.”

Legion muscles flexed when he moved. “Most of my race sleeps within the caves. Several are located around the world. One is here in the Colorado mountains.”

Alana’s eyes went wide. “My backyard and I never found it? I can’t believe it. Where is it?”

Legion’s eyes narrowed. “I will not tell you and you won’t find it.”

Mara slapped his chest. “Never say something like that to her. She is a complete brat, but even I wouldn’t challenge her.”

Legion frowned. “I did not challenge your sister.”

Mara glanced at her sibling. Alana’s gaze assessed Legion. “If you tell her she can’t do something, she’ll do it to spite you.”

Legion glanced at Alana. “I am sure you are exaggerating. It would be a vast waste of her time to search for our caves. No human has stepped foot in a dragon cave.”

Alana’s eyebrows went up. “Never?”

Legion’s eyes flickered. “Never.”

Alana smiled like it was Christmas morning.

Mara shook her head. “Legion, you have no idea what you have done. Alana once climbed the side of her high school because a boy dared her too. She was still flipping the boy off when the principal suspended her.”

Legion squinted. “Then she’s dangerous and stupid.”

Alana fingered him. “Are all dragons’ dicks? Or are you special?’

Legion huffed. “Mara forgot to mention her sister was as disrespectful as she is callous.”

Alana’s fists clenched. She looked ready to punch the man holding her sister.

Mara tapped his chest. “Don’t antagonize her.”

Legion met his mate’s stare. “Me? She is the one making lewd gestures.”

Mara glanced at her sister. “Trust me, that is nothing. She once put poison ivy in the underwear of our entire football team. One of them called her frigid after she turned him down for a date.”

Legion glanced at Alana. “I may have to agree with her actions under such circumstances.”

Alana laughed when Mara slapped Legion’s chest. “Encouraging her, is worse than challenging her.”

The bedroom door opened before Natalie and Tempest entered the living room.

Alana stood with her jaw open. “Tempest!” she glanced at Mara. “I have been looking for her for four years and you just stumble on her.”

Mara sat up in Legion’s arms. “What are you talking about?”

Alana pursed her lips. “Mom told me about the druids and that I had druid blood, when I exhibited signs. Mom did several tests on you. She didn’t think you were part of the circle.”

A tear slipped from Mara’s eyes. “You both knew and said nothing to me.”

Alana held her hands up. “I was trying to protect you. Mom said that just because you have druid blood doesn’t mean the magic will emerge.”

Mara’s eyes narrowed. “You have magic?”

Alana shook her head. “Not yet. I have abilities that my magic will strengthen when it emerges. Instincts that are enhanced by my druid blood.”

Mara looked away. “Your caving obsession.”

Alana nodded. “Yes, but I’m looking for an object that we need to access the temple.”

Mara’s heart squeezed. “You know everything.”

Alana looked Legion over. “I don’t know the name of the dragon holding you.”

Mara couldn’t look at her sister. Her gaze remained on the opposite wall. “His name is Legion. He is leader of the Rule Clan. Leader of the dragons. He is also my mate.” Her voice sounded hollow to her own ears.

Alana frowned. “Mom mentioned Legion once, but his mate is the seer. We are waiting for her to return. To lead us to the temple.”

Mara’s eyes flared with power. “That’s right. You had the seer your entire life. You wanted nothing to do with her.”

Alana’s face went white. “You’re the seer?”

Mara’s power swelled, licking across her sister’s skin. It didn’t burn her, it caressed her with the stench of betrayal. Alana recoiled. “Jesus, Mara. You’re the most powerful druid ever born, and you’re the last seer.”

Mara jumped out of Legion’s lap. “How the hell could you keep this from me? Why would mom trust you with this secret and not me?” She didn’t bother to keep the hurt from her voice. It sliced like a whip through the air at her stricken sister.

Alana touched her fingers to her lip. Uncertainty and pain creased her brow. “I’m sorry”

Mara shook her head. “I need a moment alone.” She glanced at Tempest. The clouded green eyes matched her own. Betrayal left an impression. Yet, her own family hadn’t betrayed Tempest. She flung the door open with a flick of her wrist.

Alana sucked in a breath as Mara slammed the door behind her.

Legion shimmered in her mind.

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