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Book online «The Forgotten Empire: War for the Empire Raymond Weil (the reading list TXT) 📖». Author Raymond Weil

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the top of their head was white and very thick. The Visth controlled eleven star systems and had been subjugated by the Confederation several thousand years in the past in a short and bloody war.

“We wish to form an alliance with your Empire,” Stralon Karn said in a calm and steady voice. “Between our fifteen races represented here today, we control over 227 worlds. We would like to secede from the Confederation and join your people in the war.”

“We don’t currently have the ships to protect your worlds,” said Chancellor Stein. “It may not be safe for you to do as you’re suggesting.”

Stralon Karn smiled. His large eyes grew even larger. “We have some warships we have built in secret. If you could provide a task force or two, we believe we could hold our own. Defensive grid elements, such as you have around your worlds, would be useful as well. We are currently in the process of changing over some of our space factories to construct defensive grid elements of our own.”

“Are any Confederation forces currently around any of your star systems?” asked Derrick. He wondered if the Confederation had pulled their warships back from all outlying systems.

“No, they all withdrew several weeks ago.”

“We need your help,” pleaded the Cajjun representative. “My people yearn to be free.” The Cajjun representative vaguely resembled a large dog that could walk on two legs and had hands instead of paws.

The other alien representatives voiced their concerns as well. All promised to do whatever was necessary, if the Humans would only help them.

“We need to discuss this among ourselves,” said Chancellor Stein. “I’ll have an aide escort all of you to a nearby executive lounge, where you’ll find refreshments and food.”

Several House of Worlds’ security people politely escorted the fifteen alien representatives from the room.

“We don’t have the ships,” said Julian Bemire of Ambary Two. “What do we do? They’re offering us over two hundred more inhabited worlds to fight the Confederation with.”

Governor Gregory Staley of Aquilla Three frowned. “Two hundred and twenty-seven possibly unarmed worlds. Do they even have a large enough fleet they can use to help defend themselves?”

“We must help them,” said Governor Elaina Dreel of Glimmer. “It will make for a useful alliance, once this war is over. We have very few alien races in Empire space, and most of them are very primitive.”

Chancellor Stein turned toward Derrick. “Admiral, what do you suggest?”

“I think we need this alliance, if only for what it might mean in the future. I suggest we offer enough defensive grid parts to protect all their capital worlds. We can also place a large squadron of our warships in their section of space, to conduct routine patrols and to assist their forces, if the Confederation attacks.”

“How large of a force?” asked Governor Staley.

“Twenty dreadnoughts and eighty battlecruisers,” replied Derrick. “I believe we can spare that many, and it will be a gesture of good faith to those fifteen races.”

“What do you think, Prince Andrew?” asked Governor Staley.

Andrew took a deep breath. He wanted the council to make this decision. “I think we need as much help in this war as possible.”


The Imperial Council spent nearly an hour making plans, until everyone was satisfied they had something that would work. Then they called the representatives back in.

“We have reached a decision,” announced Chancellor Stein. “We will, indeed, form a mutual defense alliance, and, maybe later on, we can expand upon that to include trade and other items.” He noticed the relieved look on all the representatives’ faces. “Here’s what we’re willing to offer. First, enough defensive grid elements to protect all of your homeworlds. The rest of your worlds will be up to you to furnish what will be needed to protect them. We will also place a heavy task group of twenty dreadnoughts and eighty battlecruisers in your region of space, to assist if the Confederation attacks. We do have one important question. How many warships do you have and how powerful are they?”

Visth representative Stralon Karn stood and looked at the Imperial Council. “Some of us have been building warships in secret for years. Currently we have 1,200 light units, which could be classified as light cruisers. We have 212 medium cruisers and 72 battlecruisers.”

Chancellor Stein looked at the Visth representative Stralon Karn in disbelief. “How can you have so many ships?”

“We fifteen races have been planning on leaving the Confederation for nearly two hundred years. We have been careful to keep our warship construction a complete secret. If the Confederation found out, the repercussions would have been horrendous. We also have a quite a few defensive grid elements already built as well.”

Stein looked over at Derrick to get his response.

“That sounds like a good-size fleet, but I doubt if you’ve had time to train your crews properly. I’ll get the heavy task force organized as soon as possible, and they can help your fleet learn basic battle maneuvers and repair drills. In a few months we can have them up to Empire standards and ready to meet any Confederation incursion into your space.”

“That sounds great,” replied Stralon Karn. “We have four fleet admirals, as we have our ships set up in four large task groups. We welcome any assistance you can furnish us.”

For the next several hours the council members asked the various races represented here what their level of technology was and how prepared they were for war. Both sides had questions they wanted answered. When it was all over, a document was put together, which everyone signed, setting up the Empire’s first alliance with alien races. Definitely a step in the right direction.


When the meeting was over, Chancellor Stein stood near Derrick, as the fifteen alien representatives filed from the room. “I’ll let you explain to the High Princess what we’ve

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