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Book online «Timemaster Era: Beginning of a new universe! S Niter (i can read books .txt) 📖». Author S Niter

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Oddball hundreds of times.

Before Aiden or any of them could reply to Trixie, the FBI and the local Allentown police arrived at the scene in response to phone calls reporting a mysterious attack. They saw Brian Vanrod knocked out, with rock formation remnants surrounding him. Federal Agent Banner, part of the FBI in Pennsylvania approached Aiden. The rest of the group were worried, but Aiden raised his hand towards them, indicating that he will handle this.

“Mind explaining what is going on here, Superior-Beings?” Federal Agent Banner spoke in an authoritative tone. “Are you descendants of the so called Superior-Beings? What is the meaning of all this pavement and property damage?”

“You FBI narks make too many assumptions and don’t let anyone you ask reply at all,” Aiden spoke intelligently to the agent. “First of all, we are not Superior-Beings. And-.”

“Excuse me?” Agent Banner spoke rudely. “Then what are you then?”

The five looked at each other as Aiden simply replied to him, “Stellar-Beings. Nothing more. Nothing less. We are not the Superior-Beings, the ones who would kill and hurt innocents. We have just saved a neighborhood for your information, if you take us away to your government facilities, there will be tons of court cases for your sorry ass to handle, since we are all minors. You will be accused of kidnapping, extortion, and experimentation on minors as conspiracy theorists have said in the past years for the Superior-Beings. If you really do not trust us, then so be it, live your life like a petty federal agent who thinks he is a bigshot. Otherwise, you can back off and deal with the actual issues on hand, such as innocents getting hurt, your concern should not be about us at all. We did not ask for these abilities, we just woke up with them, no explanation whatsoever.”

Luis, Veronica, Tracy, and Allison looked at each other in awe and were shocked that Aiden had the guts to talk to a federal agent like that firmly, he proved Federal Agent Banner wrong entirely. Agent Banner had a look of dismay, he knew deep down that Aiden was entirely right, he was quiet for a whole 2 minutes, he could not even let out a syllable, he attempted for the last 120 seconds or so, but he could not do it at all.

“Yes, we have experimented on Superior-Beings before,” Agent Banner revealed the harsh truth of what the Soviet Union, United States and the AXIS powers did, all those conspiracies about them were entirely true. “We think they were a threat level that involved national security, that is why Hiroshima and Nagasaki happened.”

“So, you admit it,” Aiden spoke. “You and your government are really sick. Those bombings killed many innocent lives, all for what, just a few Superior-Beings that have gone rogue and have had redemption? Thanks for your confession.”

The federal agent’s mind started to go back to reality after that sentence that he spoke aloud, he realized that he just said a thought in his mind without even knowing. He was shocked that he said it aloud with the neighbourhood hearing it along with the Stellar-Beings. “You did not hear that; pretend you did not hear that. It’s not true.”

“Too late,” Aiden smiled and took his phone out and stopped recording it. “If you ever go near me and my friends, I will send this out to court. Now be a good federal agent and do your job properly and help actual innocents out, rather than meddle with the affairs of minors who have troubled lives due to their abnormality.”

Agent Banner was dead silent, he tried to take the phone away from Aiden, but the rest of his friends raised up their phones, to show that Aiden’s recorded message file all synchronized within their phones via messages, so all of them had a backup version of the recording in case. Banner was defeated, he knew deep down he was wrong, his entire job was a flat out lie like Aiden was saying, all along he had been doing dirty work majority of the time to help corruption evolve on this very Earth. This spark of light that Aiden ignited inside him after those words he said to him, made him realize deep down on what if his own kids end up as Stellar-Beings potentially like Aiden and his friends did. This made Agent Banner know deep down that he was right in the end, that he literally confessed to one of the world’s biggest conspiracies about Superior-Beings out of nowhere.

As he walked away, Aiden winked at Allison, thanking her for digging into his head and making him confess the conspiracy, which helped him record the message. Aiden mused Superior-Beings were not minors, they were all over the age of 20 or 30 back in the day, which is what made the Stellar-Beings incredibly unique in their own way. Stellar-Beings was the chance for Beings with abilities, powers or/and techniques to prove the world that these Beings are worth something to the world, rather than a threat. As an armored ambulance took Brian Vanrod away, Aiden sighed. He was sad to see Brian go, since he could end up in a potential government compound in case his powers turn on again. Deep down, Aiden knew it was entirely his fault that Brian got into all this mess. The armored ambulance rode off with federal agents while the police stayed, to talk to each eyewitness.

A group of men and women ran towards Aiden and his friends. It was their parents. They looked very worried sick, after that incident they had with Oddball, the five reunited with their parents with warm hugs and were happy to see them, since they had not been home ever since their abilities evolved a couple of days back. Aiden approached his mother sadly; he knew that he was in trouble after that incident he had with his father

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