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Book online «The Forgotten Empire: War for the Empire Raymond Weil (the reading list TXT) 📖». Author Raymond Weil

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done. They have used us for thousands of years to help accomplish their goal of galactic domination. I can guarantee you that everyone in this room has had their minds manipulated by the Morag. They have forced us to do things we thought were our own ideas, but, in reality, they were theirs.”

“There is much anger among our civilian population, since the revelation of the Morag’s telepathic manipulation,” said Mador Angst, the leader of the Triad. “I find it revolting to think that the Morag have been in my mind and that I have been forced to do things I normally would not have done or recommended.”

“Many of our people believe we should go to war against the Morag,” added Serrie Voll. She leaned back and gazed at Councilor Reull for his thoughts. “What do you think?”

Ardon shook his head. “We dare not. I believe the Morag would like nothing more than to move in and to take over our worlds. As long as we don’t move against them, the rest of the Great Council will not support such an action.”

“Even with Morag manipulation?” challenged Birx Storl.

“If the Morag were to make such a move, several of the other races might come over to our side,” explained Ardon. “What I recommend is that we put up defensive grids over our three most populous planets. At the same time we increase our warship construction to the maximum. No doubt a time will come where the Morag will come for both us and the Zang. We should also heavily arm all our space stations and shipyards and make sure they have the most powerful energy shields possible.”

“What about the Zang?” asked Serrie. “What are they doing?”

“They are doing the same. I spoke to the Zang councilor earlier, and he firmly believes that, once the Morag are finished with the Human Empire and Earth, they will send their fleets against us.”

Mador nodded his agreement. “We are too much of a danger, being in the heart of the Confederation. We also have the largest population and the most inhabited worlds. We should sign a mutual defensive pact with the Zang. The two of us standing together might force the Morag to hesitate, before turning their forces against us.”

“Maybe,” replied Ardon, sounding doubtful. “However, I believe someday they will come for us, no matter what we do.”


The Triad and Councilor Reull met for several more hours, making plans and deciding how best Ardon could serve the Triad at the Great Council. Finally the meeting ended, and Ardon headed home for a few days’ rest. Then it would be time to return to the Great Council to keep an eye on the Morag.


Ardon was up early the next morning. He had a meeting scheduled with several military leaders. So far, no one knew where he was producing the nullifiers. He intended to keep that a secret, until all Lormallian warships were protected, as were all major military and government leaders. The production facilities were also sending modified head and ship units to the Zang as well.

One thing Ardon would recommend was that nullifier units be placed on board all their shipyards and space stations, as well as civilian ships. This would greatly reduce the chance of any Morag-controlled individual from sneaking onto any Lormallian world. One of the side effects of the nullifiers were they canceled any Morag commands already in a person’s mind. Ardon didn’t know if the Morag realized this yet, but it would only be a matter of time before they figured it out.


On Morag Prime, the High Council was in session. This time Councilor Damora was there, as he had a seat on the council, since he was one of the strongest telepaths in the Confederation.

I don’t see the Zang or the Lormallians being a threat to us, he sent, as he took his place at the table. They will be spending months, possibly years, dealing with the unrest on the worlds in their sections of the Confederation.

We are rapidly putting down the unrest in the rest of the Confederation, with the aid of the four races that have sided with us, sent Addonis. Admirals Colane and Torrant estimate it will be six more weeks before all the unrest is brought back under control. We will then place the Morphenes and the Lamothians in charge of seeing that those worlds stay under our control. A few Morag warships with their fleet formations will remain nearby to ensure everything goes smoothly.

What about the Druins and the Zynth? asked Delann.

They are the more aggressive races and enjoy war, replied Addonis. They will take part in the invasion of the Human Empire.

What about the defensive cruisers? asked Brant. Will they be ready by then?

Yes, replied Addonis. We’ll have enough for all our fleets. In addition, the Druins are building drone carriers for their attack drones. Normally the drones are used to protect large installations or observation posts. They will be a good response to the Humans’ small attack craft.

Hiram asked Addonis, How soon before we launch our attack on Human space? The longer we wait, the stronger they become.

Eight weeks. We want the reserve fully activated, as well as many new warships as possible out of our shipyards. Our admirals will roll over the Humans, taking back all their worlds. Those worlds that will not surrender we will destroy. Once we have the Empire firmly back under our control, we will turn our attention to Earth. We will give them a choice of staying inside their small system and living in peace or total annihilation.

We have left the Zang and the Lormallians on the Great Council, said Damora. Is that a wise decision?

While they are two powerful races, their power is insignificant when compared to ours, replied Addonis. Besides, we may find a use for them in the future.

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