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thrashing purple body and orange brain. A large green sphere appeared floating static in one position. Too large.

And there you have it. I had been vague in my ring request.

Ring! Shrink my Calming Sphere to the size of Titano’s skull! And track all neural activity starting in Titano’s brain and traveling down his spine to activate spinal muscles and create corresponding head movements, then lock my Calming Sphere centered on his brain no matter where it goes!

That was a huge ask.

It required some yet-to-be-invented method of active signal scan to track the firing of neurons over an air gap of dozens of meters, tracking billions of bits of bio-information flowing in real time, and making sense of the data in a split second. I couldn’t imagine coding something so involved in less than a decade of dedicated research and development with the entire team at Rolbotics working on it six days a week. Hundreds of thousands of man hours.

Hopefully my rings would figure it out in less than a second.

In response, a series of thousands of diagrammatic arrows and targeting circles appeared flickering in my HUD. They flashed up and down Titano’s spinal muscles in response to his thrashing muscle contractions. With relentless persistence, my ring worked out the predictive math and my Calming Sphere eventually locked on to Titano’s brain position no matter where it went in 3-space. Took all of five seconds for it to write the code. Holy Fucking Floating Point, Batman! Now that is what you call supercomputing!

I resumed my mental cooing, “Easy buddy! Calm down now. Relax. Everything is safe. Calm, calm, calm.”

To my pleasant surprise, Titano started to thrash less and less.


Slowly but surely his whipping and whirling subsiding by degrees. Eventually he relaxed and drooped where he hung in the air. At long last and not a moment too soon, he lifted his humongous head one last time to let out one last bellowing snort.


At that point, his head sagged and lolled limply in the air.

Ring, I thought, maintain the Calming Sphere.

“Move it!” I shouted over comms. “Everyone into position!”

Several hundred guardswomen shot forward using armor thrusters and pushed against Titano’s chest like a battalion of Lilliputian infantry, squeezing into every available space on Titano’s chest to put their shoulders and boot thrusters into it.

At first, it seemed like it wasn’t working, but inevitably, Titano inched backward.

“He’s moving!” someone shouted over comms. “He’s going back over the wall!”

Not fast enough. My head was pounding and my body was on fire due to the energy transfer traveling from my two rings, through me, and out to Titano. Any second, I was going to drop him onto the outpost. “We need more thrust!” I roared.

“Kane to Air Guard!” the sergeant called out over comms. “Get your asses down here and help!”

I had no idea how fighter jets could possibly assist. Titano was drifting so slowly, the jets couldn’t help unless they had VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) capabilities that allowed for hovering. Even then, their ability to push with their nose cones would be limited by their structural integrity, which surely wasn’t sufficient for this application. But we had to do something. Necessity said it would be easier to fix a few nose cones than an entire outpost.

I shouted over comms, “Crown to Air Guard! Do what the sergeant said! Find a position and start pushing!”

The sleek Air Guard jets arced around again. On their final approach to our position at the front of Titano, the sleek jets slowed and…


Their wings folded around to their backs like abstract, bladed capes and their fuselages transformed into humanoid mechs.

I couldn’t believe my eyes.

My every anime fantasy had just come to life.

The big bots came in slow. Some of the individual guardswomen in power armor who were already pressing up against Titano flew away to make room for the much larger Air Guard mechs. As big as the mighty mechs were compared to women in power armor, they were still dwarfed by Titano. But they had afterburners blasting from their boots. It was more than enough power to push Titano along slowly.

An unexpected wave of emotion tightened my chest.

Despite my mental turmoil — hundreds of lives were at stake — and the physical pain I suffered from maintaining the upward POSITION vector on Titano, seeing something you’d dreamed about since you were a little kid — anime mechs and giant dinosaurs â€” suddenly become a reality before your very eyes was almost too overwhelming to comprehend. But having your childhood daydream — piloting a mech to save the day — become a real thing saving your life — and a thousand others — was just too much. When those emotions punched me in the gut, I almost lost it then and there, almost dropping Titano on the outpost, but somehow I held it together and kept him in the air while the Air Guard mechs powered him slowly away from the outpost buildings.

Unfortunately for me, we still had a ways to go. It was a big outpost.

With the energy transfer literally boiling through my body, it took every scintilla of concentration to not drop Titano. I grit my teeth and hissed through the excruciating pain. My rings were working so hard, they were ready to burn my fingers off, sizzling so hot against my skin, I’d be surprised if blisters weren’t already forming.

But I persisted.

Lives were on the line.

And my beloved Bombshells were inside that outpost with them.

I would protect them if it killed me.

“Don’t stop now, Crown!” Kane cheered over comms. “Keep it going!”

A hundred other female voices joined her, cheering me on comms.

Their support gave me the boost of adrenalin I needed to fight through the pain and keep pushing toward victory.

As long as I didn’t drop Titano, this was a done deal.

—: Chapter 22 :—

It was slow going, but somehow, we ferried Titano the Dinosaur Blimp drifting back over the perimeter wall until he hovered above the red dirt clearing where it was safe

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