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man’s tone was suddenly harsh, all civility gone.

“It was the logical place to begin our investigation, sir.”

“And did you get what you wanted? Was she able to answer your questions?”

He glared at Isaac.

Isaac calmly studied his face.

“You know that she wasn’t.”

“No, she wasn’t. So your next step was to come harass me, is that it?”

“You’re first on our list to speak with. I’m sure you can figure out why.”

Paul suddenly stood and swiveled around, clutching the back of the camel-colored leather chair like he was trying to rein in his anger.

“I’m sorry, Detectives, but you won’t see me mustering up any sympathy for the animals who raped my daughter and killed her spirit. They may as well have cut her heart out that night. The end result was the same. You say they’re dead now? Well, I say hallelujah! They got what they deserved.”

Isaac stared at him, sizing him up. Paul Camden was of medium height and build, and even though his anger and righteous indignation would’ve carried him far, Isaac couldn’t see him performing the acts necessary to kill their three victims. Not alone anyway.

“Sit down, Mr. Camden.”

“Why are you here, Detectives? Do you think I killed those boys?”

“Sit. Down. Mr. Camden.”

The man stared at him for a long moment. Then he sighed, and his shoulders fell at least a foot. He maneuvered around to the seat of the chair and slumped down onto it.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell. I just get so angry when I think about what they did. How they hurt my baby girl.”

Paul broke down into tears, and Isaac took a deep breath, mentally pushing the profound sorrow away. He began building a wall with concrete blocks in his mind. It was a technique his grandad had taught him. A trick to keep other people’s emotions from overpowering his own.

It was the part of his psychic abilities that disturbed him the most — well, besides the telekinesis, of course — the excessive sense of empathy he felt when other people’s emotions were running high.

He quietly cleared his throat and addressed Paul Camden again.

“Mr. Camden, I’m going to be straight with you right now. Because of the particularly brutal nature of these murders, we believe that someone close to Amber is the killer.”

Paul Camden’s head jerked up and he stared at him.

“So, you’re here to what? To arrest me? But I haven’t done anything!”

“We’re here to ask where you were on these dates, at these times.”

He tore a page from the small notebook he carried, and slid it across the table. The estimated times of death for each of the three victims. Paul picked up the paper and studied the dates and times. His gaze bounced between Isaac and Pete.

“Well, these times are all middle of the night. I was home each night.”

“Anyone that can corroborate that for us?”

“My wife.”

Isaac nodded. Not a great alibi.

“Did you and your wife watch any TV on those nights? Make any phone calls, or have any contact with others during those times?”

“No, we usually turn in around 11 most nights. They were normal nights… nothing unusual or different.”

“And you don’t know of anyone who might’ve been angry enough to go after the men who raped your daughter and got away with it?”

Paul hesitated.

“I can’t say that. I mean, honestly? We were all angry when those jackasses got off scot free. Carl and I don’t usually agree on much, but I’ll tell ya… that day we were both so angry. If Judith hadn’t talked us down, I think we might’ve collaborated on a little payback.”

“And Carl is Amber’s step-father?”

“Yeah. Carl Maddison. Judith married him about two years after our divorce. Much as I hate it, he’s been a really good step-father to my kids.”

“Who else was angry enough to join that collaboration?”

“Everyone. My sons. My brothers. Judith. My wife, Lisa. We were all ready to lash out.”

“But no one acted on it back then?”


“So, why do you think someone waited over four years for their revenge, Mr. Camden?”

Paul looked Isaac in the eyes.

“No. What you’re saying can’t be right. My family was devastated when those boys got off four years ago. And Amber never spoke another word, Detective. Not one word. But we all rallied around her, we didn’t go off planning the ultimate revenge. No one in my family did this. They couldn’t have.”

“Not even Amber’s older brothers, or the step-father who was angry enough to join forces with you when the verdict came down?”

“No! My sons wouldn’t do this. Please… don’t speak with them. It was hard enough on them when this happened. Please don’t open up those old wounds.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Camden, but we have to speak with everybody close to Amber. And we would appreciate it if you did not call and warn them that we’re coming.”

Isaac stood, prompting the others to follow suit.

“We’ll be in touch, sir. Don’t leave town. We’d hate to have to track you down if we have more questions.”

Pete handed the man a card. “If you think of anything that might be useful, give us a call.”

They left the building and climbed back into their car.

“What’s your gut saying?” Isaac asked.

Pete sighed. “I don’t think he did it.”

“I don’t either.”

“But he did get nervous when you suggested his sons may have something to do with this.”

“I caught that too. Either he knows something outright, or he’s just genuinely scared that his sons may have done this.”

“On to the sons then. Who do we take first?”

“They’re fairly close together in location. Might as well hit Fairfax first.”

Isaac pulled into traffic and navigated away from downtown, heading for the Fairfax suburb. As he drove, something occurred to him. He shot a glance Pete’s way.

“You know, Fairfax is awfully close to University Circle, where body number one was found.”

Pete glanced at him and nodded. “It is. And Wade Park, where body number two was discovered, is a mere mile away.”

Isaac stopped at a red light and glanced around the intersection.

“Body number three was

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