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Book online «Rayna's Sacrifice (The Katori Chronicles Book 3) A. Lombardo (best smutty novels txt) 📖». Author A. Lombardo

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spotted a change. The moves increased in complexity. Balance-challenging poses worked Kai’s core. Basil shifted his posture. A grin curled the corner of his mouth as he lowered into a deep squat.

Basil shifted one leg out straight, his toe pointed away, his body perched over the bent knee. Arms outstretched for balance, Basil held his pose. His grin was rewarded with the toppling of three young boys.

“Balance and control. Use your core muscles. Find your center.” Basil held his pose while the boys regained their posture. “Don’t forget to breathe.” He moved into the next position. Again, they fell to the side. “Try a simpler pose, boys.”

Basil altered his stance. The boys found that easier. “Next time, pull up into the more challenging pose. Ease back if you must, but always push forward to strengthen your body and mind.”

Each pose flowed into the next, meant to work the core. High leg lifts, sweeping arm movements, and warrior poses worked the extremities. Pose combinations slowly flowed one into another, first increasing in complexity then melding into simplicity. Riome had worked many of these same movements into their rotation.

Her methods taught him balance. She insisted on precise yet fluid movements. Focused on the flow, you freed the mind. Many of those same movements were applied in the art of defensive fighting. Riome’s lessons served him well in following Basil.

The practice reminded him of home. Kai wondered about his friends. They each risked their families and their reputations to help him across Baden Lake, then returned against their better judgment. Their sacrifice made it possible for him to pursue his desires; a choice, he hoped, would lead him to his mother. It plagued him not knowing their fates.

Kai would need to speak with Haygan. He wanted to find a way to get news to Dresnor that he and Rayna were safe and healthy. His father would want to hear something before summer ended. Plus, it would be good to know if there was any fallout from his departure.

Dante might be livid they borrowed his ship, but Kai was sure the Grand Duke would be more concerned he left Diu and his men abandoned their posts. All things considered, Kai was thankful the vessel had not been severely damaged in the crossing. At least Cazier was aware of where they had gone. Hopefully, his cousin could soften the tension Kai’s unapproved absence would create.

Again, his mind took over his focus. Fortunately, Basil took them through a series of cool-down moves, similar to the beginning. A delicate night breeze brought the scent of honeysuckle. Kai’s mind returned to his meditation movements. Basil concluded his body, mind, and spirit workout with a bow to the group. The group returned the sentiment, bowing to their teacher. Finished, the young boys ran to Basil, happy they were old enough to attend his nightly practice.

Watching Basil, Kai sensed a humble man. If Kai were to find a teacher, he could not go wrong with Basil. The blue crystal around his neck said he was a Beastmaster. Surely, he would be a good fit. There was no way to know if Benmar would take him.

Unsure about his own gift, Kai fingered the white crystal that hung around his neck. Although he had a knack with animals, there was no guarantee that would be his gift. Kai needed to select a mentor. He shook his head as he left the Agora. Soon. Soon he would select someone. He felt called to Benmar, but was unsure given he was Keegan’s father. Would he be a good fit?

Kai walked home in the darkness. The occasional blue and white crystals provided ambient lighting along the path. The white marble was still warm under his feet. The sounds of crickets and frogs hypnotized him with their charm. Ahead he saw Smoke cut through the grass towards Haygan’s treehouse.

Behind him, he heard the pitter-patter of bare feet rushing to catch up with him. “Beautiful night,” Senina whispered on the wind.

“You are out late,” Ciera added.

“Can we walk with you?” Linnea asked.

“Certainly, ladies, though I don’t have far to go. I believe you live back near the Agora. What brings you down this way?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

Linnea bowed respectfully. “We came to extend an offer.”

Ciera leaned into his arm. “Ask you, if you have selected…”

“…a teacher,” Senina concluded, grabbing his other arm.

He shook his head at the round-robin way they spoke. It was as if they shared one mind with three voices. “I have received many offers these past few days. Thank you for yours, but I am not sure who I will choose. Basil is a possibility.”

Linnea stepped ahead of them. “Well, there is no rush.”

“We are patient and understanding.” Senina circled in front of him, pushing her sister out of the way.

Kai stopped to keep from bumping into Senina. Ciera poked her finger into his chest. “You could do worse in selecting your first mentor.”

Senina stepped forward inches from his face. “We’ve had three teachers.”

Annoyed, Kai stepped around Senina. “I hate to rush off, but it is late. Thank you again. I will certainly consider your offer.” He wanted distance. Room to breathe.

Senina reached for his shoulder. “We leave tomorrow for the coast.”

“Come with us,” Ciera begged.

“There is much more to see in Katori,” Linnea assured him.

Kai hesitated. He wanted to see the shore, maybe even travel to the Mystic Islands, but he had to stay focused. He needed to find a teacher so he could hone his powers and save his mother. “Sounds lovely, but I have much to do here before I begin to explore Katori. Thank you, ladies. Goodnight.” He dashed off before they could say more.

When Kai reached Haygan’s home, the stairwell was just starting to dim after his uncle’s ascent. Quickly he climbed the spiral vine-covered tunnel. Flowers and vines bloomed around him. At the top, he found everyone perched on cushions around a central illuminated blue crystal. The main pod was aglow with white and blue flowers.


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