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watched him pile a small wedge of baguette with a piece of white cheddar and a slice of pear, and take a bite. It was crazy, but even the movement of his jaw while he chewed was unbelievably sexy. And right now, after he’d just pointed out the pitfalls of her idea, his sexiness annoyed her.

She huffed out an exasperated breath and looked toward the sky.

The sunset was beautiful, all pink and purple and golden. The rays kissed his honey blond hair, giving him an adonis-like glow that put the twilight to shame. He was so freaking handsome.

“Isaac, I don’t want this to be a problem between us.”

He slowly turned toward her, reaching out to caress her sore cheek.

“This is not a problem, darlin’. You’re just quietly blowing my mind, becoming the badass I’ve always suspected you to be, that’s all.”

Her smile was slow, and she could feel it splitting her face in two.

“You say the sweetest, most romantic things, Ike Taylor.”



“Nonsense. What the hell do I know about romance?”

Sidney looked around at their sunset backyard picnic.

“I’d say you know a lot more than you think.”

“I just like to do stuff to put a smile on that beautiful face. Is that romance?”

“I think that qualifies.” Sidney smiled and leaned in for a kiss.

What was meant to be a sweet meeting of the lips turned fevered and urgent in an instant. His mouth tasted like pears, and their tongues danced and twirled.

She felt Ike’s fingers slip into her mass of curls, his hand cradling the back of her head. His other hand snaked around her waist, gently pulling her closer as the kiss deepened.

Before she knew what was happening, Sidney was on her back on the soft blanket, and they were making out like a couple of teenagers. He nibbled on her bottom lip while their hands explored each other’s bodies like it was all new.

She shivered when his lips moved around the rim of her ear and then down to her neck, and her fingers trembled as she fumbled with the hem of his t-shirt, searching for warm flesh.

Isaac groaned when she made contact with his skin, and Sidney smiled. The bulge in his jeans became insistent, and Sidney rocked her hips forward, craving the friction.

One large hand reached beneath her t-shirt and cupped a needy breast. Sidney whimpered as his lips found hers again. He rolled a nipple between his fingers and Sidney’s back nearly bowed off the blanket.

The movement must have stirred something within him, because his lips left hers and he pushed her t-shirt up, exposing her breast. His lips replaced his fingers, sucking her nipple in forcefully. Sidney cried out, rocking her hips against him. Her fingers tightened around strands of his hair, and she pushed her breast closer into his face.

She had no clue how long the sweet torture went on. All she knew for certain was that dusk was giving way to darkness when the mouth at her breast slipped away, leaving her bereft. Isaac looked down into her eyes.

“We should probably stop before we go further than the doctor recommended, huh?”

It took a few seconds for his words to make sense in her dazed mind.

“Hmm?” Still panting, she searched his eyes. “Oh. Yeah. Probably so.”

With a parting kiss, he sat up and ran a hand through his hair.

“Well, I guess we should get the remnants of dinner inside and put away.”

Sidney sat up and straightened her shirt.

“Yeah, let’s do that.”

They stood and Ike gathered up the charcuterie board and the champagne bucket, and Sidney folded the blanket and snatched up the glasses and followed him inside.

In the kitchen they put away the leftovers, and Isaac grabbed her hand and pulled her in for a quick turn around the kitchen.

Sidney giggled at him.

“What are you doing?”


“But there’s no music, Ike.”

He pulled out and twirled her under his arm, bringing her back in close.

“Maybe not. But I figure I need to get in all the practice I can before our wedding.”

Sidney grinned up at him.

“You want to dance at our wedding?”

“Of course. Don’t you?”

“Well, yes, I do. But I didn’t think you would. I mean, I know how problematic that could be for you.”

“I know. But I was hoping maybe we could work around that. Like maybe… I don’t know. Maybe we could dance to a few songs before we open up the dance floor to everybody else? That way, it wouldn’t be so hazardous for me.”

Sidney smiled. “I love that idea.”


“Yes. It’s perfect. And I love that you want to dance at our wedding. I know that’s something you’re doing for me, and I love you for it.”

“It’s not just for you, Sid.”



He gave her that bashful I’m-about-to-bare-my-soul-to-you look that she loved, and Sidney gave him her undivided attention.

“See, the truth is… until that night when you made me dance with you here in the kitchen…”


He hesitated, like he was trying to find the right words.

“Well… until that night, I had never danced before.”


“Nope. I mean, you were right, I’d always wanted to. I love music, I always have. But I also knew that, for me, dancing was just too risky. I couldn’t risk someone accidentally touching me or brushing up against me.”

He sounded so forlorn, and Sidney touched his face.

“Anyway… after that night when you made me dance with you, I realized how much I enjoyed it. Moving my body so freely. It was incredible, Sidney. And you gave that to me.”

He stared down into her eyes with such reverence, and Sidney’s heart felt like it might explode with love.

“So, yeah. I want us to carve out a small block of time where we can dance to a few songs at our wedding without the worry of anyone else being on the dance floor with us.”

“Consider it done.”

She stood on her tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

“Come on.” Still holding her hand, he led her from the kitchen, turning off the light as they went.

“Where are we going now?”

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